Disclaimer: I do not own all suggestions here, but I own some of them.
Note: I can think of more dares than truths sorry...
Do you sing in the shower?
If you were a [insert opposite gender here], would you like [insert name of same gender bestfriend here]?
(The classic...) Do you like [insert a certain someone here]?
If you were to write a cheesy love poem, which straight girl/boy around your age would you give it to? (The details are important because they might say 'my mom' or 'my sister' etc.)
Who is the guy/girl you like-like and why?
What is the most embarassing moment of your life?
Who has the oiliest face in this room?
Have you ever broken the school rules? If yes, what happened?
Have you experienced your first kiss? If yes, describe your feelings.
Do you enjoy this game?
What was your latest dream?
When was the last time you wet your bed?
What are some nicknames your mother calls you?
Have you ever peed in a pool?
If you were given a choice, whose soul would you manipulate?

Pour Ice down your shirt.
(for boys:) Sing the song 'Baby' loudly in front of the person you like.
(for girls:) Sing the song 'The Best Of Both Worlds' with dance steps.
Lick the shoe of the person beside you.
Make up a song and immediately sing it.
Wear a Bunny Suit and dance like a chicken.
(girls only:) unbutton the first two buttons in the shirt of the one you like. (just TWO!!!)
Smell the hair of the one you like and describe it. 
Call a random number and say "Will you marry me?"
Sing 'Tik Tok' with dance steps you just made (girls AN'D boys)
Lick the floor. And the doorknob. And the notebook of the one you like. 
Say 'J'aime manger le poo de vache!' You're lucky if none of your friends know French.
Babble about what comes first: the chicken or the egg--in any language, except english, you want.
Stand in you front yard, wave and say 'Hi!' to everyone you see.
Whenever someone says 'the', laugh out loud.
Call a random number and break down crying, telling the person how hurt you are.
Call your crush and explain to him the rules of Monopoly. 
Ask a neighbor for a roll of toilet paper.
Call a random number and tell him the story 'Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs.'
Break Down crying in front of your neighbor and complain about a senseless thing.
Continuously talk for three minutes without stopping.
Snort. LOUDLY.
Tell us your best joke.
She walked across the field, her long blue hair, swaying with the wind. The Sakura Trees looked as beautiful as before, yet she was still hypnotized by their majesty. She closed her eyes, and listened to the wind's song. It was singing a soundless lullaby that rang over and over in her ears. She found herself singing with the wind, seconds later. She couldn't help it. It was beautiful. Everything was beautiful. But there was something missing, a missing puzzle piece. She couldn't figure out what it was, but she felt like everything was useless without it.

She could not find it.
The blond-haired animal lover stared at the strong, yet fragile girl beside her. She looked beautiful. Her raven hair glistening beneath the faint light of her firefly night light, one of her ingenius inventions. Her bangs were brushed away from her face by Ruka, who was staring at her, wishing she was his. Her eyes were closed, highlighting her long eyelashes. Her nose was small, often described as a button. Her pink lips looked so soft, and Ruka had to remind  himself that he was nothing to her to stop him from kissing her. She was wearing a simple lavender nightgown, which hugged her curves. Unfortunately, half of her body was covered by a plum-colored blanket.

Ruka caressed her face, wishing she was his. He loved her. He loved her and she had already probably figured it out. She was Hotaru Imai after all. And he would never underestimate her. Ruka loved her yet, he couldn't bring himself to tell her that. To him, she was the most beautiful woman alive. Yes, there were models and artists who have undergone surgery, who liked him, but he only had eyes on her. Even if he wanted to, he would never bring himself to love someone else. Not that he would.

Ruka sighed, remembering the only reason why he was here. A project, he reminded himself, That's all. Yet, his mind wanted to believe something else. He couldn't help it. He was in love and you can never control your feelings once you're in love. And this was Ruka Nogi we're talking about. Ruka Nogi, who blushed over every little embarassment. Ruka Nogi, who stuttered when on a stage in front of hundreds.

Ruka Nogi was in love with Hotaru Imai.

Have you ever seen a punch mark on a person's face? Or perhaps the big dinosaur that idiotically sings idiot songs? Have you ever held your breathe for a long time? Or maybe you've seen the combination of red and blue? Let me tell you one thing, they're all purple.

I've always liked purple. To others, like the punch mark on a person's face, it symbolizes death. To a few, like Barney, it's very childish. To some, like the purple-ish colored face of a person holding his breathe, it's suffocating. And there are still some, artistic people, who adore the color purple and see the beauty of the perfect combination. Blue and red.

Blue was once used to symbolize girls and red for boys. Why? Blue looks calm, like the ocean. Red, in the meanwhile, symbolizes aggresiveness, something warriors have. Why, you wonder, are they different now? It seems a mystery to us, but that isn't even our point here.

Blue, the calm sea, combined with red, the blazing fire, makes a woman. Although calm and innocent, they are aggressive and strong at the same time. Purple is the color of women. Well, that's what I like to think. And so, that's the reason why I adore the color purple.

Satisfied now, Nogi?

~Imai Hotaru
I can't seem to think of anything!!! Oh, and I don't think I'll be able to post on Friday until Sunday. But I'll try :)

Life is sooo boring here... I can't find anything to do. And I think there'll be a storm soon :( *sigh* Oh well.

Yeah, that was short and idiotic. so not me. Oh well.

  • Too Much Dialogue-- Yeah, most readers don't mind this, but many find this annoying. With dialogue, the plot does not move on. It just stops. They have to actually do something, not just talk.
  • Unusual Words-- Don't use words that most people don't know the meaning of. It just confuses the readers and if there are too many of them, may force them to leave your story.
  • Too Much Own Characters-- This is a big no-no for me.
  • Too Much details-- You may notice that I have lots of 'too much.' Well, let's just say that too much of a thing is bad, and this applies to everything, even details. Details are good, yes, but when you write too many of them, it stops the plot and you're, like, staring. You don't have to describe every shoe, every shifting, and every single thing.
  • Too Much Explanations-- You have to make your readers feel like a detective. Like they're supposed to figure out everything on their own. You don't have to explain this and that and bring up a topic from the previous chapter. Trust that the reader will understand. From my experience, they will, so don't make them feel stupid and don't give too much explanations.
  • Impossible THings-- Stories are usually better when they feel more realistic. You can't make a person rise from the dead, just for a 'happy ending.' 
Ah,,, life is good. I just found out that I'm leaving on Friday. Maybe. And we'll be in the province for about two days. :))) At last! After about three years I get to go to Antique again!!

