I haven't posted for a while--Okay, you got me. Not really a while. Two days, to be exact. I'm just having... you know, Writer's Block. (as usual) And school's starting soon. So I won't be able to post from about June 13 to Friday that week. I can only use the computer on weekends and Fridays... So... I'm going to give you this:

Note: This is a not a fanfic, nor a story with Japan as setting. It is one of my oldest fics and I think it's situated in the Philippines. I also do not think I will be able to update this in a while.

My Stories
There are indeed many unusual things in our world.

 Scientists have been trying to discover one thing after another.

Leaders have been acknowledging their discoveries.

People use these.

 But everything starts with the basic things.

Why do we keep underestimating the people who carry our things when we move, the people who collect trash?

Why, if they never existed, we'd all be thin of carrying our furniture from one place to another or worse, our houses would smell like canals.

We make fun of them, and don't you dare disagree.

They say they are not like other people.

They say they are not selfish.

 So they go from top to bottom of the world to help the poor. I wouldn't call that kind. "We have all the money we have so why don't they give about 1/8 to the poor? Plus, we'll get famous for helping them" I bet that's what they're thinking in their mischevious little minds.

Well, I can see right through your facade. So just be careful, because when I see one flaw in your work, I will not hesitate to bring you down.

Chapter 1: Finally Summer!

Finally I get to go home and not care about homework for 2 months! I've been waiting for this
day since, oh, I don't know, June? My brother is in summer camp, parents touring Hong Kong
and my favorite aunt, Aunt Trisha is going to look after us. Yes. Us.I have two more sisters. One
older, one younger. I don't really care. We get along. Well, most of the time.

I don't know how this summer'll get better! I already earned the privilege of a new laptop,
because I worked studiously hard during school days. So, now all my hard work will pay off.
First, I decided to eat. I knew that dinner was only two hours away, but I was really, really
hungry. So, I made a sandwich and brought it upstairs. Sandra and Jessica were arguing about
what show to watch.

Sandra, the older one, said, "I'm the oldest and I'm in charge, Jessy! Now, give me that

Jessica complained, "You always get to watch what you want!"

I sighed as they didn't even notice me and proceeded to my room. Not even their bickering is
gonna ruin my good mood! And I'm kinda used to them fighting about anything and everything. I
changed to normal clothes and turned on my BRAND NEW laptop, while eating my sandwich.
Turns out, only one of my friends are online. I decided to IM her.

IamMe: Hi, Jasmine. Enjoying your summer?

Edward4Ever: Ugh. Not really. My dad's forcing me to go with him to the park to jog. I mean,
can't he see how THIN I am already? What about you? I bet Jessy and Sandra are fighting

IamMe: You are so right. About both I mean. You should tell your dad to take John (his brother)
instead. So they could have some Man to Man time. And Sandra and Jessy's fighting is NOT
ruining my mood.

Edward4Ever: Wow.Summer has really boosted your brain and your... what do you call it,
optimism? Nancy.You know what, I am gonna do that right now. Also, it would be payback for
John's vandalization to my room yesterday.

IamMe: It's vandalism.

Edward4Ever: When have I ever consulted a dictionary?

IamMe: Haha. You've got a point there.Oh and by the way, did you see what happened to

Edward4Ever: I didn't see it, but Lily told me all about it!. Serves her right.

IamMe: I kinda feel sorry for her. I mean, is she really that bad that a bird will 'accidentally' poop
exactly on her head?

Edward4Ever: Yes, she is that bad and what are you implying? Are you saying that I, Jasmine
Rivers, PAID someone to do that?

IamMe: Oh, so you paid him.

Edward4Ever: I didn't do it!!! And who's him?

IamMe: I caught the culprit, but he doesn't look like someone who has a grudge against Jane.
He looks like someone who can be tricked to do something. So, you bribed him...

Edward4Ever: How could you? I thought you were my friend!

IamMe: Jaz, I am not Courtney and you cannot affect me with you "how-could-you" act

Edward4Ever: Alright. I did it.

IamMe: I knew it! Oh, my new cat, Sarah, is going to fall off the bed!! Hold on for five minutes.

I caught Sarah just in time. We got her from our cousin, Annie. Annie developed an allergy to
cats and was forced to give Sarah to us. Thank you, allergy! Not that I want Annie to have an
allergy. I just wanted the cat. Well, I went back to the laptop.

IamMe: I'm back

Edward4Ever: You have a cat. Named Sarah?

IamMe: Yeah. Why?

Edward4Ever: Who named the cat?

IamMe: Uhm...My cousin. Why? What's wrong with 'Sarah'?

Edward4Ever: Well...Remember that girl who used to hate you in 5th grade? Um.. She was the
one who put ants in your lunch.. remember?

IamMe: Oh my gosh. Her name was Sarah, wasn't it?

Edward4Ever: Yeah...but who cares? Your cousin probably had nothing to do with it. Maybe she
just thought 'Sarah' is a cute name.It's not like the name will bring some bad luck. That's

IamMe: Yeah. That's absolutely right! My cat's name has nothing to do with ants...

