Konnichiwa, minna! It's me agaiN~ (obviously. It's MY blog) And I'm here to make another useless drabble~~ I don't really know where it's going, but whatever! Drabbles aren't meant to think about. :) It's an OC fic. Featuring Kairu and Natsuki and me~ :PWe're real people, but hey, it won't hurt...Right?

"Keiko, where are we going?" A fifteen year-old blonde asked her friend, who was currently pulling her to who-knows-where.

Keiko stopped and let go of Natsuki's wrist. "I told you! It's a surprise!"

Natsuki said, panting, "I'm tired! How could you run so fast!?"

Keiko, an attractive girl by the age of fourteen, looked at her watch and said, "No time for questions. We're gonna be late!"

"What?" Natsuki asked, "Late for--WOah!! Stoop! Keiko!"

Two minutes later, an exhausted Natsuki and a beaming Keiko arrived in front of an-obviously-getting-imaptient girl, who was obviously getting imaptient. (A/n: redundant, I know.)

"Ah, is this Natsuki?" Kairu asked. Then she focused on Keiko, "You're late."

Keiko grinned. "Je suis désolé ainsi. C'était la faute de tout le Natsuki. Elle est un coureur si lent."

Kairu raised an eyebrow. "Keiko, I told you to stop speaking in French."

"You cant't tell me what to do." Keiko said, crossing her arms.

"Keiko... I'm going to... collapse..." Natsuki said, her body leaning on air. Keiko looked at her.

"Natsuki, you should really get out more." Keiko commented, "Wanna come with me sometimes to--"

"NO!" Natsuki immediately shouted, "I'm fine. I'm fine. I don't need to work out."

Keiko raised an accusing eyebrow, but shook it off. Then she introduced her two friends.

Natsuki was a girl of art. She loved drawing and sketching. She had at least twenty sketchpads in her house. She even saved up her money to buy a canvas and paint. Her eyes were colored blue and always shone. She had a carefree personality and hated excercising. Her straight yellow hair was tied in a long ponytail and she was wearing a simple green dress under a pink jacket. She also wore sandals without any heels. She was obviously tired, because, as Keiko said, she doesn't get out much. She usually locked herself in her room, drawing.

Kairu was a mature girl. She was already sixteen years old, but was still classmates with Keiko [fourteen]. She was very smart and loved writing fanfics. I think she's also part of the tennis club..? I'm not very sure. Her long hair was down, only with a purple headband. She wore a tartan vest over her Korean-like clothing. She also enjoyed watching Korean shows. Her very colorful attire was not a surprise for her friend, because Keiko knew she was obssessed with Korean. If I remember correctly, she was half Korean herself.

Keiko was a very unpredictable girl. Her hobby-for-the-moment is learning French. But no doubt, she'll move on to another language soon. She loved annoying the hell out of people and she believed in the saying 'No one can boss me around. Except my mom.' Her creative mind was always full of crazy ideas for her stories. She loves chicken. She tied her curly hair into a high ponytail and was wearing a magenta shirt with some flowery designs and a plaid skirt with leggings.

"So, Keiko, why again did you bring us here?" Kairu asked.

"Um..." Keiko pondered. "Does everything have to have a reason? Why is the world here? Why do we exist? WHy can't all people appreciate French?"

Natsuki said, "Translation: She doesn't have a reason."

Kairu sighed. She was watching a brand new show! She only obliged to come because of Keiko's annoying--I mean, persistence.

"Hey, let's go to the amusement park!" Keiko announce.

"Keiko, we don't have an amusement park."

Woah. that was so weird. I don't know what kairu's character's hair color is so I didn't mention it. I'm also still contemplating of what my chara's hair color is, so I'll leave it blank for now. And I was the one who drew Natsuki's chara so I know exactly what it looks like. :)
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All writings, drawings, plots, and quotes mentioned here are owned by Keiko Sakura, except those containing disclaimers.

All animes mentioned in this blog are not owned by Keiko Sakura. All names in stories, save for the anime ones, have been thought of randomly and are not implying anything.