And I'm having a lot of trouble in Friendship and Forbidden... I'm losing inspiratioN!! Hopefully, when school starts, new ideas will come flowing inside my messed up mind. Because typing stories at home is boring and not inspirational, but in school... anything can happen *mischievous smile*

Bye bye!

This is the list Hotaru made in 'Camping Out' Enjoy. [I had to consult over twenty best-qualities-of-a-man sites]

100 Good Points Of Ruka Nogi

By Hotaru Imai

  1. 1.       He does not contribute to Global Warming.
  2. 2.       He’s gentle.
  3. 3.       He’s imaginative (e.g. the time when he thought I came from a planet called ‘Blackmail’ and people there blackmailed for a living)
  4. 4.       He likes animals.
  5. 5.       He’s handsome.
  6. 6.       He’s particularly smart.
  7. 7.       He makes me rich.
  8. 8.       He has good taste in women.
  9. 9.       He does not have Boanthropy.
  10. 10.   He does not show a symptom of Cotard Delusion. [which is disgusting]
  11. 11.   He does not complain about everything (just some things)
  12. 12.   He does not have Alien Hand Syndrome [which is just wrong]
  13. 13.   He does not have Wendigo Psychosis.
  14. 14.   He does not bite his nails.
  15. 15.   He can be funny when he wants to.
  16. 16.   He has a well-built body and can fight when he chooses to.
  17. 17.   He speaks French.
  18. 18.   He is trustworthy.
  19. 19.   He is trusting.
  20. 20.   He is caring.
  21. 21.   He is sensitive.
  22. 22.   He is generous.
  23. 23.   He cares for other people before himself.
  24. 24.   He doesn’t want anyone to be worried about him.
  25. 25.   He says what he means.
  26. 26.   He means what he says. (most of the time)
  27. 27.   He enjoys the silence, but never likes awkward moments.
  28. 28.   He knows when someone is  pretending.
  29. 29.   He cannot not say no to someone nice.
  30. 30.   He is a vegetarian.
  31. 31.   He is not a dentist.
  32. 32.   He does not enjoy seeing women naked.
  33. 33.   He respects women.
  34. 34.   He does not think of women as a lower rank.
  35. 35.   He doesn’t take drugs.
  36. 36.   He is not annoying.
  37. 37.   He is someone you can talk to when you have problems and he won’t interrupt you.
  38. 38.   He does not have a habit of interrupting people or making comments while someone is speaking, unless it is very important (like saving his man pride)
  39. 39.   He does not have an ego.
  40. 40.   He is not boastful.
  41. 41.   He enjoys books.
  42. 42.   He is contented with his life.
  43. 43.   He does not ask for everything he wants,  just the things he needs.
  44. 44.   He is a gentleman.
  45. 45.   He cannot do nothing if he sees a crying woman.
  46. 46.   He is not annoying. Most of the time.
  47. 47.   He is athletic.
  48. 48.   He is witty.
  49. 49.   He does not enjoy seeing people suffer.
  50. 50.   He is not a sadist.
  51. 51.   He is happy when his friends are happy.
  52. 52.   He will make a good father one day.
  53. 53.   He has good sense of direction.
  54. 54.   He brings good luck.
  55. 55.   Even though how hard he tries, he can never hide his feelings.
  56. 56.   He will not complain if you make him do a five-hundred page essay or climb up Mount Everest. Just give him a life insurance.
  57. 57.   He does not butt in other people’s conversation that does not concern him.
  58. 58.   He is persistent.
  59. 59.   He is kind.
  60. 60.   He does not get jealous easily.
  61. 61.   He is possessive with his things.
  62. 62.   He can’t control himself sometimes.
  63. 63.   He has a good Alice.
  64. 64.   He can always make you smile.
  65. 65.   He smiles a lot.
  66. 66.   Even if you’re mean to him, when you have a problem, he will help you out.
  67. 67.   Even if you are mean to him, he considers you a friend.
  68. 68.   He does not mind playing a lady in a play.
  69. 69.   He sometimes give off an impression that he is gay. (Why is this a good point? Because it makes me rich)
  70. 70.   He has many fangirls.
  71. 71.   He unconsciously makes himself look hot (accdg. To fangirls)
  72. 72.   He doesn't mind getting dirty.
  73. 73.   He is open-minded.
  74. 74.   He knows how to make the best of a bad day.
  75. 75.   He is sensitive.
  76. 76.   He can bring up a conversation.
  77. 77.   He is not emotionless.
  78. 78.   He is thoughtful.
  79. 79.   He is caring to people close to him. (according to a poll, this was the thing most women find in a guy)
  80. 80.   He is a good best friend.
  81. 81.   He gives good advice.
  82. 82.   He doesn’t like Justin Bieber {Justin Bieber sucks)
  83. 83.   He does not curse.
  84. 84.   He would be a sweet boyfriend.
  85. 85.   He doesn’t need to be told to take care of the one he loves.
  86. 86.   He would rather that the one he loves is happy without him than lonely with him.
  87. 87.   He says the main sentence then explains it, not the other way around [which is annoying]
  88. 88.   He is obedient.
  89. 89.   He is careful.
  90. 90.   He is observant
  91. 91.   He isn’t in prison.
  92. 92.   He isn’t on bail.
  93. 93.   He doesn’t like showing off.
  94. 94.   He complements people, not flatters them.
  95. 95.   He smiles at you when you say something simple.
  96. 96.   He smiles without reason.
  97. 97.   He can’t lie without blushing.
  98. 98.   His has blond hair.
  99. 99.   He can name all the scientific names of the animals he touched.
  100. 100.                        He is loved by an amazing woman.

[added later]
101. He is blunt.
After two days of endless fights of Hotaru Imai and Ruka Nogi...

