This is Sakura Keiko with another one of her before-bed ideas :) I got this before I fell asleep last night. I like the stories I make before bed, but sometimes I just forget them. :( TODAY IS A LUCK DAY! ^_^ Ruka's POV! Ruka's POV! I'm HYPER today!!!! HYPER HYPER HYPER HYPER~

"Good morning, class!" Narumi-sensei greeted, "I have a surprise for you all! I know you're going to love it!"

Groans from the class were heard. I smiled. Everyone knew that if Narumi-sensei says 'you're going to love it', it must be some kind of project where he pairs up some of us. I didn't mind. I have more things to complain about. Things that can be changed.

Like the fact that Mikan and Natsume have been dating.

Honestly, I was the one who encouraged them. I don't really understand why, but I feel alone. Again. I cried last night and I'm willing to admit it if someone accused me. It's probably very obvious when I entered the room this morning. Everyone looked at me. Their eyes were full of pity. Well, everyone except Imai-san. She wouldn't care. Natsume looked at me too. But it was more of "I'm sorry" than "I pity you" which is good. Because I don't enjoy being pitied. I smiled back at him, assuring him that I was okay.

But I wasn't.

And he nodded and went back to talking-slash-insulting his girlfriend. Girlfriend. I have to admit, the fight for Mikan was a tough one for us. We've never fallen in love with the same girl before. I tried my best, but I guess Natsume will always be better than me whatever I do. He'll always be of higher rank. I respect that. I won't complain as to why he won. I won't bring anymore troubles. I will move on.


I sighed and focused my attention to Narumi-sensei who was currently explaining something.

"We're going to have a camping trip for one week starting from Sunday!" he announced, "But only ten students will be allowed! Plus, we only have five sleeping bags. You will have to share. I will put one person in charge of picking them and that person is... Yuu! Now bye bye everyone!"

Fast Forward--Sunday
I was moping in front of my--and Imai-san's--tent. Yuu has been so kind coughsarcasmcough to pair me up with her. I sighed. At least she won't meddle with my feelings. At least that was what I thought.

"Your pictures will not sell if you're putting on an ugly face, Nogi." I looked up and there she was, the Ice Queen, staring at me.

"Go away, Imai. I'm not in the mood."

"You're jealous." She stated, sitting down beside me.

"What if I am?" I shot back.

"Hm." Imai-san said.

"I'm stupid." I said, "I can't do anything right."

"Uh-huh." Imai-san said, tinkering with another one of her inventions.

"You're not helping." I said.

"Who said I was?" She shot back.

I sighed.

"You're not as useless as you think." I stared at the girl beside me to check if she really was Imai-san. Or real.

"What?" I asked.

She smirked, "If I make a list of what you're good at, will you stop making those ugly faces?"

"Yes." I said, daring her.

She went back to the tent and after a few minutes, went out with a notebook and a purple ballpen. She began scribbling down and when I tried to take a peek, she would move causing my head to fall into the ground. I am not doing that again.

After an hour, she was still scribbling. I'm beginning to doubt her now. Maybe she was just drawing things to prove her point and for her to take more pictures of not-ugly me. Or maybe she's scribbling down a plan to... uhm... make her... more rich? Okay fine. That last reason is illogical. But it could happen.

After thirty minutes...

I'm dying to know what she's writing down. She must have used half of her 100 paged crosswise notebook. 50 pages. She writes fast. Maybe she's putting one letter each page. Or one word each page. That seems logical.

After one more hour...

"Imai!! What's taking so long??" I knew I was whining, but I have been waiting for almost two hours! She smirked and didn't bother to answer.

I sighed and looked toward the sky. The supposed-to-be fun camping trip is so boring. We weren't allowed to bring any technology, but I bet Imai-san has lots of it. She never leaves without one or more of her inventions with her. I think it helps her keep safe. No one would like it if Imai-san was kidnapped or hurt...

Now that I think about it, she never seems to be in trouble. How does she do that? I started to wonder...

"Hey, everyone! Let's go to that hill!" Koko suggested, to everyone who was obviously bored.

Everyone agreed and Imai-san put her notebook and ballpen in her pockets. We both went inside the tent and got our things.

"I already have fifty." She announced, emotionlessly.

"Woah! Fifty?" I asked, "Until what number are you aiming for?"

