*nom nom* currently eating ice cream :) Won't tell you how I got it though. Kairu, told you that I'll have another idea if I eat ice cream. This is a cardcaptor-double-pairing story. My 1st ccs fic :) SyaoranXSakura TomoyoXEriol PLUS FRENCH! xD

WARNING: Au, and may be OOC (Alternate world and out of character)


Tomoyo turned around and was face to face to a familiar set of eyes. To say she was shocked was an understatement.

Wasn't he supposed to be in France? What's he doing here? Why is he speaking in French? DId he forget Japanese? Thousands of questions circled in her head.

"Ah, I was right." The blue-haired lad said, smiling. "Salut, my dear Tomoyo-san."

"E-Eriol!" Tomoyo practically shouted, "Wh-What are you doing here?"

Eriol feigned hurt and frowned. "It seems like you don't want me here."

"No! No no NO!" Tomoyo answered, waving her arms in front of her chest.

"I have come home Tomoyo." Eriol smiled.


"Nee, Syaoran-kun, Tomoyo-chan's taking a long time buying ice cream, ne?" A brunette with the name of Sakura asked the boy beside her.

Syaoran nodded his head slowly. He was getting impatient.

How long does a girl need to buy ICE CREAM? He shouted in his mind.


They turned their head to where the voice was coming from and saw Tomoyo with a familiar boy trailing behind her, no ice creams in hand.

"Where's the ice cream?" Syaoran glared.

"A-Um..." Tomoyo stopped walking. "I forgot."

Eriol let out a hearty laugh while Syaoran fumed. He'd been waiting eighteen minutes, twenty seconds and five jiffies for ice cream and there wasn't one in his hand. If Daidouji won't give him it, he's going to get one for himself.

Syaoran stood up and started stomping toward the ice cream stand, a disatisfied look on his face.

"Wah! It's Eriol-kun!" That made him stop. He slowly turned his head around and saw the love of his life talking to another guy. Of course, they weren't together yet, but one day they will be, so Sakura must practice  being a good girlfriend and that includes NOT TALKING TO OTHER GUYS. Right?

He hurriedly ran back and claimed his seat beside Sakura, all the while glaring at Eriol.

"My, my, Syaoran-kun. Still the jealous type, I see." Eriol observed.

To which he earned a glare as response.

"I thought you were in France!" Sakura said, completely oblivious to the fact that Syaoran is having a hard time controlling his jealousy.

"I was. But I decided to come back for a little while." Eriol replied.

"You're leaving? When?" Tomoyo suddenly asked, appearing beside him.

"In about five weeks." Eriol answered. "But don't worry, I'll make sure I get to spend enough time with everyone."

"Eriol-kun, do you know french?" Sakura asked, hope filling her eyes.

"Oui." Eriol answered.

"Wah! Eriol-kun knows French! Did you hear that Syaoran-kun?" Sakura pointed to Eriol excitingly. "Eh? Syaoran-kun? What's wrong?"

"He's having his usual issues, Sakura-chan," Tomoyo explained.

"Ohh..." Sakura said.

"I AM NOT!" An enraged Syaoran shouted.

"Why don't we all get some ice cream?" Tomoyo suggested.

To which all agreed. They all went to the ice cream stand and started telling the person there their orders. (a/n: I don't really know what flavors they sell at Japan.)

"Ne, Eriol-kun, teach me French!" Sakura pleaded.

"Okay." Eriol said, "I believe another person here knows French."

"Eh? Who?" Sakura said, looking around, in hope to find a famous French designer wearing frills with a little poodle.

"Here." Eriol said, as he patted Tomoyo's shoulder, who was currently licking her ice cream.

"Eh? Tomoyo-chan knows French?" Sakura asked her best friend/

"Yes." Tomoyo replied.

"Teach me!!" Sakura said

"Let me tell you something about French first." Eriol suggested.


Eriol cleared his throat and said, "They say the French Language is the language of love."

To which Syaoran's ears perked up.

Tomoyo got the idea and continued, "Don't you think it'll be sweet if a person confessed to you in french?"

"Yes!" Sakura said, "The French Language really is beautiful. I hope my future boyfriend confesses to me in french."

Syaoran stopped eating his ice cream. He had to learn French.

"AH! Syaoran-kun! Your ice cream!"


Haha. Was it good? I was supposed to let them confess, but thought of this ending instead. :) Just wanted to put my French to good use. I might make a sequel to this. You never know *wink*
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All writings, drawings, plots, and quotes mentioned here are owned by Keiko Sakura, except those containing disclaimers.

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