"I give up!" Ruka shouted, frustrated that his brilliant plan didn't work.

Hotaru smirked. "Give up on what, Nogi?"

"I'm not going to force you to be my girlfriend anymore," Ruka said, sighing, "But can I ask you one question?"

The imaginary crowd le gasped, knowing what he would say next. No one knew he would ever had the courage to say this, but he did.

"Imai Hotaru, without blackmails, without regret, without any offer, will you go out with me?" Ruka said in one breath and almost choked on his saliva [iw...]

Imai Hotaru, with all her pride and maturity, stood tall, towering over the now-looking-down Ruka. She had expected this all along. She was Imai Hotaru after all. SHe knew everything. Yet no one knew anything about her.

Hotaru ordered, "Chin up, Nogi. You look pathetic."

Ruka smiled weakly before looking at her mesmerizing amethyst eyes. She looked beautiful, even just with the uniform. She had never needed make-up or fancy clothes to make her elegant. She just was. The blue top  of her uniform hugged her curves perfectly and the short tartan skirt she wore showed her porcelain smooth legs. She almost looked fragile. That is, if you couldn't see her face. She had an air of triumph around her, and it doesn't seem to be ceasing any second. In fact, I don't think it has an intention of going away.

Ruka, with his blue eyes and half-french features, had turned out to be a very handsome, well-built man. He would be able to make any girl fall in love with him with his hypnotizing smile. That is, every girl except Imai Hotaru. He had, not once but many times, taken advantage of his features in front of the girl, but nothing seemed to amaze her. Except herself. And science.

Hotaru ordered once again, "I want you to repeat your question earlier, with the emotion on your face exactly what it's supposed to be."

Ruka nodded and said, "Imai Hotaru,... without blackmails, without regret, without any offer,... will you go out with me?"

Hotaru smirked. "Why?"

Ruka stared at her. First she wanted him to bring confidence, then she told him to confess again, then she's asking him why? What is wrong with that woman? The answer is obvious. or perhaps she was just testing him...

RUka breathed in, before saying, "When I was sad about Mikan and Natsume's... dating, you were there for me, including your constant blackmailing. But I didn't care. I was happy that someone at the very least cared for me... I never... saw you until that day. I thought you were just another annoying person who would pass before me and leave my life... But you weren't. You stayed by my side and that... made me realize how special you were to me. Five years ago, I might have thought this was impossible. But hey, five years ago, I was just a kid. I knew nothing about love. Imai Hotaru, I love you, will you go out with me?"

Hotaru smirked, having gotten what she wanted again. She always knew she was in a higher rank than all these people. She was superior. Yet she was inferior. Five years ago, she might have not considered this, but now, it made perfect sense. Her plan, flawless as she called it, was ruined. But she didn't mind. As long as she had Ruka...

"Yes," Hotaru said. That made Ruka's head, which was again looking down, jerk up. Sapphire met Amethyst as they stared at each other for a long time. Ruka, making sure this wasn't a dream, pinched himself and he let out a howl of pain, which of course made Hotaru's smirk wider. Sadist. Hotaru was pondering on what he would do next, betting with her conscience her pride.

Ruka took a step forward, his eyes never leaving Hotaru in fear that she might run away or disappear from his sight. When she didn't budge, Ruka took another step. They were about two feet away from each other now. Come to think of it, they had never been far from each other in the first place.

Ruka, not able to handle it any longer, lunged forward and capture Hotaru in an embrace. He was happy. He was satisfied. He was contented.

One thought made its way to Hotaru's mind, 'In your face, conscience.'

A/n: Was it good? I've recently been reading [again] Angels and Demons by Robert Langdon and realized how fundamental the details were in a story. The details were the thin line separating drabbles from stories... Too lazy to write any longer.
Wah! I finally finished the third chapter! I have high hopes for Les Merveilles de Neige, but I'm still uncertain if I should put it on fictionpress... I have tons of other stories to continue...and I can't even continue some of them.

When school arrives, I will have less time to write, because I'm striving for bronze medal so I can finally call this laptop 'mine.' =O= That would feel so good~ And then I could start stacking it up with no one complaining about the memory and the viruses. Yay~!

I'm going to try to update my other stories now. ^_^
..•.¸¸•´¯`•.¸¸.. Chapter Three: Daiki and Nanami  ..•.¸¸•´¯`•.¸¸.
Aoki stared at him, confusion evident in her eyes. She never thought Daiki would be able to say those words to her. And she also couldn’t believe how wonderful she felt once she heard him. It felt… just wonderful. There were no words to describe it.

“I-I’m sorry…” Daiki said, looking away, “…for how I acted earlier. I should’ve considered your feelings first before I got mad… If I hadn’t come to that conclusion, you wouldn’t have been mad at me… So can we be friends?”

Aoki didn’t even realize she was gaping at him, until he finished speaking. She was speechless. She couldn’t find any words to say. They just stood there, staring at each other, at lost for words. Aoki felt the tears fall down to her chin.

“I’m sorry too.”
“Today, we have a new student, everyone! Be kind to her, okay?” Their black-haired teacher announced, mentally calling Aoki inside.

Aoki stepped in and everyone was astounded. Her golden hair was tied into a high ponytail and her stunning amethyst eyes seemed to shine with curiosity. She smiled a bit and introduced herself to everyone.

“Je suis Aoki Fujie. Soy deciseis anyos. I have been living in France since I was eight years old. I am fluent in fourteen languages including Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, English and of course, French. Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu.”

Everyone was surprised. She had spoken four different languages in her introduction. Daiki smiled at her proudly, like a father seeing her daughter perform for the very first time. He knew this wasn’t even an eight of what she knows and it feels nice to be the only one who knows that.

“Let’s see.” Their sensei, oblivious to all the stares, said, “You can sit beside Ichiko-san!”

Nanami, who was previously, dozing off, instantly looked up and saw her new friend. She smiled and Aoki smiled back. Aoki went to sit beside her and they passed messages to each other. The lesson was just English anyway, and Aoki was already fluent in English. And Nanami is really good at it.

Who’s that girl talking to Daiki?

That’s Fumiko Aya. Have you and Fuyuhiko-kun made up already?