Edward4Ever: Well, I need to go now. It's dinnertime

IamMe: Okay. Bye

I sighed and watched as she became offline. Then, I took a quick glance at my cat. Sarah was
happily playing with a small ball of yarn I gave her. How could this cute cat be compared to
that... ant-putter-in-my-lunch girl. I looked at the clock. 6:45. I still have 15 minutes. What should
I do? Then, I remembered promising my other bestfriend, Maria, that I would call her. Her
parents are always fighting and she's afraid they might divorce, so she really needs to talk to
someone right now. I raced to the phone passing Sandra and Jessy miraculously watching a
show together and NOT fighting. I smiled and proceeded to the phone which was in my
parents'-room-temporarily-Aunt-Trisha's-room. I dialled Maria's number and she answered with
a muffled voice. Maybe she's been crying. Again.

I apologised, "Maria, I'm sorry. For not calling a little earlier.I kinda... forgot.."

Maria, being the understanding and kind friend she is, said, "It's okay..."

Then, I kinda blurted out, "A-Are they fighting?"

She sobbed a little then answered, "Yes. And they.. They said something about... splitting up..."

I said, " You mean divorce? How could they do that? I mean, don't they think of you at all? I bet
they tried to keep it secret and didn't bother to ask for your opinion"

She slowly said, "Yes...It's somehow like that...But I don't really blame them.."

I asked, "Why are they thinking of divorcing anyway?"

She replied, "Umm... I kinda heard dad say that mom should get a job too. He said that it
shouldn't be only him to earn money for the family. He said that mom was being inconsiderate
just lying around the house...Then mom protested that she's the one who gets stuck cleaning
after me and...Rina(their dog)..and that he is the inconsiderate one.. Oh, Nancy, I don't know
what to do!"

I assured her, "Everything's gonna be alright. And don't think that it's your fault that they are
fighting. I know what you should do. You should explain to your parents what you're feeling. I
bet They'd understand. You are their wonderful daughter after all. If you want, I can even
accompany you. But just not on Thursdays. That's when I lie around all day doing nothing. Dad
says it's to rest your body."

Maria chuckled lightly then said, "Thanks. That makes a lot of sense. I'll try doing it. oh, and you
don't need to come with me. I'll do it myself"

I said, "Okay. Good luck, then, bye."

SHe answered, "Bye."

I sat there for a little while, trying to think. Maria's really nice. I don't know why she deserves
this. She's always the one trying to help us out, so I decided to help her. I can't just ignore her
when she's facing maybe one of the biggest problems in her life. That would make me a bad,
ignorant friend. She's an only child and one of the smartest at class.

Then Aunt Trisha said, disturbing my thoughts, "DINNER TIME! Come down here or I'll eat all

I laughed. Aunt Trisha probably CAN eat it all. Sandra and Jessy competed on the way down.
Of course, Sandra was first. While eating Sandra started a conversation.

She asked, "Nancy, did you watch Suite Life On Deck? It was hilarious."

I reminded her, "No. I used my brand new laptop. Oh, and what happened, anyway? Tell me."

She snorted, "You keep saying brand new laptop. Will you be saying that for the next five

Then, she started telling me about what today's episode of Suite Life On Deck was about. It
really was funny. Jessy butted in some of the parts and Sandra stared at her. That was another
reason why I laughed at times. Aunt Trisha didn't even try to fit in, because she learned(the hard
way) that she can't keep up with us.After about thirty minutes, we finished. DInner is usually the
time we tell each other about what happened today, but instead it turned into a Sandra-vs-Jessy
food contest. Because Sandra's older, she won. Jessy never complained about how her
competition is older than her. She still tried to win, but her efforts were futile. Still, I adore that
part of her. The part that doesn't care whoever she's competing with. Doesn't care if it isn't fair.
That part really is worth looking up to.

After dinner, I decided to think about what i'm gonna do tomorrow.

Maybe I'll convince Aunt Trisha to go to the mall, because even though I'm already in my 6th
year of gradeschool, my parents won't let me go outside by myself. I envy Sandra. She can go
anywhere she want as long as she goes bck before 5 o'clock, but she seldom goes out of the
house. Jessy says it's because she doesn't have any friends. I don't think that is the reason...

Chapter 2: False Alarm

I woke up the next morning and looked at my other two sisters. Our beds were right next to each
other and were seperated only by study tables. It looks like Sandra is already downstairs and
eating, while Jessy, is till sleeping like an...owl? Well, I don't really know how long an owl
sleeps, but judging on its being nocturnal, it has a longer time of sleeping. Wait, if that's true,
then bats sleep long too?

