Disclaimer: I do not own all suggestions here, but I own some of them.
Note: I can think of more dares than truths sorry...
Do you sing in the shower?
If you were a [insert opposite gender here], would you like [insert name of same gender bestfriend here]?
(The classic...) Do you like [insert a certain someone here]?
If you were to write a cheesy love poem, which straight girl/boy around your age would you give it to? (The details are important because they might say 'my mom' or 'my sister' etc.)
Who is the guy/girl you like-like and why?
What is the most embarassing moment of your life?
Who has the oiliest face in this room?
Have you ever broken the school rules? If yes, what happened?
Have you experienced your first kiss? If yes, describe your feelings.
Do you enjoy this game?
What was your latest dream?
When was the last time you wet your bed?
What are some nicknames your mother calls you?
Have you ever peed in a pool?
If you were given a choice, whose soul would you manipulate?

Pour Ice down your shirt.
(for boys:) Sing the song 'Baby' loudly in front of the person you like.
(for girls:) Sing the song 'The Best Of Both Worlds' with dance steps.
Lick the shoe of the person beside you.
Make up a song and immediately sing it.
Wear a Bunny Suit and dance like a chicken.
(girls only:) unbutton the first two buttons in the shirt of the one you like. (just TWO!!!)
Smell the hair of the one you like and describe it. 
Call a random number and say "Will you marry me?"
Sing 'Tik Tok' with dance steps you just made (girls AN'D boys)
Lick the floor. And the doorknob. And the notebook of the one you like. 
Say 'J'aime manger le poo de vache!' You're lucky if none of your friends know French.
Babble about what comes first: the chicken or the egg--in any language, except english, you want.
Stand in you front yard, wave and say 'Hi!' to everyone you see.
Whenever someone says 'the', laugh out loud.
Call a random number and break down crying, telling the person how hurt you are.
Call your crush and explain to him the rules of Monopoly. 
Ask a neighbor for a roll of toilet paper.
Call a random number and tell him the story 'Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs.'
Break Down crying in front of your neighbor and complain about a senseless thing.
Continuously talk for three minutes without stopping.
Snort. LOUDLY.
Tell us your best joke.
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All writings, drawings, plots, and quotes mentioned here are owned by Keiko Sakura, except those containing disclaimers.

All animes mentioned in this blog are not owned by Keiko Sakura. All names in stories, save for the anime ones, have been thought of randomly and are not implying anything.