Yes. And I don’t like that Fumiko.

Teehee~ You’re jealous.

I am most definitely not.

Don’t deny it! Ne, ne let’s eat together at lunch later, okay?


I still think you’re jealous though.

We should listen now.

Nanami giggled, but obliged still. She knew Aoki liked Daiki. It was so obvious. But love is blind. Even though she knew that they had just met yesterday, she sensed an attraction between the two of them. It was almost magnet-like. They had a magnet-like attraction.

Hey, I could use that in a song! Nanami thought. She was in the music club and she writes most of the songs. They had a magnet-like attraction. She wrote that in the middle of the paper, just in case she thinks of something before that line. She started scribbling down ideas of her song.

She loved writing songs. It made her feel at ease with the world. The words would just come to her naturally. Writing songs is harder than writing stories. In stories, you could write down anything and fix the order later, but in a song, it must be exact. The place of the words is unmovable. And also, the song must probably rhyme. If it doesn’t rhyme, it has to be really good, because rhymes give off a really free feeling. It also makes Nanami feel satisfied. It helps Nanami express the feelings she has that cannot be expressed by words.

After a few hours, it was the most favorite part of the day for the students: Lunch Time. Students of Sakurano High scurried about, meeting their friends to eat lunch and Aoki was led outside by Nanami, who was obviously not-very-surprisingly excited.

“Nana-chan!” Aoki panted, “I’m going to collapse any minute! Can we go slower?”

Nanami giggled. “Sorry, A-chan, but I want to get there before anyone does!”

After thirty seconds, an exhausted Aoki and an ecstatic Nanami arrived in front of a big Sakura Tree. Its pink leaves were almost gone, but it still looked magnificent. After regaining her composure, Aoki stood up and stared at the large tree while Nanami watched her, smiling.

“My sister loved this tree,” Nanami started, walking close.

Aoki noticed the tone of her voice and knew what she was going to say next. She hoped that it wasn’t that.

“She’s in heaven now,” Nanami said, closing her eyes, stopping the tears threatening to break through her barrier. I can’t cry now! It’s going to ruin the mood!!

“I’m sorry,” Aoki muttered softly, but Nanami still heard it. Aoki couldn’t say that she had felt the feeling of losing someone you love, because she had never lost someone special to her. She wanted to comfort her friend. She wanted to say that it’s going to be okay and her sister is in heaven right now. But her feet were rooted to the ground and she couldn’t seem to move.

Nanami opened her eyes and smiled. “Let’s eat, okay?”

“Okay.” Aoki said, amazed at how Nanami could talk about her deceased sister without crying.

As they ate, they pondered on different things. Nanami thought about telling Aoki about her sister and if it would be proper. Aoki thought about that Fumiko Aya and her relationship with Daiki.

“Onee-chan’s best friend said that she sacrificed herself to save her classmates,” Nanami said, deciding to trust Aoki, “There was an earthquake that day and Onee-chan had a cold too. She insisted on going to school even though she was sick.”

Aoki looked at Nanami. The latter was crying now.

“She even told me ‘I have a good feeling about today’ so we let her go,” Nanami said, wiping her tears with her handkerchief. Aoki put a comforting hand on Nanami’s shoulder and smiled. Nanami smiled back and went on to the story.

“She walked me to my school and went to her high school. I was still a kid then, yet I remembered everything clearly,” Nanami said, pausing to eat.

Aoki was stunned. How could she bear that suffering and smile every day? How could she smile so radiantly after all she’s been through? One thought came across Aoki’s mind ‘She’s so strong.’

“It’s okay if you don’t want to tell me the rest,” Aoki offered, not wanting to see her friend cry again.

Nanami looked at her, stopped, and then smiled once again, trying her best to look okay. Aoki could see past her amazing façade. She had been accustomed to people pretending around her and she had grown the very useful ability to know if the person is lying or not. She badly wanted to do something, but she couldn’t. Nanami obviously didn’t want the attention and Aoki’s not going to give her what she doesn’t want.

“A-chan, promise me you’ll be with me forever,” Nanami said, boring her green eyes into Aoki’s amethyst ones.

Aoki smiled warmly at her and replied, “I can’t promise that. However, I can promise that if I every left, I would come back. Deal?”

Nanami giggled. “Deal!”

She went back to normal so fast Aoki thought. It was so obvious to her that Nanami had her share of interrogations and questionings. Perhaps she even experienced counseling too. Losing a close family member is a hard thing to accept, after all, but Nanami quickly recovered and ignored her sadness. She decided to smile for her sister.

‘I’ll try my best one-chan. Just keep watching over me. You’ll be proud.’ Nanami once said, facing her sister’s grave. It felt exhilarating to do that. She finally felt free and she began to lift her burdens up with her happiness and her smile. The smile her sister always loved…
A/n: Yeah, yeah, it's a little late to put up an introduction, but I'm still putting it up and you can't stop me!! I'm also going to make a promise. I'm not going to post anything after this, until I finish and post the third chapter for Les Merveilles de Neige. 
PS: Les Merveilles de Neige means 'The Wonders of Snow"

Perfect. Flawless. Beauty.

Those are the words that come to my mind when I hear the word 'snow.' Snow is perfect. It is completely white. Snow is flawless. It has no single discoloration. Snow is beautiful. May it be the snowflakes, or the crystals, every corner you look at is beautiful. Nothing can match up to its beauty. Snow makes people happy. Even though it is very cold, it still manages to make people happy. Except those who have to shovel the front of their house.

Those are the reasons why Snow is my role model.
A/n: Yeah, yeah, it's a little late to put up an introduction, but I'm still putting it up and you can't stop me!! I'm also going to make a promise. I'm not going to post anything after this, until I finish and post the third chapter for Les Merveilles de Neige. 
PS: Les Merveilles de Neige means 'The Wonders of Snow"

Perfect. Flawless. Beauty.

Those are the words that come to my mind when I hear the word 'snow.' Snow is perfect. It is completely white. Snow is flawless. It has no single discoloration. Snow is beautiful. May it be the snowflakes, or the crystals, every corner you look at is beautiful. Nothing can match up to its beauty. Snow makes people happy. Even though it is very cold, it still manages to make people happy. Except those who have to shovel the front of their house.