            Well, I hopped out of bed and fixed it. Then, as I went down I smelt a wonderful and
familiar smell. Pancakes. I always loved pancakes. Sandra said that when I was little I used to
gobble up about four pancakes and still asked for seconds. I don't believe that. i don't even
thinks that's possible. Sandra makes up a lot of stories. I remember that time she told me that
Santa Claus would get some pencils from bad kids after putting the gifts. Then, when Me and
Jessy checked our pencil cases, there were only 2 pencils left. After that, i discovered [by
staying up late] that Sandra was the one who stole our pencils. That's when i started doubting
her stories.
]           Well, I ate. AFter about five minutes, Jessy woke up. She looked sleepy at first then brightened up when she saw the pancakes.

Jessy exclaimed, "Pancakes! It's been such a long time since I tasted them!"

Then Sandra said, "You're so loud. Sit down and eat."

Aunt Trisha said, "Girls, don't fight in front of the food. It's bad manners."

Sandra and Jessy said in unison, "Yes, Aunt Trisha."

I smiled. It's just like when mom and dad are here. They always scold the two of them. We also
have an older brother. His name is

            George. He's in his first year of high school, Sandra is at her third and Jessy is in the fifth
grade, a year younger than me. George and Sandra get along well.Jessy likes sucking up to
mom and dad and I like minding my own business.

After breakfast, I was first in the bath. Then, I changed my clothes and watched TV. I scanned
through the channels until I saw a shocking Breaking News.

"There has been a fire in Ruby street."

Ruby Street was where my friend, Courtney, lived! I need to know more!

"The firemen arrived there at about two o'clock in the morning and claimed that they were called
by an elderly woman. They believe that the fire was started from a store at the far end of the
street and the cause is gas leakage."

I need to call Courtney right now. Just to see if she's okay. I went over to the phone and dialled
her number. A familiar voice answered.

"Hello? Johnson's residence."

I sighed in relief and said, "Courtney? It's me, Nancy."

She said, "Oh, hi, Nancy! Why'd you call?"

I said, "Well, um, was there a fire in your street at, I don't know, about two a.m.?"

Courtney replied, "Oh. That. Well, yes, but luckily it didn't reach our house."

I said, "That's great."

COurtney asked, "Is that all?"

I said, "Yeah...Well, bye."


I put down the phone and sighed again. I was so worried. I guess I was just being paranoid.
Sandra went up the stairs and sat beside me.

She asked, "What are you watching? News?"

I replied, "I just...saw something. I guess it was a false alarm. By the way, shouldn't you be
taking a bath now?"

She simply said, "Maybe.I bought another Cd the other day. It's about this family that's moving
to a new house. Then, they start experiencing spooky things. Wanna watch it?"

"Okay. But we better wait for Jessy." I said.

"No." she said, "She just put another five pancakes on her plate when I reached the stairs."

I laughed, "She never cares about her weight."

Then, the movie started. It was kinda scary. There were these scenes when something just
popped out of nowhere and I screamed at most of them. Sandra was a little bit braver, so she
just shuddered. Jessy arrived about halfway of the movie and sat down on my left. After a few
minutes, Jessy went to take a bath. She didn't even finish the movie while Sandra watched until
Auntie came up the stairs and ordered her to take a bath to which she responded with a groan
and stomping to the bathroom. I laughed. The movie was nearly ending and I wondered if I
should pause it. I decided not to. Besides, Sandra could always replay it. The ending was kinda
sad. One of the people got killed and joined the other ghosts in the house. The others moved to
their previous house and had the house demolished. But the movie says that the lot where the
house stands on was, after four years, built on again by another house. And a family moves in
again...And the cycle repeats itself. When I was seven, Sandra said I was always scared of
ghost movies until she showed me the benefits of ghost movies and explained that they weren't
real. But that's just another of Sandra's stories. I'm not really sure of they're true...

            Speaking of movies, I had a great idea! I ran to Auntie Trisha and pleaded for her to take
us to the mall. Then, we'll go our seperate ways and not  get lost.

She said, "No. Nancy, you know what happened last time, right? Your mom is going to kill me if
something happened to jessica."

I said, "Right. Jessica. Not me. That means, I'm going to be fine. You can stay with Jessica. I
just don't want to spend my whole summer locked up in here!"

Aunt Trisha said, "It's not so bad to be locked in here, Nancy."

I pleaded, "Please? I'll do anything! Except go with Jessy. Anything, but that!"

Aunt Trisha sighed, "Well, alright. But you have to go with Sandra."

Going with Sandra isn't so bad. Sandra's fun. Also, if she's in a good mood, which I know she is,
she's going to buy me something!

I said, "Okay." But I didn't sound super happy, or else Auntie may take back her word and
assign me to Jessy instead. I went to the other room, where Jessy was playing with her toys
(when will that girl ever grow up?) and told her to get dressed because we were going to the
mall. I also went and shouted through the door of the bathroom that to Sandra.

 A/n: Weird, I know. Sorry! GTG
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Just a Notice

All writings, drawings, plots, and quotes mentioned here are owned by Keiko Sakura, except those containing disclaimers.

All animes mentioned in this blog are not owned by Keiko Sakura. All names in stories, save for the anime ones, have been thought of randomly and are not implying anything.