Um, okay. Yeah... soo... I'm going to write drabbles about Bunny Boy getting embarassed. :))) Don't get me wrong. I love Ruka-pyon, but I just love embarassing him. Teehee~ Sadist? If you say so. Now, without further ado...

WARNING: Different Timelines. Refer to the ending credits.

A young man walked through the Northern Forest, inhaling the sweet scent of Mother Nature. Everything's at peace. Just like it should be. Nogi Ruka smiled. No one could ruin this perfect moment. He could feel the trees singing a soundless lullaby as the grass swayed with the wind to the beat. The birds, peaceful and quiet, listened to the sound of Mother Nature.

And then and there, Ruka decided to sing. He didn't even mind thinking of what he was singing. Before her knew it, he was dancing to the tune of 'Baby' by Justin Beiber. And mysteriously, theirwas background music. He didn't mind it until..


He didn't even have to look behind him.


Two days later...

"OH MY GOSH! Ruka-kun looks so cute dancing to JB's song!!"

And the head-banging began. (Meaning: Ruka began banging his head on his table. Credits to
Kairu. I got this idea from her. The head-banging, I mean)



"Je vous aime, le poussin!!" Ruka shouted at Piyo.


'I love you, chick.'



"AH, you are half-french?" Mrs. Imai asked. It was his big day. Wait--No. Not that big day. the
one when the daughter introduces her boyfriend to her parents (a/n: I love those days~) And
Ruka was trying his very best for Hotaru's parents not to hate him.

For Mrs. Imai, it was her time to boast about her French. "Est-ce que votre mère est le français ?"
[Is your mother French?]

Ruka smiled and replied, "Oui. Ma mère est née dans la ville à couper le souffle de Strasbourg."
[Yes. My mother was born in the breath-taking city of Strasbourg]

"Would you two quit acting like we're in French? We'r in Japan, for Pete's sake!" Hotaru
exclaimed, obviously tired of listening to the supposedly language of love.

Mrs. Imai took this chance to tease her daughter. "Pourquoi ? La Langue française est belle.
Droit, Ruka ?"

Hotaru glared at her boyfriend, giving him the 'if-you-say-yes-we're-over' signal. Ruka
sweatdropped. Who was he going to choose?

Thus, he made an excuse. "J'ai vraiment besoin de faire pipi. Désolé."

Then he scurried off leaving a staring mother and an amused daughter in the Imai living room.

"I really need to pee. Sorry."


It was one of those days when Hotaru was having trouble in the French language and Ruka, being the
good boyfriend he is, agreed to help her.

"Okay, let's go over that again," Ruka offered. "Please introduce yourself in french."

Hotaru sighed. "Mon nom est Hotaru Imai. Je vais à l'Académie d'Alice au Japon. J'ai seize ans. Mon
alice est Nanotechnology ou communément connu comme l'Invention Alice." [My name is Hotaru Imai. I
go to Alice Academy in Japan. My alice Nanotechnology or commonly known as the Invention Alice]

"Très bon!" Ruka said, "You're a fast learner, Hotaru."

"Yeah, yeah. Are we done yet?" Hotaru said, obviously lacking interest in the subject.

Ruka pouted. "You know, if you actually like the subject, it would be much easier."

Hotaru raised her eyebrow. "Yeah, but, I don't like it. Deal with it."

Ruka sighed. "Okay then. Let's have a French COnversation!"

"After that, will we be done?" Hotaru asked.

Ruka smiled. She looks just like a kindergarter. 'So cute'

"Only if you get it correct."

Hotaru, who had previously lying on the couch, sat upright, ready for anything. Ruka smiled at that.

"Ainsi comment avez-vous été ? Nous ne nous sommes pas vus dans une longue période." Ruka said. [So
how are you? We haven't seen each other in along time]

Hotaru replied, "Je suis parfait." [I'm fine.]

Ruka smiled. "Comment est vos affaires ? J'ai entendu dire que c'était très réussi." [How's your business?
I heard it was very successful.]