Those are the reasons why Snow is my role model.
Bringing Back The Dead
I honestly, do not enjoy reading stories wherein a character dies and gets 'resurrected' or something. It's just impossible. Author's reason? Because she's a special character. My response? No duh, every character is important! If he/she's so important, don't kill her! Bringing back the dead is just plain wrong. And if the body's been in the coffin for weeks, gross. No offense to those who like this.

Too Many Grammar Mistakes
I am a grammar-perfectionist, so I don't like stories that have too much grammar mistakes. It's very hard to understand and you don't know if it really means this or that, leaving lots of questions in my messed-up brain. I know how hard it is to learn grammar and if you're really not good at it, get a beta-reader! There are lots of beta-readers out there that don't have anything to do. Including me. Don't give me the reason 'English isn't my mother language',  because it isn't mine either! I just work hard. And don't tell me that 'I'm just twelve/thirteen years old!' Well, I'm just twelve and I do not have many grammar mistakes.

Mary Sues
I admit I didn't know what a Mary Sue meant until earlier this year, but they are unacceptable!

Making OCs Main Characters
It's alright if it's just one or two, but when you put a lot of them in and make up histories about the AAO and stuff, I get confused. I use OCs too, but I don't make them a main character. I've read a few fanfics that have one or two OCs and they were good. They didn't have anything to do with the AAO (Anti Alice Organization) and they didn't steal the spotlight. Perfect. If you're a new writer, avoid using OCs and making them main characters, because, even if some enjoy it, most don't.
So yeah, I got bored once again. Here I am, writing down people who had gotten to my good side. :))) I'm going to describe them too.

Natsuki Takayaka
I like to think of her as my best friend, though we haven't really discussed that yet. She's super supportive of my stories and I love that about her. She got her name from Natsuki Takaya, the mangaka of Fruits Basket. Her character has blond hair and aquamarine eyes. She likes art. (though in real life, not really) If you're reading this Natsu-chan, arigatou for everything you've done!

Kairu Kobayashi/ Asami Tachibana/ Leyrinne Young/ Barney/ atashinosoundlessvoice/ Chocolate Cosmo/ Weirdo
She doesn't seem to get tired of making lots of names for herself. Except I was the one who named her Barney. :P She's very fun to tease and annoy. She gets frustrated easily, in real life and in her character. She's mature and has purple hair with blue highlights. Now, I call her Donald Duck, coz she wore a t-shirt with the mentioned character's face on it. Happy quacking, kairu!

Fujioka Fuuko
My favorite little sister! I'm still not sure about her hair and eye color, but I got her black-and-white outline. She's really energetic, but, like common people, gets annoyed by me some times. What can I say? I'm just being myself!

For reading this, you are awesome! Even if you just saw this by accident and say 'It's not gonna hurt if I read it' it's totally fine Continue being awesome to other people :)

So yeah, that's it. I'm bored right now.
Konnichiwa, minna! I'm just informing you that I'll be leaving for the province in a few days, but I'll only be gone--in the most--two days. My cousin's grandma, who treated me like her grandchild, recently died and I'm going to her funeral. I don't really know when I'm leaving yet, but I know it's in a few days. I'll try to finish the third chapter of Les Merveilles de Neige before I leave, but I'm not making any promises. :)

"Mom, where are we going?"
"Don't worry. You're going to be safe. We're going to a special place where pigs can fly and money fall from trees."

A Very Special Place Where Pigs can Fly and Money fall from Trees

Youcihi woke up as soon as his alarm clock rang and groaned. Was it seven o'clock already? Maybe he would dose off just a little bit...


Youchi glared at the auburn-heard girl who had just ruined his chance of going back to sleep. He never liked the girl. She was too clingy, in his opinion. And she was too old for ponytails. She looked very childish, even though she was already sixteen years of age. But since she has become his onii-chan's girlfriend, he must be nice to her.

"You-chan, do you want me to walk you to your class?"

But sometimes she was okay.

Youichi struggled to keep the smile from his face and said, "Only if you give me a lollipop."

Mikan cooed, "Aww... That's just so cute~ Okay!"

"You're spoiling him, Baka." The familiar voice of his onee-chan rang in his ears.

"Hotaru-onee-chan!" He called.

"If you get up this instant and take a bath, I'll give you a pack of lollipops," She said.

Youichi's face lit up and he immediately went inside the bathroom. A pack of lollipops! repeated inside his head. Ruka and Natsume went inside the room and went beside their girlfriends.

"You're good." Ruka commented.

"I know," Hotaru said.

Mikan said, "You-chan's so cute."

Hotaru rolled her eyes. Sometimes, her bestfriend was too gullible. If a cute puppy would tell her to do so, she would feed him grapes and sharen their pencils. Hotaru stopped her thoughts. That isn't logical. And where the heck did I get that idea?

After a few minutes, Youichi went outside, fully dressed in his middle school uniform, ectastic to receive the ack of lollipops his onee-chan promised. Even though he was already in second grade, he never let go of his adoreness for lollipops. How could he? It was delicious!

"Do I get the lollipops now?" Youichi asked, nearing his onee-chan.

"After you eat breakfast," Then Hotaru added, "And give me some too."

Youchi pouted, but nonetheless obliged. He ate his breakfast and gave Hotaru some.

Hotaru fished something out of her bag and gave the deserving boy his pack of lollipops.

"He's going to have diabetes if you continue that," Natsume said.

Hotaru replied, soft enough for Youichi not to hear, "It's sugar-free, Hyuuga. Do you think I would want to make my little brother diabetic?"

As Youichi ate his pack of lollipops, everyone gathered around him, chatting. It was still 07:17 anyway. Along the way, they learned Youichi's history.

Youichi had trusted his mother with all his heart, even though she wasn't home most of the time. He was a smart kid and he read books and he read about kids who had the same problem as his. He learned that his mother was just working really hard to send him to school and feed him.

Or that's what he thought.

