I know I'm not supposed to put statuses in my blog, but it's MINE and I can do ANYTHING I WANT to it. So yeah, want to know the reason for O.o? Well, I was doing my usual stuff, reading fanfics of GA, when I read Hotaru was MARRIED. Guess who she's married with! Guess! Guess!

Khaos-chan, an author at, has proclaimed that Hotaru is currently married to money. A certain blond boy's reaction is still unknown at this moment. I know this is a very, very, very, very, veyr, very, very, very, very, very, very shocking thing to all of you. Imai Hotaru has said that money and her has been married for at least... Read more on p. 16

See!! It's even in the Abstract Memories BREAKING NEWS. This means that it's TRUE! Oh, and here are the GA's reactions(Chat room):

Chicken_Addict is online (Yup! I'm part of their chatroom xD)
Howalon-Lover is online
Black-Cat is online
Howalon-Lover: Oh my gosh! That's so... so..
Black-Cat: Pathetic.
Howalon-Lover: No, it's not, Natsume!!
Black-Cat: Yes it is.
Bunny_Lover is online
Bunny_Lover: O.o
Howalon-Lover: Ruka-pyon, I understand your frustration. I, too, believe that this is a very shocking event..
Chicken_Addict: WOAH! Mikan knows what the word 'frustration' is!
Black-Cat:  Word of that day, polka?
Howalon-Lover: MEANIES!!
Bunny_Lover: Haha. I get it now.
Howalon-Lover: Eh? Get what?
Bunny_Lover: About the marriage between Hotaru and Money. :)
Howalon-Lover: What's there to get about it?  Is there a secret meaning behind it??
Bunny_Lover: Secret.
Chicken_Addict: I get it too :)))
Black-Cat: Heh. I guess Polka's alone.
Howalon-lover: WAH! What IS it!?

Do you get it, dear reader? xD It's weird. Very weird. I won't tell you! x3 n_n
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All writings, drawings, plots, and quotes mentioned here are owned by Keiko Sakura, except those containing disclaimers.

All animes mentioned in this blog are not owned by Keiko Sakura. All names in stories, save for the anime ones, have been thought of randomly and are not implying anything.