Here's chapter deux everyone! I lost this, but tried my best to rewrite it. You know, once a story's in my mind, it never leaves. :D

..•.¸¸•´¯`•.¸¸.. Chapter one: A New Friend ..•.¸¸•´¯`•.¸¸.

“—weren’t looking where—“
“But I was in a hurry!”

Aiko woke up with a big headache. Her head throbbed and she stared at the two arguing hotheads in front of her. Suddenly, an orange-haired girl was in front of her, staring at her.

“Look, look!” She called, “She’s awake!”

Daiki looked at Aiko. She didn’t seem different from earlier. She still had that prideful aura surrounding her. He sighed. I guess there wasn’t really anything to worry about. He watched as the two girls stared at each other like they were seeing an alien from another planet.

Ichiko Nanami was confused. Aiko looked like someone who wouldn’t collapse so suddenly. She looked like a magnificent woman. She had an air of maturity around her and she held her head high. Even though she’s on a hospital bed. She decided then and there. This girl is going to be my role model!

Aiko hated hospitals. She would always see the patients there in white clothes. No way is she going to let them change her clothes. Only she could do that. She couldn’t trust anyone else with her body.

Aiko raised an eyebrow at the new person. “Et vous êtes ... ?”

“Ah! I haven’t introduced myself yet!” Nanami exclaimed, moving back about five meters. “Ichiko Nanami. I am fifteen years old and go to Sakurano High in Class 1-B. I like sweets and chocolates! Hey~ Do you have any chocolates with you? Do you? Huh? Huh? Huh?” Nanami asked, leaning her head closer and closer to Aiko’s every word.

Aiko raised her eyebrow and bluntly replied, “Non.”

She stood up, back straight, chin up, and walked toward the door. She didn’t like hospitals and she didn’t plan on staying here any longer. With her aura of pride and her air of maturity, she left the room and proceeded to find the exit.

Oh, wait.

This was Japan. The buildings in Japan do not have the same architectures with France. She didn’t have an idea where the exit is. How was she going to find one? She couldn’t stoop down as low as to ask the failure of a person, Daiki.
And so she saw the girl who had followed her outside.

“Ne, Fujie-san, can we be friendsssss?” Nanami asked, stretching the last word out.

Aoki smirked. She had an idea. Of course she did. She’s one of the smartest at her former school, Le Soleil Brillant. Thinking about it made her eyes water. She missed her friends, the people who made her life better. She shook of those mundane thoughts and focused on the situation.

“If you show me where the exits are, I’d happily be your—as we say in France—ami.” Aoki said, showing a beautiful smile.

Nanami smiled back then pouted. “I’m sorry. I don’t know where the exits are… I haven’t been in a hospital for a long time.”

Aoki’s smile dissolved.

“You need my help.” It was more of a statement than a question. Aoki turned around and Daiki, with an unfamiliar smirk plastered on his handsome face, came into sight. He was leaning against the border of the door with his arms crossed, obviously amused. Aoki glared at him, unsurprisingly.

The glaring contest started. Again. Until someone disturbed them, to Aoki’s delight and Daiki’s disappointment.

“Ne, ne, Fujie-san! I know where the exits are!” Nanami came rushing over, a big smile on her face, happy that she had a new friend. “I asked a guard and they showed me the way.”

Aoki felt a smile tug her lips. She looked at Daiki with triumph and walked away, leaving a fuming Daiki. He had planned it! How come she always won!? It’s not fair at all! She can’t win all the time!

Daiki stomped over to a longer exit, to contemplate and to calm his mind down, earning curious stares from onlookers. He didn’t care. He didn’t care about anything right now! He just wanted that woman out of his life, his once peaceful life! It had all been ruined by that… that… beast!

He needed revenge—No, he thirsted for it. He was going to get it and no one is going to stand in his way.

In the meanwhile, Aoki and her newly-found friend walked along the streets, happily chatting about different things. Aoki liked this girl. She wasn’t afraid to express her feelings. She couldn’t stand being quiet, while Aoki was surrounded by silence, the reasons unknown to her. Nanami could smile all she want, while Aoki only sometimes smiles.

“Can I call you Nanami-chan?” Aoki said, stunned that she had the courage to say that.

Instead of the ignorance Aoki expected and feared, Nanami smiled. “Of course! Ne, can I call you Aoki-chan?—Oh wait. Let me think of a cuter name. A-chan! Can I call you A-chan? If I can, you can call me Nana-chan!”

Aoki smiled at her. She actually said that many things by just listening to five words.

“Okay,” she replied, “Nana-chan.”

“Wah! A-chan looks so cute when she smiles!” Nanami exclaimed, “Nana-chan thinks A-chan should smile more often.”

Aoki’s face turned stoic once again. “I’m sorry. I can’t do that.”

“Eh?” Nanami asked, “Why?”
“I find it hard to express my feelings.” She lied.

The truth was hidden beneath her heart. She refused to smile since she was a child. No one knew the reason. No one tried to figure it out. They never cared. Her parents were always away. They were only home if she did something wrong. They were never there when she accomplished things in life. They were only there to scold her. And they’re the reason she’s suffering here in Japan with a guy that can’t stand her. It’s okay. She can’t stand him either.

“A-chan, I want to show you something!” Nanami said, interrupting Aoki’s mind.

“Eh?” Aoki managed to say before she was pulled to who-knows-where.

After a few seconds, she found herself staring at a beautiful sight. They were on a high hill and could see the whole town. It was a wondrous sight. He could see ervything, the people, the buldings, the animals. She felt like she was on top of the world.

Her blond hair swayed with the wind and she felt free. She always loved the wind, even though she gets to xperience the wind playing with her hair rarely. She was satisfied. She felt like she was flying and she was closer to heaven, where dreams become reality.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” She turned her attention to the orange-haired girl beside her.

“C'était presque magique.” She replied, closing her eyes, and hearing the wind talk to her.

Nanami smiled. “I don’t really know what that means, but I’m sure it’s wonderful.”

They watched in silence for the next few minutes. Aiko never thought Nanami could hold her words for this long. She tried to calculate the situation when she comes home. Can it really be called home? I thought home was where a person would feel happy. Welcome. She missed everyone. She missed everyone at France. She wanted to go back. She wanted to go back and be in the comforting arms of her parents. Ha! As if that’s ever going to happen. They don’t love me.

Nanami looked at the purple-haired girl beside her. She knew that Aiko was trying to sort out her feelings, and having a hard time. She wanted to help her. She wanted her to know that she ws always there if she ever needed any help. She wanted… to be trusted.

After that, they parted ways and Aoki went… home.  The moment she opened the door, she wasn’t ready for the next words that came out of Daiki’s mouth.
“Welcome home, Aoki.”
Look forward for the next chapter~ AU revoir, tout le monde!
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All writings, drawings, plots, and quotes mentioned here are owned by Keiko Sakura, except those containing disclaimers.

All animes mentioned in this blog are not owned by Keiko Sakura. All names in stories, save for the anime ones, have been thought of randomly and are not implying anything.