"I can't believe it!" Mikan shouted, her arms wide open." My friends are all superstars and no one ever bothered to tell me!"

Sumire was wide-eyed. Kokoro laughed. Kitsuneme guffawed. Mochu nearly choked on his hot cocoa (with extra marshmallows). Ruka sat, his mouth hanging open. Natsume snorted. Hotaru stared.

"So?" Mikan asked, walking into the front of the classroom, both her hands on her hips. Her face had not a sign of sarcasm or of humor. She was dead-serious. She was dead-serious about her friends being superstars. She was dead-serious of all her friends being superstars and not telling her.

And she didn't look ecstastic--or anywhere near happy.

"So what?" Hotaru decided to answer, her face as blank as ever.

Everyone stared. Mikan gasped, horrified that no one knew what they had done wrong.

"SO WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELFS??" Mikan shouted, angry at everyone, unaware of her grammar correction

Sumire stared. Kokoro munched on a brownie. Kitsuneme grabbed the brownie from Koko. Mochu levitated the brownie to the air and ate it. Ruka sat, his mouth hanging open. Natsume snorted. Hotaru stared.

"OH, give me that brownie!!" Mikan shouted.

"Can't." Koko said. "All out."

Kitsuneme snickered.

"Mikan," Sumire started, finally." We are not superstars. Whoever told you a ridiculous idea like that? Well, sure, I could be one, but look at these guys," She said, pointing at Koko and Kitsuneme, who had chocolate mustaches. "They are the least bit superstar material."

"But-but--but..." Mikan said, feeling every ounce of confidence melt into a puddle of embarrassment.

"Polka," Natsume said, pulling her out of the room. "We need to talk."

Kitsuneme and Koko snickered as Natsume led his girlfriend out of the classroom. Hotaru ignored everything and proceeded on with her latest invention. Ruka sat, his mouth hanging open.

"What had just happened?" Ruka asked.

"Kitsu stole my brownie!" Koko said.

"Mochu stole the brownie I stole from Koko!" Kitsuneme complained.

"I ate a brownie. It was delicious, man." Mochu said, chuckling.

And this is The End. Yay <3
It was Angela-onee-chan's birthday last November 23 and I am a bad sister to forget. Well, actually, I never really, um, knew, and that makes it much more worse! So, I present to you a poem, which I made just now and which really sucks. XD

Onee-chan is nice.
Onee-chan is pretty.
Onee-chan makes the mice
Come to the kitty. 
(I have no idea what that means)

When Onee-chan is here,
Everyone is happy.
Nobody has fear,
And nobody feels crappy.

HAHA. As always, I suck at poems, but meh! I also drew onee-chan a picture. ^^ Ms Paint sure is fun.

My onee-chan on FB :3

I have found some neat websites lately.

  • One of them is fodey. In Fodey, I have made this:

Awesome, isn't it? Well, that's not the only thing you can do at Fodey. There, you can make fake newspapers, talking sunflowers and tons more awesome things!

  • Then, there's also Where the Map Ends where you can find tons of stuff to help you in writing. It explains things really good and even includes a free software where you can make your own world!
  • Here's an interesting one for people who don't want their names all over the Internet: The Writer's Den. Here, you can make a fake writer profile with a working fake e-mail! There's also tons of other stuff, like writing tips, location generators, exercises and character names.
  • This one may look for kids, but is actually pretty fun to do. In Story Starters, you can "Spin the Wheel" for random writing ideas. You can do them for fun or take it seriously.
  • Are you one for fantasies? Go to Proppian Fairy Generator right away if you are!
  • In The Story Generator, you can randomly generate character and plots. This can be a lot of help when you're stuck with an idea, but don't know how to proceed.
  • Also, one of my favorites is Seventh Sanctum where there are lots and lots of generators. There are prompt generators, name generators, writing generators and lots more I haven't tried out yet!
So what are you waiting for? Click one of the sites above and have fun!
I have discovered Seventh Sanctum and am very eager to get started on the prompts given to me. This is just for fun, but who knows? Maybe it will turn into a good one!


  • The story is set during a police investigation. The story takes place in the early evening. The story must have a gladiator at the beginning. The story must involve a bag in it.
  • A character pretends to be someone else. A character is antisocial throughout most of the story. During the story, a character loses something.
[Please Click The Title To Start Reading]

IT'S KAIRU'S BIRTHDAY TODAAAAY~ I made her a gift during Math while our teacher was scribbling on the blackboard about dividing polynomials. It's a nice gift. I think.

