So yeah, I'm gonna write all my stories here and everything about them! Not only here in my blog. :)

In my Eyes
-first story posted at
-two reviews
-two faves
-not posted at blog
Summary: It's just about Ruka thinking how Hotaru is special to him. Nothing special here :)
Pairing: HotaruXRuka

-three reviews
-one fave
-not posted at blog
Summary: Hotaru's one-sided feelings about Mikan and their friendship.

In Love With My Bestfriend
-three reviews
-three faves
-not posted at blog
Summary: Sumire and Mochu had been dating...And Koko's jealous?
Pairing: SumireXKoko

The Best Birthday Ever [2nd popular at the moment]
-nine reviews
-nine faves
-three alerts
-three shot
-one community
-posted at blog
Summary: Mikan's birthday is coming up. What will Natsume give her?
Pairings: NatsumeXMikan and HotaruXRuka at the end

The Graduation Speech [sadly my most unpopular story :(]
-one review
-not posted at blog
Summary: Ruka has to do a graduation speech for Hotaru. Why? Read and find out.
Pairings: HotaruXRuka others indefinite.

The Last Dance
-four reviews
-three faves
-one alert
-handed over to ShiawasewaKagami a.k.a. Tsuki
-not posted at blog
Summary: Tsubasa is sick and probably can't go to the Last Dance. What will Misaki do?
Pairings: MisakiXTsubasa slight HotaruXRuka

Why can't I move on?
-six reviews
-ten faves
-ten alerts
-temprary hiatus
-not posted at blog
Summary: Lem and Miku are a couple and Rin's having issues about a certain orange plushie.
Pairings: LenXRin possibly MikuXKaito

-three reviews
-not posted at blog
Summary: A drabble about Ruka liking Hayate.
Pairing: RukaXHayate

Forbidden [currently 1st popular by one view]
-fourteen reviews
-ten faves
-fourteen alerts
-posted at blog
Summary: Len is a prince and Rin is a servant. Rin's mother dies and Len comforts her. Of course, they fall in love. But they need some help to say it out loud though.
Pairings: LenXRin MikuXKaito

Proposals [has been popular, much to my surprise]
-two reviews
-three favorites
not posted at blog
SUmmary: I've always promised to myself that if someone proposed to me, I'd think about it for a long time. But when he proposed...
Pairings: Implied MikanXNatsume

If only
-one review
-one favorite story
-posted at blog
Summary: Have you ever thought what Ruka's feelings would be? I present to you... a preview of our favorite bunny-boy's mind. :D

Les Merveilles de Neige
-not posted at
-my personal favorite
-currently one chapter
-posted at blog
-contemplating to post at fictionpress
Sumary: Aoki, a bratty-french speaking woman at the age of sixteen, was sent back to her hometown with only a childhood friend he doesn't remember to help her. Oh, I almost forgot something: They hate each other's guts.
Pairing: Indefinite

The Victim
-not posted anywhere
-having trouble writing
-no summary available

Treasures of Mine
-been working on since fourth grade
-unfortunately abandoned
-one of my most precious works

I proposed and she said yes
-a sad story
-not posted anywhere

When puppies rule the world
-not posted at
Summary: Natsume's having some...issues with puppies.

Five Years
-not posted anywhere

My neigbor is an alien
-totally messed up
-and abandoned

Ruka's Big Day
-not posted anywhere
Summary: It's Ruka's big day. He's going to meet his precious girlfriend's parents. And he has no idea how to do it. Come with me and see Ruka-pyon suffer ^_^
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Just a Notice

All writings, drawings, plots, and quotes mentioned here are owned by Keiko Sakura, except those containing disclaimers.

All animes mentioned in this blog are not owned by Keiko Sakura. All names in stories, save for the anime ones, have been thought of randomly and are not implying anything.