a/n: I'm not sure of the Japanese meaning, but it's supposed to be "The Wonders of Snow" Though I'm pretty sure the French translation is correct. I think. Anyway, here's the story...

"QU'EST-CE qui arrive ici!?" Aiko's voice could be heard from a neighbor's house.

"Aiko, stop speaking in French!" Daiki exclaimed, "No one understands you and we're already in Japan!"

Aiko glared at him, obviously mad at him for scolding her. She was older after all. She crossed her arms
over her chest and looked away. Daiki sighed. She had always been a spoiled brat. She got everything she
wanted, but her parents decided to do something about it and sent her back to her hometown. Japan. And
the one in charge of the girl is Fuyuhiko Daiki, fiteen years old, goes to Sakurano High. He was supposed to
"turn her back to normal." Just like when they were kids. Unfortunately, she was in an accident and
completely forgotten about him.

Suddenly, they heard a familar grumble. Aiko stared at the brunette in front of him, totally calm even though
her stomach just grumbled.

"I demand you to buy me food." She demanded, that being her first Japanese in the whole day.

Daiki sighed for the nth time. This was going to be a long day.

"Quelle EST cette chos
e ? Comment travaille-t-il ? Je VOUS DEMANDE pour me dire comment cela travaille. Que ? Qu'attendez-
vous ? Hanoukka ?" Aiko shouted, pointing at the microwave machine.

Daiki walked over, angry that he had been woken up by some bratty french-speaking woman.

"This is a microwave," He explained, "You put a food inside and press these buttons. That's how it works.
And we don't celebrate hanukkah here."

Being the childhood friend of Aiko was a pain in the butt. He knew French. Heck, he's the most fluent in
French in his whole grade. But sometimes, he couldn't understand what the mad woman was talking about.
He only understood half of her rambles.

Aiko furrowed her eyebrows. "Comment se fait-il que vous ne parlez pas de français ? On m'a dit que vous
le comprenez et par les coups d'oeil de choses, vous FAITES. Donc je veux que vous parliez le français
avec moi désormais. Comprenez ?"

[How come you don't speak French? I was told you understand it and by the looks of things, you DO. So I
want you to speak French with me from now on. Understand?]

"Aiko, this is Japan," Daiki, obviously getting impatient, reasoned, "The language we use here is Japanese,
not French. I assume you know how to use it? You're fluent in fourteen languages, after all. And I'm not your

Aiko narrowed her eyes at him, trying to pretend to not understand, just so he would speak in French. She
found out glaring or bribery didn't affect him at all, so she decided to play weak. She had been brought to
Japan only to be insulted by this... this... citoyen. A person lower in rank than her is ordering her around.

She could not accept that.

Daiki seemed unaffected by her smoldering gaze as he ate his breakfast. He decided to cook it rather than
have his kitchen blown up. He also cooked the same for Miss-Spoiled-Brat. Not that he would call her that.
He would just get yelled at and seeing as he has no logical reason as to why he would call her that that would
be accepted by her parents, he decided against it.

"This food is horrible!" Aiko exclaimed earning a threatening glare from his childhood friend.

"It is not." Daiki defended.

"I am not eating it." AIko proclaimed.

'Surprise, surprise'

After eating breakfast, he went to his room. He still had some homework to do and there was school
tomorrow. He definitely didn't want to get scolded. Again.

He plopped in his chair and dragged it toward his study table. There, organized and labeled were his half-
finished homework. He shook of his lazy thoughts of discarding these and going back to sleep and started

"Que faites-vous ?" A soft voice coming from the doorway asked him. His left ear twitched, but he didn't
look. [What are you doing?]

He ignored Aiko and continued on doing his homework. Before he could write a word, a hand suddenly
appeared on the table, coming in contact with a loud 'BAM'. He groaned.

"I have asked a question," Aiko said, narrowing her eyes, "And you have not answered it."

He glared at her. He had been putting up with her arrogance and annoyance for two days. He had enough.
He stood up and leaned forward, ephatizing the fact that he was taller. He narrowed his blue eyes and
furrowed his brows.

Aiko appeared indifferent. She had a bored look on her face, as if she was used to this kind of treatment and
merely flipped her blond hair. After a few seconds, she returned the glare and challenged him mentally.

After a few minutes of their glaring contest, Daiki thought it wasn't worth it. She wasn't even worth it. She
was a spoiled brat who always expected to get everything she wanted. She would never learn.

Aiko proclaimed, "I am bored."

Daiki replied, not looking at her, "That's not my problem."

That got Aiko fuming. She kicked his chair and he fell on the floor. When he was getting up, he saw her leave
with an evil glint in her eye and a small smirk on her lips.

'Evil Witch.'

Aiko decided to go out. She figured it wouldn't hurt and besides, she could speak and understand Japanese
fluently. She just chose not to at times. And she could also take care of herself. She was five months older
than that "loser"--as she calls him-- Daiki. She was much more better than him and he thought otherwise.

Remembering his glare earlier, she shrugged. She was not used to this kind of treatment, yet why was it so
natural? Her own actions surprised herself. She sighed. This was not part of the plan. He was supposed to
follow her every order and she would be enjoying her stay here, proving to her parents that she could make
anyone bow down to her. Especially a lowly Japanese commoner.

But it didn't feel right to do that. He seemed so familiar in her eyes. She felt like she knew him from a long
time ago. She assumed he also felt the same way.

Should I tell him that I'm leaving? She again remembered the way he looked at her. No way. Quickly, she
dug out a piece of paper and wrote on it. She placed that paper on the breakfast counter and left. He at least
needed to know in case he went looking for me.

As she strolled down the street, she felt the morning breeze sweep past her. Her long yellow hair flowing in
the wond, because she had forgotten to tie it. Never mind. It wasn't hot anyway. It was a little cold, actually.
It was november and one of these days, it was going to snow. It doesn't snow much in Paris and although
embarassed to admit it, Aiko was looking forward to the snow in Japan.

She smiled as her bangs danced with the wind. She didn't look like the arrogant, spoiled brat Daiki saw
earlier. In fact, she looked like an angel, a gift from the heavens. If Daiki could see her now...

"Kyaa!" She looked behind her and she saw a girl with orange hair. After that, it was all black.

a/n: yeah, yeah, it's long. What can I say? I like long fics. Except those fanfics when they use their own OCs as main characters... It's really annoying. Even when the story's super nice, the OCs ruin it. I know some people enjoy OCs, but I don't. I never use my OCs in my stories. Do I? Anyway, hope you enjoyed it.
Daiki thought as he continued eating his breakfast.
Chapter one: French and Accidents ..•.¸¸•´¯`•.¸¸.

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All writings, drawings, plots, and quotes mentioned here are owned by Keiko Sakura, except those containing disclaimers.

All animes mentioned in this blog are not owned by Keiko Sakura. All names in stories, save for the anime ones, have been thought of randomly and are not implying anything.