Because I am suffering a severe case of Writer's Block, I shall post random drabbles I made up during Math, History or English. Don't worry, I love English, but I can't bear the grammar mistakes my teacher makes (Is she even a qualified English teacher? I don't think so)

So let the Drabbling begin! YAAAY~

What does "to have more care for life" mean? Does it mean that you have to take things more seriously? or does that mean you should care about the events around you more? Or maybe it means that you aren't putting enough effort into everything you do..?

There are lots of faults about me; I, myself, know that. I'm not smart enough, not industrious enough and head-to-toe lazy. I've had lots of experience wherein a friend decides to give me some "helpful advice" about my attitude. It took some really seriously and some, I ignored really seriously. Life is very fun--I, of all people, know that; I've experienced the fun life has. And it has much more to offer.

--End of First Drabble--

A/n: This second drabble is one that I may proofread, edit and post in someday. It is about Sumire Shouda and Kokoro Yome.

[Click the title to read]
Bianca came over to my house and we played and bought food and ate it and played and did not do what we were supposed to be doing--preparing our presentation for school. Oh well.

It was fun. That's all. :)
I have been taking Beta-reader tests from this site called Perfect Imagination.  This is the fourth time I'm going to take this test and I really hope I'll be able to join. First time, I got a 43 percent and it was not enough  for me to become a beta-reader. On the second time, I failed again. On the third time, my e-mail was somehow not submitted and I thus, have to take another one.

I admit I am not very observant and hardly notice little mistakes, but I am very constant in detecting "The Homonym Mistake" as I call it. It is where a homonym of the intended word is used instead of it.
Example of the Homonym Mistake
This movie is to scary for me.

The 'to' there should be 'too.'

I always read stories of amateur writers and I tell you, most of them have 75 percent wrong grammar. It's frustrating sometimes, but I have gone used to it and, even though it still annoys me some times, I can tolerate it more peacefully now. I also sometimes give advice to these writers.

But there are some amateur writers that are strikingly good and I admire them. My first story in was very bad and I am very glad I have deleted it. I think it is in this blog though. Some of these have been my friends and I salute them all. I have met a girl my age and her stories are really good, unlike mine.

But I am still proud of my stories. I was always, always am, and always be, proud of them. :)))

November 18, 2011 Legacy Stats. Sakura Keiko

Keiko: First and foremost, I got the idea of drawing in Ms Paint from a hilarious blog. So, yes, this post will consist of drawings I made in Ms Paint (They fail; Sorry)  and pictures. :)))

At school, I sit beside two boys, since we have this rule or something that we have to sit beside people with opposite gender.
And I have to deal with the two boys beside me all the time, because they're so noisy and I can't understand what the teacher says with their noise. They keep talking about War Games and stuff and I honestly cannot understand them (though I play Command & Conquer and WarCraft)

They're always getting scolded and to be honest, a girl could get tired of hearing too much sermons. And as if it wasn't worse, the guy behind me started talking to them too. I hate listening to them talk noisily about things I have no idea about--not that I want to join in on their conversation.

At least the guy on my right isn't that bad. He actually listens to the teacher and when his friends aren't bugging him, he reads a book. Oh, and he constantly asks me things too, like "I wonder why the Point of Views in this book keep changing."

And I let him critic some of my stories too.

Anyway, boys aren't always immature. They can act mature if they want to too. For example, a guy can ace tests if they just study. Our valedictorian was a boy and he is mature. He gets high scores on almost all the exams, is our class president, is burdened with a lot of responsibilities because he is class president, is the most trusted student by teachers, is leader on most groups, is part of our school newspaper, and many more. And he still has time for study after all that.

I'm surprised he isn't collapsing everywhere, because I always fall asleep during Math and I am not class president, I am not trusted by some teachers, I am seldom elected leader, etc.

Valedictorian (Left) Me (Right) ^At least my world is colorful
I know a number of boys that can be mature if they want to and immature when they don't.

Okay, I'm done. Let's eat cookies now.

Angel <--Visit my profile on onegai?

My story, Coming Back, now contains one chapter and a prologue. (Yes, I admit that I am slow) I have actually finished Chapter Two, but it still needs to be edited for it was written during Math and History at school and I don't think I did a good job on it.

I liked the idea at first, but now I'm starting to have doubts. Maybe I shouldn't have read it after all, because if I read my own stories, I get depressed and stuff. LOL XD I also sometimes laugh at my own work, too even if they aren't the least bit funny.

