Another one of my useless drabbles. Well, you could say that the first part was taken from my life. Haha. I do that very often. You know, use my life as a base for my stories...Anyway, here it is. It's a one-shot with three parts. NOT chapters. I'm pretty sure I know the difference between parts and chapters.
"I nominate Sumire as president." I said, announcing my nomination for the class council.
Sumire and I promised to nominate each other, she as president and I as vice. Even though we know that we probably won't win, we did it for trust and fun. This was our first year in a class together, and it was our first year that lasted until four o'clock.
I stole a glance from my best friend and I saw her talking to another girl. It's alright. We both can make friends, right? Even though we make friends, we will still be the best friends in the world.
The teacher started announcing the names and the students voted. I voted for Sumire, of course, since I was the one who nominated her. Sadly, she didn't win. Oh, it's time for the vice president nominations! I excitedly looked at Sumire again and she looked like she was talking to herself.
"I nominate..." Sumire suddenly stopped talking and put down her head. "...Wakako."
To say i was shocked was an understatement. Sumire, my best friend, broke her promise. Tears started to dwell in my eyes. Maybe I was acting childish. Maybe I shouldn't have trusted her. We were seperated after all. Of course she'd make lots of friends.
She's smart. She's pretty and she's probably excelling in her studies. Me? I was like an outsider who had few friends. but at least they were loyal and would say hi to me when they see me. Unlike Sumire.
That was when I realized that I shouldn't have hoped for the best. I had always thought that SUmire and I would grow up together and when we were old, we'd talk about our childhood days. I was dead wrong.
Sumire was popular. She was smart, pretty and had a nice aura. She used me as a stepping stone. I was childish, innocent and never expected her to be that way towards me. I was stepped on.
Maybe the world really is unfair after all. I pondered on my thoughts the whole day and tried not to talk to anyone. I was a nobody after all. Who would talk to me?
My first lunch at school was a lonely one. I looked for an isolated place so i didn't have to bother with seeing Sumire. I didn't want her to apologize. I didn't want to be with her. I never wanted to be with her again.
Suddenly I saw a big Sakura Tree. I decided to eat there, because it was far from the cafeteria yet still at the school grounds. No one'd like to eat her. Or so I thought.
When I looked up, I saw a girl the same age as me staring down at me with her violet orbs. Her hair reached down to her shoulders and she wore a purple headband. She had an emotionless face on and looked like someone who was mature and smart.
"What?" The first word I said since that incident.
She sat beside me, closed her eyes and clarified, "You're lonely. You're pondering on your thoughts and are confused with the turn of events."
She opened her eyes and finished, "Your eyes say so."
I gaped at her. how could she know so much about a person by just looking at their eyes? Am i really that readable?
She sighed. "Doyou want to talk about it?"
I snapped out of my trance and looked at my lunch box. "I don't know..."
"okay then." She said, "You won't mind if I eat here, right?"
I shook my head. I mean, I could never be mean to a person I've never met before. She was nice, yet at the same time calm. I bet she's faced lots of problems before and managed to go through them.
I was just weak. I barely stopped myself from crying. This simple incident made hurt me. If she found out about my problem, she'd probably laugh at me or being so weak. I know I would.
"I'm Imai Hotaru by the way." The purple-eyed girl said, shoving a spoon of rice in her mouth.
"I'm... Sakura Mikan." I answered to be polite.
"Figures." She muttered.
"Nothing." She answered.
Silence loomed over us as we ate. It wasn't bad silence. It was... comfortable silence. It helped me sort out my thoughts and ponder about my life. Come to think of it, I've never been really close to a person before. I've always read my school books when there's time left. I've never really... socialized.
I had some friends from time to time, but in the end, they have other closer friends to attend to. Speaking of friend, is Imai-san my friend? What really is a friend? I encounter that question frequently, but never found the real answer. My grandpa once said that a friend is more than someone you be with always.
He also says I have to figure the rest out. Typical grandpa. He always pushes me to figure things on my own. I think it['s his own way of making me grow up. but I don't think that method is working very well.
"I'm done." Imai-san announced.
"Ah, me too." I didn't even realize i was wolfing down my food very fast while thinking until Imai-san reminded me that we were actually eating.
"I'm going to the library. Do you want to come with me?" Imai-san asked.
I didn't hesitate and immediately agreed. It was actually my first time in thelibrary. I've never really bothered to go there before, but I had nothing else to do anyway and I didn't want tobe be like before. A loner in the corner.
When we arrived in the library, I had a good luck around. The walls were painted orange. Good idea. I read in a magazine once that orange means creative and helps people think of lots of ideas. Imai-san lead me towards the science shelf and started looking through the books.
I started scanning the books too, in case i found an interesting one. Then I found it. It was a book about unusual trivia. I've always enjoyed reading unusual things. Do you know why goldfish keep circling their bowl? It's because when they reach the left side, they forget what's on the right side and vise versa.
Imai-san finally found the book she was looking for and we looked for empty seats. There wasn't an empty table, but there were some chairs beside a blond boy that wasn't occupied. Imai-san knew the boy so we decided to sit there.
"This is Sakura Mikan." Hotaru intoduced, "Sakura-san, this is Nogi Ruka."
I smiled at Nogi-kun, "Nice to meet you, Nogi-kun."
He smiled backa dn replied, "Nice to meet you too, Sakura-san."
imai-san sat down and I sat down beside her (order: Hotaru, Mikan, Ruka)
So yeah, that's it for part one. The only part there of my life is the first scene, in the classroom. The others, I just filled it in. You're probably asking:Where's Natsume? Haha. he''ll be in the next chapter.
1 Response
  1. Good job (again), Keiko. Hahahaha.

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All writings, drawings, plots, and quotes mentioned here are owned by Keiko Sakura, except those containing disclaimers.

All animes mentioned in this blog are not owned by Keiko Sakura. All names in stories, save for the anime ones, have been thought of randomly and are not implying anything.