WHat his mother was really doing was gambling and talking about what a pain in the butt his son was. Then she would drink all night to forget about her 'annoying' son. SHe never talked to Youichi until she found out he had an ALice. She wanted to get rid of him, and she couldn't kill him in fear of going to jail [again], so she sent him to Gakuen Alice, being really nice all the way.

She was happy her son was out of the way.

Youichi found out about this through a kid in his class who told him about his mother telling his dad that her son was horrible. And he was greatly teased about this. That is, until Natsume and Hotaru appeared. They were his older siblings in the Academy. They treated him nicely and gave him lollipops.

He didn't think of Gakuen ALice as a prison anymore.

He thought of it as his fantasy.

He had a caring family.

And he loved that.
I'm writing down the third chapter to Les Merveilles de Neige~ I lost the first chapter. Just like the second one, but I remember everything and will make it even better than the original. Also, I'll make it longer. :)))

One last thing: Si on m'a demandé, je me décrirais comme ballpen rouge. J'aide à corriger les fautes de gens et les aider à devenir une meilleure personne.

Narumi decided to give a weird quiz to Class-B and if they didn't answer honestly, they would fail. MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

1. If you saw a puppy chillin' with a cat while drinking acid sugar floating in air, what would you do?

Mikan- I'd coo over the puppy~ Puppies are so cute~ I wish I could have one. I never knew puppies would be so expensive. I went to buy one, but I don't have much money. Oh, and on that day, a pack of werewolves appeared and ate a dancing zombie! Luckily the sidekicks of the dancing zombie ran away and got help from Dr. Zomboss who threw a bus at them. And they lived raflargblrblr-ly every after... What were we talking about again?

Hotaru- I'd blast them back to reality.

Ruka- I'd make the puppy mine. ^_^ And probably give it to Mikan who likes puppies.

Natsume- I keep the cat.

Koko- Why does everyone except Natsume ignore the cat?  *reads everyone's answers*

2. What would you do if you found the one you love hugging your waist when you woke up?

Mikan- What's love?

Hotaru- I'd hit him.

Ruka- I'd gasp. And probably hug her back ^_^

Natsume- Ignore her and go back to sleep.

Koko- Wahahaa! I love Hotaru's reaction. Me? I'd wake her up and say "Good morning."

3. How would you want the one you love to do when he finds out that you're stalked.

Mikan- WHAT'S LOVE???

Hotaru- ... I'd want him to kill the stupid stalker. A.k. a. Hayate.

Ruka- I'd want her to hit the stalker.

Natsume- I already have lots of stalkers and she can't do anything.

Koko- She'd bite them :)))

4. Your conscience tells you to confess what do you do?


Hotaru- Hit my annoying meddler of a conscience.

Ruka- I confess.

Natsume- I choke the conscience. Oh wait. I have the fire alice. I'll burn him.

Koko- I have a conscience?

5. What would happen in the future of your dreams?

Mikan- I'd be living a wonderful life in the land of Howalons. And a howalon-person will feed me. I'm getting hungry already.

Hotaru: I'd be rich, of course. And would have...him as my husband.

Ruka- I'd be the president of Greenpeace and have the girl of my dreams.

Natsume- Polka's mine.

Koko- Everyone thinks embarassing thoughts :))))





This is Sakura Keiko with another one of her before-bed ideas :) I got this before I fell asleep last night. I like the stories I make before bed, but sometimes I just forget them. :( TODAY IS A LUCK DAY! ^_^ Ruka's POV! Ruka's POV! I'm HYPER today!!!! HYPER HYPER HYPER HYPER~

"Good morning, class!" Narumi-sensei greeted, "I have a surprise for you all! I know you're going to love it!"

Groans from the class were heard. I smiled. Everyone knew that if Narumi-sensei says 'you're going to love it', it must be some kind of project where he pairs up some of us. I didn't mind. I have more things to complain about. Things that can be changed.

Like the fact that Mikan and Natsume have been dating.

Honestly, I was the one who encouraged them. I don't really understand why, but I feel alone. Again. I cried last night and I'm willing to admit it if someone accused me. It's probably very obvious when I entered the room this morning. Everyone looked at me. Their eyes were full of pity. Well, everyone except Imai-san. She wouldn't care. Natsume looked at me too. But it was more of "I'm sorry" than "I pity you" which is good. Because I don't enjoy being pitied. I smiled back at him, assuring him that I was okay.

But I wasn't.

And he nodded and went back to talking-slash-insulting his girlfriend. Girlfriend. I have to admit, the fight for Mikan was a tough one for us. We've never fallen in love with the same girl before. I tried my best, but I guess Natsume will always be better than me whatever I do. He'll always be of higher rank. I respect that. I won't complain as to why he won. I won't bring anymore troubles. I will move on.


I sighed and focused my attention to Narumi-sensei who was currently explaining something.

"We're going to have a camping trip for one week starting from Sunday!" he announced, "But only ten students will be allowed! Plus, we only have five sleeping bags. You will have to share. I will put one person in charge of picking them and that person is... Yuu! Now bye bye everyone!"

Fast Forward--Sunday
I was moping in front of my--and Imai-san's--tent. Yuu has been so kind coughsarcasmcough to pair me up with her. I sighed. At least she won't meddle with my feelings. At least that was what I thought.

"Your pictures will not sell if you're putting on an ugly face, Nogi." I looked up and there she was, the Ice Queen, staring at me.

"Go away, Imai. I'm not in the mood."

"You're jealous." She stated, sitting down beside me.

"What if I am?" I shot back.

"Hm." Imai-san said.

"I'm stupid." I said, "I can't do anything right."

"Uh-huh." Imai-san said, tinkering with another one of her inventions.

"You're not helping." I said.

"Who said I was?" She shot back.

I sighed.

"You're not as useless as you think." I stared at the girl beside me to check if she really was Imai-san. Or real.

"What?" I asked.

She smirked, "If I make a list of what you're good at, will you stop making those ugly faces?"

"Yes." I said, daring her.

She went back to the tent and after a few minutes, went out with a notebook and a purple ballpen. She began scribbling down and when I tried to take a peek, she would move causing my head to fall into the ground. I am not doing that again.