[Click the title to read more]
I posted a poem about the same topic on August, but now I decided to make my own.

True Happiness
Doesn't come in boxes.
Or in petty little promises.

True Happiness 
Comes from the heart.
Not from anything else.

Because if it does,
Do you think it would be called
As it is?

True Happiness
Can't be given
By those guys
Wearing crowns.

True Happiness 
Can only be acquired
Through love
Sweet, Sweet, love.

OHMYGOSH. That was even worse than the second one. Oh well. It was fun to make. :)))
A/n: It has been a long time since I've started this story, so I might as well finish it. Read part one here.

'I really hate English,' Yuki thought as he came out of the classroom, test paper in hand. He had got an 89 and for him, 89 was a low grade.

'I had 92 in Literature, 95 in Maths, and even higher in the other subjects, but this...' Yuki contemplated, obviously angry, '...this is an embarrassment.'

Yuki shook his head as he tried to get the thought out of his mind and proceeded to the Student Council Room. There, Kimi, Machi and Kakeru were already there.

Kimi greeted, "Ah~! President, good afteroon! Sakuragi-kun is absent today--and we have a lot of work to do! Do you think we can do it?"
Kakeru butted in, "Of course we can! We have Yuki with us!"
"Oh~" Kimi replied, "So, are we going to give all the work to President?"
"Hey!" Kakeru exclaimed. "That sounds like a good idea!"

Yuki muttered, "Irresponsible..."

Machi continued on whatever she was doing and didn't even acknowledge Yuki's presence. But since he was used to it, it was okay.

"Ne, Machi~" Kimi said. "What are you doing?"
Machi said, without lifting her head. "Duties."
"EH~? What kind?" Kimi asked.
"The ones you all are not doing." Machi simply answered.

Everyone sweatdropped and proceeded to their own work. It was hard, but they had to do it. They were Student Council, after all.

While working, Yuki couldn't help but occasionally look in Machi's direction. She was busying herself and ignoring everything else, while Kimi and Kakeru kept talking and fooling around.

"At least they're doing their job." Yuki said.

After an hour and a half, only Yuki and Machi were left. They still had some work to do, Yuki being the President and Machi filling in for Sakuragi.

"President." Machi said.
Yuki looked at Machi, who was facing him. "Hmm?"
"I'm done." She proclaimed. "Would you like me to wait for you?"
"Ah.." Yuki said, thinking. "It's fine with me if you would like to."
"Then I'll wait." Machi said.

Yuki couldn't help but smile. He liked her, after all, so he would obviously be happy that she chose to wait for him rather than leave him by himself. Maybe it's just because it was already late and she didn't want to walk in the hallways--where ghosts were said to reside--by herself.

'Even so,' Yuki thought, 'I'm happy.'

To be Continued.


This was originally made by Kairu, but I was bored so I decided to write a story about it. :DD
Disclaimer: I do not own the LAWL fever. It has been made up by Kairu's mind--not mine.
Characters: Kairu, Michiko, Yukiko, and Ai. And also the Idiot Scientists. Oh, and me too. :))))
Purpose: Humor. Simply humor.

In the random town of Albione, there was a dreadful disease. It has been spreading all over the town for a long time and still, the idiot scientists cannot think of a cure for it. Let's take a peek in their lab, shall we?

Idiot Scientist one exclaimed, "OH MY! I have just discovered something!"
Idiot Scientist One shook his head. "No. I just discovered that dogs aren't allowed to eat chocolate."
All the Idiot Scientists got mad at him and he was sent to the CHAMBER OF IDIOTS.

In the CHAMBER OF IDIOTS, Idiot Scientist One died.
The End.
Wait! What about the other characters?? And what kind of a story is this!?
Oh right.  The other characters. =.= Nah, I'm too lazy right now. I'll do it later.
SHEESH. Fine. 

In the town of Albione, there was a small family called 'Frais.' The family of 'Frais' is a rich family, but is slowly being taken over by the terrible disease. Since the only sound you can make when you have the disease is "LAWL,"  the family of 'Frais' decided to call it "The Lawl Fever." 

The first one who was infected was Kairu Frais, the only daughter of Ai Frais, who was also infected a few days after. Next came Michiko Frais, Kairu's cousin and her two sisters, Yukiko Frais and Keiko Frais.

