This is my limit. Last chapter of Forbidden for today.
Rin loved Len.
She didn't know when. She didn't know where or how. But she could definitely say why.
He was the very first person to talk to her freely. He was the very first person who made her smile since her mother's death. He was the very first say that she had a cute name. He was the only person she could trust right now. And she knew that he trusted her back.
Rin smiled as she remembered times when they were together. The memories with him were engraved into her mind and no matter what she did, they would never go away. When Len started talking about his mother. That's when Rin first comforted him. She didn't even feel like he was a prince. She didn't feel inferior to him. SHe didn't feel like she was talking to someone who possessed mor power than her. He was just... a normal person. He was just like a normal person in need of comfort. He was hurt. That simple fact surprised Rin because she had grown thinking that the royals aren't like her.
She thought they weren't capable of emotions. They couldn't laugh. They couldn't feel pain. They have seen a handful of people get killed in front of them after all.
But there, in her arms, was the living proof that royals really can feel emotions. They were also human. They could also laugh, if they chose to. They could feel pain. They could be hurt.
After weeks of consulting her conscience, she had grown to accept the fact. She loved him. She loved him so much.
But what if he didn't? How would he react if she told him all this? Would he ignore her? Would he say "I'm sorry. I don't feel the same way?" He had a fiance after all. And she was really nice. Rin could never surpass the level Miku was in.
She was prettier, smarter, kinder. She was weird, yes, but her other characterisitcs made up for it. She had long, flowing blue-green hair that reached her waist. She had lovely blue eyes. She possessed different talents including singing and dancing. She could brighten up the mood when everyone else is gloomy. And when she's the gloomy one, everyone else would possess the same emotion. It was like...she could affect people. She had this special power to make people feel the same emotion she has.
She was everything better than Rin.
If Len rejected Rin, she could never bear it. If he told her "I don't feel the same way," she'd probably break down crying. There was no one who would comfort her too. If he rejected her, would they still be friends? No. of course they won't. Saying you'd still be friends after rejection would be like telling you that you could still use my used spoon. (a/n: I know the quote sucks. I know a quote like this, but I forgot! If you know it, please tell me through review)
They could never be friends if he knows that she likes him, but he doesn't like her back. Everything would be awkward. They could never go back to the way they were before. She'd be losing another special person in her life. And she doesn't think she could ever bear doing that.
That's why she would never tell him.
Len loved Rin.
Ever since that day when he met her, he had always thought of her. She had always been running in her mind. She was nice and cute. Her yellow hair always seemed to brighten up his mood. Her blue orbs staring at him when he's spacing out helps him get through the ignorance ofhis mother. Her comforting arms wrapped around his body assured him that everything would be fine. The way she talks to him. It was different than other girls.
Other girls would be either so shy, all the while blushing, or would hug him as if it was the end of the world. But Rin wasn't like that. She would always act herself when with him. She would sometimes tell him of her dreams. Sometimes, she would crack jokes and he would laugh. There were also some instances that she would comfort him while he spoke his heart out.
Len laughed at the memories. 'Shouldn't it be the girl who cries and the boy who comforts?' 
Rin really is something isn't she? She was the only person who could comfort him. In front of her, he wasn't a prince anymore. He was Len. And he loved being Len.
As a prince, he could never show any emotions that would indicate inferiority. He could never be himself. As a prince, he had to follow his family's steps. As a prince, he needs to follow rules. As a prince, he can never ever talk freely. As a prince, he could never speak himself. And bottling in his feelings is really hard.
But when he was Len, he could always show his real emotions and no one would ever care. Rin even said that his actions are *ahem* "cute." As len, he didn't need to follow his dad's footsteps. As Len, he could break all the rules as much as he wants. As len, he could talk as freely as he wanted. Heck, Rin could write in his diary for him and he'd never notice the difference. As Len, he never needed to bottle in his feelings.
But...what would she say? What would her reaction be if he told her that he loved her so much. Would she say "Gomen. I don't hold the same feelings?" He could never bear hearing her say that. Just thinking about it made him feel... like his heart is being shattered to pieces slowly... What more if she really rejected him? In real life? He'd probably feel a hundred times worse.
That's why he would never tell her.
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