After an hour, she was still scribbling. I'm beginning to doubt her now. Maybe she was just drawing things to prove her point and for her to take more pictures of not-ugly me. Or maybe she's scribbling down a plan to... uhm... make her... more rich? Okay fine. That last reason is illogical. But it could happen.

After thirty minutes...

I'm dying to know what she's writing down. She must have used half of her 100 paged crosswise notebook. 50 pages. She writes fast. Maybe she's putting one letter each page. Or one word each page. That seems logical.

After one more hour...

"Imai!! What's taking so long??" I knew I was whining, but I have been waiting for almost two hours! She smirked and didn't bother to answer.

I sighed and looked toward the sky. The supposed-to-be fun camping trip is so boring. We weren't allowed to bring any technology, but I bet Imai-san has lots of it. She never leaves without one or more of her inventions with her. I think it helps her keep safe. No one would like it if Imai-san was kidnapped or hurt...

Now that I think about it, she never seems to be in trouble. How does she do that? I started to wonder...

"Hey, everyone! Let's go to that hill!" Koko suggested, to everyone who was obviously bored.

Everyone agreed and Imai-san put her notebook and ballpen in her pockets. We both went inside the tent and got our things.

"I already have fifty." She announced, emotionlessly.

"Woah! Fifty?" I asked, "Until what number are you aiming for?"

She smirked and looked at me, "You don't need to know."

We went up a hill and explored a little bit. Of course, Narumi-sensei was with us, but he seemed to be in his own little world while walking. Imai-san was quiet the whole trip and would scribble down whatever she was writing down earlier. I highly doubt it was the good points about me.

Later that night...
After dinner, Imai-san quickly went back to the front of the tent, wrapped herself in her sleeping bag, and started writing again.

"Imai-san, let me look! I want to have proof that those really are the good things about me!" I said.

She looked at me and said, "One page."

She showed me one page of the notebook and it listed eight.

He doesn't mind getting dirty.
He is open-minded.
He knows how to make the best of a bad day.
He is sensitive.
He can bring up a conversation.
He is not emotionless.
He is thoughtful.
He is caring to people close to him. (according to a poll, this was the thing most women find in a guy)

It was cold at night and I just lied down beside Imai-san, watching her write, wondering what she is writing. I still couldn't let go a little of my doubt though. She wrote fast, as if she was afraid that her ideas would leave her once she rests. Imai-san would make a good author. People say good authors always have new ideas and could write and write and write. Also, authors are very impatient. Check.

"Imai-san, I'm cold." I unconsciously said.

She stared at me with her beautiful amethyst eyes and--wait did I say beautiful? Oh my goodness, what is happening to me?

She was still staring while I panicked in my mind--then along all those panic, I found myself getting to a nice idea.

"Can we share your sleeping bag? I bet it's warm there." I said. MWAHAHAH! This is genius. I'd be able to see what she writes and get to share a sleeping bag with her...Wait. Why would I want to share a sleeping bag with her? It looked big enough for two people anyway.

She stared at me more, like I was an alien of some sort. Then her face looked like she was just the victim of a joke.

"I'm not kidding, Imai-san."

My teeth were chattering already and I bet she saw that. I tried my best to keep warm, wrapping myself in--

"Fine." My head shot up and I saw Imai Hotaru standing up. Everyone was already asleep.

I went inside her sleeping bag, but I didn't get a chance to see what she wrote. SHe made sure to hide it from me. Not fair! Hey, it's pretty...warm here.

After a few minutes, I fell asleep.

The Next Morning 5 a.m.

I woke up. I didn't know why I was so early. Perhaps I got used to waking up early? Anyway, the notebook was on the floor, Imai-san sleeping below it. It looks like she got tired and slept while in the middle of writing.

I quickly picked up the notebook and I saw the last number.

100. He is loved by an amazing woman.

What? Really? Who? My eyes wandered to the sleeping girl beside me and it clicked.

She wan't Imai-san to me anymore. She was Hotaru, a beautiful firefly. I hugged her and read the rest of the list. I never realized how observant she was of me. All of them were true. Some were even funny. Like:   He doesn’t like Justin Bieber (Justin Bieber sucks) It made me smile. I never realized how special I was to her. And I want her to feel the same way.She woke up a few minutes later and she stared at me, confusion evident in her eyes. I just smiled and pulle her closer. I nuzzled my face into her hair a felt her relaxing. Her hair smells like the iris. I have smelt it several times and found it very interesting. I found a blue one too. It looked beautiful and mysterious. I heard a blue iris was rare and there it was, in the Northern Forest. I visited it once in a while and sometimes, would tell my animal friends to take care of them.

But that's not the point right now. I confessed. I told her how much I loved her and how sorry I was that I just realized this now. I told her how special she was to me and how I promise to take care of her always. I told her I--

"Stop talking." She ordered.

"Yes, ma'am." I obliged. Do you know how scary Hotaru looked when she's annoyed? It is not a good sight. And I have the special privelege to see it everyday because Sakura keeps hugging her. Oh wait. The fact that she didn't push me away or shoot me with her BAKA gun is proof that she doesn't mind this.

"You're so noisy."

I smiled. I was satisfied. And I was happy that she was, too.

"I love you, Hotaru."

101. He is blunt.

It's edited already~ I'm already number 89 on the list. ^_^ I'm afraid of repeating things. =.=
Here's chapter deux everyone! I lost this, but tried my best to rewrite it. You know, once a story's in my mind, it never leaves. :D

..•.¸¸•´¯`•.¸¸.. Chapter one: A New Friend ..•.¸¸•´¯`•.¸¸.

“—weren’t looking where—“
“But I was in a hurry!”

Aiko woke up with a big headache. Her head throbbed and she stared at the two arguing hotheads in front of her. Suddenly, an orange-haired girl was in front of her, staring at her.

“Look, look!” She called, “She’s awake!”

Daiki looked at Aiko. She didn’t seem different from earlier. She still had that prideful aura surrounding her. He sighed. I guess there wasn’t really anything to worry about. He watched as the two girls stared at each other like they were seeing an alien from another planet.

Ichiko Nanami was confused. Aiko looked like someone who wouldn’t collapse so suddenly. She looked like a magnificent woman. She had an air of maturity around her and she held her head high. Even though she’s on a hospital bed. She decided then and there. This girl is going to be my role model!