She smirked and looked at me, "You don't need to know."

We went up a hill and explored a little bit. Of course, Narumi-sensei was with us, but he seemed to be in his own little world while walking. Imai-san was quiet the whole trip and would scribble down whatever she was writing down earlier. I highly doubt it was the good points about me.

Later that night...
After dinner, Imai-san quickly went back to the front of the tent, wrapped herself in her sleeping bag, and started writing again.

"Imai-san, let me look! I want to have proof that those really are the good things about me!" I said.

She looked at me and said, "One page."

She showed me one page of the notebook and it listed eight.

He doesn't mind getting dirty.
He is open-minded.
He knows how to make the best of a bad day.
He is sensitive.
He can bring up a conversation.
He is not emotionless.
He is thoughtful.
He is caring to people close to him. (according to a poll, this was the thing most women find in a guy)

It was cold at night and I just lied down beside Imai-san, watching her write, wondering what she is writing. I still couldn't let go a little of my doubt though. She wrote fast, as if she was afraid that her ideas would leave her once she rests. Imai-san would make a good author. People say good authors always have new ideas and could write and write and write. Also, authors are very impatient. Check.

"Imai-san, I'm cold." I unconsciously said.

She stared at me with her beautiful amethyst eyes and--wait did I say beautiful? Oh my goodness, what is happening to me?

She was still staring while I panicked in my mind--then along all those panic, I found myself getting to a nice idea.

"Can we share your sleeping bag? I bet it's warm there." I said. MWAHAHAH! This is genius. I'd be able to see what she writes and get to share a sleeping bag with her...Wait. Why would I want to share a sleeping bag with her? It looked big enough for two people anyway.

She stared at me more, like I was an alien of some sort. Then her face looked like she was just the victim of a joke.

"I'm not kidding, Imai-san."

My teeth were chattering already and I bet she saw that. I tried my best to keep warm, wrapping myself in--

"Fine." My head shot up and I saw Imai Hotaru standing up. Everyone was already asleep.

I went inside her sleeping bag, but I didn't get a chance to see what she wrote. SHe made sure to hide it from me. Not fair! Hey, it's pretty...warm here.

After a few minutes, I fell asleep.

The Next Morning 5 a.m.

I woke up. I didn't know why I was so early. Perhaps I got used to waking up early? Anyway, the notebook was on the floor, Imai-san sleeping below it. It looks like she got tired and slept while in the middle of writing.

I quickly picked up the notebook and I saw the last number.

100. He is loved by an amazing woman.

What? Really? Who? My eyes wandered to the sleeping girl beside me and it clicked.

She wan't Imai-san to me anymore. She was Hotaru, a beautiful firefly. I hugged her and read the rest of the list. I never realized how observant she was of me. All of them were true. Some were even funny. Like:   He doesn’t like Justin Bieber (Justin Bieber sucks) It made me smile. I never realized how special I was to her. And I want her to feel the same way.She woke up a few minutes later and she stared at me, confusion evident in her eyes. I just smiled and pulle her closer. I nuzzled my face into her hair a felt her relaxing. Her hair smells like the iris. I have smelt it several times and found it very interesting. I found a blue one too. It looked beautiful and mysterious. I heard a blue iris was rare and there it was, in the Northern Forest. I visited it once in a while and sometimes, would tell my animal friends to take care of them.

But that's not the point right now. I confessed. I told her how much I loved her and how sorry I was that I just realized this now. I told her how special she was to me and how I promise to take care of her always. I told her I--

"Stop talking." She ordered.

"Yes, ma'am." I obliged. Do you know how scary Hotaru looked when she's annoyed? It is not a good sight. And I have the special privelege to see it everyday because Sakura keeps hugging her. Oh wait. The fact that she didn't push me away or shoot me with her BAKA gun is proof that she doesn't mind this.

"You're so noisy."

I smiled. I was satisfied. And I was happy that she was, too.

"I love you, Hotaru."

101. He is blunt.

It's edited already~ I'm already number 89 on the list. ^_^ I'm afraid of repeating things. =.=
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Just a Notice

All writings, drawings, plots, and quotes mentioned here are owned by Keiko Sakura, except those containing disclaimers.

All animes mentioned in this blog are not owned by Keiko Sakura. All names in stories, save for the anime ones, have been thought of randomly and are not implying anything.