After two days of endless fights of Hotaru Imai and Ruka Nogi...

"I give up!" Ruka shouted, frustrated that his brilliant plan didn't work.

Hotaru smirked. "Give up on what, Nogi?"

"I'm not going to force you to be my girlfriend anymore," Ruka said, sighing, "But can I ask you one question?"

The imaginary crowd le gasped, knowing what he would say next. No one knew he would ever had the courage to say this, but he did.

"Imai Hotaru, without blackmails, without regret, without any offer, will you go out with me?" Ruka said in one breath and almost choked on his saliva [iw...]

Imai Hotaru, with all her pride and maturity, stood tall, towering over the now-looking-down Ruka. She had expected this all along. She was Imai Hotaru after all. SHe knew everything. Yet no one knew anything about her.

Hotaru ordered, "Chin up, Nogi. You look pathetic."

Ruka smiled weakly before looking at her mesmerizing amethyst eyes. She looked beautiful, even just with the uniform. She had never needed make-up or fancy clothes to make her elegant. She just was. The blue top  of her uniform hugged her curves perfectly and the short tartan skirt she wore showed her porcelain smooth legs. She almost looked fragile. That is, if you couldn't see her face. She had an air of triumph around her, and it doesn't seem to be ceasing any second. In fact, I don't think it has an intention of going away.

Ruka, with his blue eyes and half-french features, had turned out to be a very handsome, well-built man. He would be able to make any girl fall in love with him with his hypnotizing smile. That is, every girl except Imai Hotaru. He had, not once but many times, taken advantage of his features in front of the girl, but nothing seemed to amaze her. Except herself. And science.

Hotaru ordered once again, "I want you to repeat your question earlier, with the emotion on your face exactly what it's supposed to be."

Ruka nodded and said, "Imai Hotaru,... without blackmails, without regret, without any offer,... will you go out with me?"

Hotaru smirked. "Why?"

Ruka stared at her. First she wanted him to bring confidence, then she told him to confess again, then she's asking him why? What is wrong with that woman? The answer is obvious. or perhaps she was just testing him...

RUka breathed in, before saying, "When I was sad about Mikan and Natsume's... dating, you were there for me, including your constant blackmailing. But I didn't care. I was happy that someone at the very least cared for me... I never... saw you until that day. I thought you were just another annoying person who would pass before me and leave my life... But you weren't. You stayed by my side and that... made me realize how special you were to me. Five years ago, I might have thought this was impossible. But hey, five years ago, I was just a kid. I knew nothing about love. Imai Hotaru, I love you, will you go out with me?"

Hotaru smirked, having gotten what she wanted again. She always knew she was in a higher rank than all these people. She was superior. Yet she was inferior. Five years ago, she might have not considered this, but now, it made perfect sense. Her plan, flawless as she called it, was ruined. But she didn't mind. As long as she had Ruka...

"Yes," Hotaru said. That made Ruka's head, which was again looking down, jerk up. Sapphire met Amethyst as they stared at each other for a long time. Ruka, making sure this wasn't a dream, pinched himself and he let out a howl of pain, which of course made Hotaru's smirk wider. Sadist. Hotaru was pondering on what he would do next, betting with her conscience her pride.

Ruka took a step forward, his eyes never leaving Hotaru in fear that she might run away or disappear from his sight. When she didn't budge, Ruka took another step. They were about two feet away from each other now. Come to think of it, they had never been far from each other in the first place.

Ruka, not able to handle it any longer, lunged forward and capture Hotaru in an embrace. He was happy. He was satisfied. He was contented.

One thought made its way to Hotaru's mind, 'In your face, conscience.'

A/n: Was it good? I've recently been reading [again] Angels and Demons by Robert Langdon and realized how fundamental the details were in a story. The details were the thin line separating drabbles from stories... Too lazy to write any longer.
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All writings, drawings, plots, and quotes mentioned here are owned by Keiko Sakura, except those containing disclaimers.

All animes mentioned in this blog are not owned by Keiko Sakura. All names in stories, save for the anime ones, have been thought of randomly and are not implying anything.