Aiko hated hospitals. She would always see the patients there in white clothes. No way is she going to let them change her clothes. Only she could do that. She couldn’t trust anyone else with her body.

Aiko raised an eyebrow at the new person. “Et vous êtes ... ?”

“Ah! I haven’t introduced myself yet!” Nanami exclaimed, moving back about five meters. “Ichiko Nanami. I am fifteen years old and go to Sakurano High in Class 1-B. I like sweets and chocolates! Hey~ Do you have any chocolates with you? Do you? Huh? Huh? Huh?” Nanami asked, leaning her head closer and closer to Aiko’s every word.

Aiko raised her eyebrow and bluntly replied, “Non.”

She stood up, back straight, chin up, and walked toward the door. She didn’t like hospitals and she didn’t plan on staying here any longer. With her aura of pride and her air of maturity, she left the room and proceeded to find the exit.

Oh, wait.

This was Japan. The buildings in Japan do not have the same architectures with France. She didn’t have an idea where the exit is. How was she going to find one? She couldn’t stoop down as low as to ask the failure of a person, Daiki.
And so she saw the girl who had followed her outside.

“Ne, Fujie-san, can we be friendsssss?” Nanami asked, stretching the last word out.

Aoki smirked. She had an idea. Of course she did. She’s one of the smartest at her former school, Le Soleil Brillant. Thinking about it made her eyes water. She missed her friends, the people who made her life better. She shook of those mundane thoughts and focused on the situation.

“If you show me where the exits are, I’d happily be your—as we say in France—ami.” Aoki said, showing a beautiful smile.

Nanami smiled back then pouted. “I’m sorry. I don’t know where the exits are… I haven’t been in a hospital for a long time.”

Aoki’s smile dissolved.

“You need my help.” It was more of a statement than a question. Aoki turned around and Daiki, with an unfamiliar smirk plastered on his handsome face, came into sight. He was leaning against the border of the door with his arms crossed, obviously amused. Aoki glared at him, unsurprisingly.

The glaring contest started. Again. Until someone disturbed them, to Aoki’s delight and Daiki’s disappointment.

“Ne, ne, Fujie-san! I know where the exits are!” Nanami came rushing over, a big smile on her face, happy that she had a new friend. “I asked a guard and they showed me the way.”

Aoki felt a smile tug her lips. She looked at Daiki with triumph and walked away, leaving a fuming Daiki. He had planned it! How come she always won!? It’s not fair at all! She can’t win all the time!

Daiki stomped over to a longer exit, to contemplate and to calm his mind down, earning curious stares from onlookers. He didn’t care. He didn’t care about anything right now! He just wanted that woman out of his life, his once peaceful life! It had all been ruined by that… that… beast!

He needed revenge—No, he thirsted for it. He was going to get it and no one is going to stand in his way.

In the meanwhile, Aoki and her newly-found friend walked along the streets, happily chatting about different things. Aoki liked this girl. She wasn’t afraid to express her feelings. She couldn’t stand being quiet, while Aoki was surrounded by silence, the reasons unknown to her. Nanami could smile all she want, while Aoki only sometimes smiles.

“Can I call you Nanami-chan?” Aoki said, stunned that she had the courage to say that.

Instead of the ignorance Aoki expected and feared, Nanami smiled. “Of course! Ne, can I call you Aoki-chan?—Oh wait. Let me think of a cuter name. A-chan! Can I call you A-chan? If I can, you can call me Nana-chan!”

Aoki smiled at her. She actually said that many things by just listening to five words.

“Okay,” she replied, “Nana-chan.”

“Wah! A-chan looks so cute when she smiles!” Nanami exclaimed, “Nana-chan thinks A-chan should smile more often.”

Aoki’s face turned stoic once again. “I’m sorry. I can’t do that.”

“Eh?” Nanami asked, “Why?”
“I find it hard to express my feelings.” She lied.

The truth was hidden beneath her heart. She refused to smile since she was a child. No one knew the reason. No one tried to figure it out. They never cared. Her parents were always away. They were only home if she did something wrong. They were never there when she accomplished things in life. They were only there to scold her. And they’re the reason she’s suffering here in Japan with a guy that can’t stand her. It’s okay. She can’t stand him either.

“A-chan, I want to show you something!” Nanami said, interrupting Aoki’s mind.

“Eh?” Aoki managed to say before she was pulled to who-knows-where.

After a few seconds, she found herself staring at a beautiful sight. They were on a high hill and could see the whole town. It was a wondrous sight. He could see ervything, the people, the buldings, the animals. She felt like she was on top of the world.

Her blond hair swayed with the wind and she felt free. She always loved the wind, even though she gets to xperience the wind playing with her hair rarely. She was satisfied. She felt like she was flying and she was closer to heaven, where dreams become reality.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” She turned her attention to the orange-haired girl beside her.

“C'était presque magique.” She replied, closing her eyes, and hearing the wind talk to her.

Nanami smiled. “I don’t really know what that means, but I’m sure it’s wonderful.”

They watched in silence for the next few minutes. Aiko never thought Nanami could hold her words for this long. She tried to calculate the situation when she comes home. Can it really be called home? I thought home was where a person would feel happy. Welcome. She missed everyone. She missed everyone at France. She wanted to go back. She wanted to go back and be in the comforting arms of her parents. Ha! As if that’s ever going to happen. They don’t love me.

Nanami looked at the purple-haired girl beside her. She knew that Aiko was trying to sort out her feelings, and having a hard time. She wanted to help her. She wanted her to know that she ws always there if she ever needed any help. She wanted… to be trusted.

After that, they parted ways and Aoki went… home.  The moment she opened the door, she wasn’t ready for the next words that came out of Daiki’s mouth.
“Welcome home, Aoki.”
Look forward for the next chapter~ AU revoir, tout le monde!

Just a Notice

All writings, drawings, plots, and quotes mentioned here are owned by Keiko Sakura, except those containing disclaimers.

All animes mentioned in this blog are not owned by Keiko Sakura. All names in stories, save for the anime ones, have been thought of randomly and are not implying anything.