Hotaru smirked. She wanted to have fun. "Mes affaires sont parfaites. Comment sont les gamins ?" [My
business is fine. -----------------"

She then picked up her things, sure that she impressed her tutor. Only when Ruka heard the door close,
did he snap out of shock.

"How are the kids?"




A twenty-nine-year-old Imai Hotaru grunted. She knew that is was again 'teach-the-kids-french' time.
Why do they even need to teach the kids the French Language? It's not as if they'll be living in France in a
year. What's worse, it's her time. Her husband, Nogi Ruka, announced that once a week, one of them are
going to teach the children the "beautiful language of French" to the children. His reason?

"Their grandmother is French, Hotaru! They should know about their roots, you know? They might even
like it. Other than that, they have something to brag about to their friends."

Hotaru sighed. 'I think he wants to brag about his French-speaking-children to his friends."

annoying voice of his husband called.

Hotaru muttered, "I knew I shouldn't have married him."

As soon as she went down, stepped on the first floor, her two kids went rushing over to her.

"Momma, Takeru kicked me!" A small girl with curly blond hair said, pulling her skirt. Her eyes were the
elegant color of violet. She was wearing a simple pink dress with a jacket over it. She had a magenta
headband on her head and her eyes, full of tears.

"But Masako stepped on my foot!" An angry boy with messy raven hair accused. His eyes were bluish-
purplish and he didn't wear any slippers. He was wearing an orange shirt and small cargo pants.

"No I didn't!"

"Yes you did!"

A vein popped in Hotaru's head. SHe was having a lot problems already. Must they fight every day?

"Shut up, the two of you." She warned, "I already have a headache. I don't need another one."

The two immediately grew silent, but still glared at each other. They understood that their mother was
only like this on Sundays [French Day] and also understood why.

"Ah, you're here." The three of them turned their gazes at the back door, which had just closed. A blond
young man emerging from it.

He asked the kids, "Are you ready for French Day?"

"Yes!" Masako cheered while Takeru just nodded.

Ruka patted his wife's shoulder and said, "Try not to kill them."

Hotaru rolled her eyes as he went upstairs to do who-knows-what.

Then an idea popped into Hotaru's head. She smirked.

An hour later...

Masako and Takeru burst into their father's room with "DADDY!! We need to ask you a questiooon!"

Ruka faced his two children with a smile, "What is it?"

Masako asked, shoving a paper, into his hands excitedly, "What does this mean?"

He looked at the paper. There, in neat writing was:

French Assignment.
Instructions: You may ask help from othe
r people from this house except the one who made this. Failure to translate this simple sentence will
result to the retiring of your teacher. If you somehow successfully answer it, I'll give you both a lollipop.

La mort est un des nombreux services que j'offre, le cher mari.
He stared at the pap
er for a few seconds, before taking into account what it meant. He decided.

"Death is one of the many services I offer,dear husband."

After that incident, they never had French day ever again to the confusion of the two children. [who
secretly searched up the answer in the net and gasped at the  result.]

A/n: haha. That's all for now~ I had fun making this. Didn't you notice that it was usually Hotaru
who made Ruka do those things. Anyway, here are the timelines:

Ichi- when Ruka and Hotaru were both sixteen years old.

Ni- Short, ne? Haha. Well, this happened when Hotaru and Ruka were sixteen year old as well.

San- when they left the academy and ruka went to meat Hotaru's parents--I mean, her mother.
Since his dad is at work. they're both twenty years old.

Shi- They were seventeen years old. I don't know if we have French subject in Philippines, but I
know they have that in America. I don't know if they have it in Japan though...

Gou- I think the ages are already said. About their children, Masako's seven and Takeru's eight.
Oh, I didn't mention Ruka's? Well, he was 29.

Hope you enjoyed it!

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All writings, drawings, plots, and quotes mentioned here are owned by Keiko Sakura, except those containing disclaimers.

All animes mentioned in this blog are not owned by Keiko Sakura. All names in stories, save for the anime ones, have been thought of randomly and are not implying anything.