They all died because of the disease, except Keiko, because she was SUPAH! powers. :)))

The End.
That is a terrible story.
Who cares? It's just for fun.
I care. This story doesn't make any sense at all.
You're stupid.
What!? How did I become stupid?
Because this story makes perfect sense. To smart people, anyway.
The End.
You already said that.
You're bothering the readers.
The End.
It's funny how 'Frais' doesn't fit everyone's names.
Dear Heart,
It's been two years since I've forced myself to forget him. Isn't that enough for you to wipe him off your cells? Honestly, Heart, you've been really jumpy these days. Can't you see that he doesn't care for you anymore? Stop pumping real hard when my friends tease me about him. My body doesn't need that much blood, okay?

Heart, you do know that your job is just to pump blood, right? You're not getting paid for reacting to his every move. So, yeah, just stick to your job and I think we'll be both fine.

I wonder how it feels
To have someone worried for you when you're sick
To have someone be there for you when you're sad
To be enveloped in big, strong arms.

I wonder how it feels
To be loved by many
To be adored and stalked
To be the best in one's eyes.

I wonder how it feels
To be rich beyond doubt
To sleep in a bed
With a canopy overhead.

I have always wondered
What my life would be like
If I was those kinds

But now I'm grateful
And thoroughly satisfied
With being no on else
But me.

A/n: Okay, okay. I know I suck at these poems, but it's just so fun. XDD
A Prince Charming is known to be perfect
A Prince Charming is known to be rich
A Prince Charming is supposed to save you
From an evil, wicked witch.

But my Prince Charming isn't perfect,
Yet he's the only guy for me.
My Prince Charming doesn't own a mansion,
But he fills my heart with glee.

My prince charming wouldn't be able to find any witches
But he's found me--his counterpart.
But My Prince Charming governs a kingdom,
A kingdom called "My Heart."

A/n: Did I just write that? OAO
"Sometimes I wonder how rich people live; of course, I know about their countless money, their beautiful house(s), and--sometimes--their desire to be free.

But we really don't know, do we? We have no idea what these people think about and how their rich minds work. Do they wish to be free, like the ones we have watched on TV? Or are they satisfied with their lives and look forward to every day?

If we just sit here, dawdling and dreaming about asking them these questions, then nothing would be accomplished, so I decided to represent all of us and our unwavering minds and interview one of the richest persons in the world."


From Wikipedia
Mark Zuckerberg is the founder of Facebook.

Facebook has been described as "the world's largest social network, with over 500 million users." Facebook was created by Mark Zuckerberg and his college roommates. Facebook gives us the opportunity to connect with the people we love and at the same time, have fun. :)
What if I hadn't left the group?
Would we still be friends?
What if I never joined the group?
Would we still be friends?
What if I had transferred schools?
Would we still be friends?
What if I was in the other section?
Would we still be friends?
[Click the Ttile to read more]

A/n: I personally like Ritsuka's version better than Miku's. (Ritsuka is a Nico Nico Cover Singer; Miku is a Vocaloid)

Romaji Lyrics:
Mado wo akete chiisaku tsubuyaita
(How are you?)
Dare mo inai heya de hitori
Asa ga kita yo doshaburi no asa ga
(Tik Tak)
Watashi no neji wo dareka maite

Mukashi no anime ni sonna itakke na
(How are you?)
Urayamashii na minna ni ai sarete
Baka na koto itte nai de shitaku wo shinakucha
Namida ato kakusu tame

Mou, kuchiguse ni matta "ma, ikka"
Kinou no kotoba ga futo atama wo yogiru
"Mou kimi wa zenzen kitai shite nai kara."
Soryaa maa watashi datte jibun ni kitai nado shitenai keredo
Are wa Ittai douiu tsumori desu ka?

Nodo moto matte dekakatta kotobo
Kuchi wo tsuitse deta no wa uso
Kou shite kyou mo watashi wa kichou na 
Kotoba o rouhi shite ikite yuku
Naze kakushite shimau no desu ka
Warawareru no ga kowai no desu ka
dare ni mo aitakunai no desu ka
sore hontou desu ka
aimai to iu na no umi ni oborete
iki mo dekinai hodo kurushii no
sukoshi koe ga kikitaku narimashita
hontou ni yowai na

ikkou ni susumanai shitaku no tochuu
mourou to shita atama de omou
"mou riyuu o tsukete yasunde shimaou ka na"
iya iya wakatte'masu tte
nan to naku itte mita dake da yo
wakatte'ru kara okoranaide yo

shiawase darou to fushiawase darou to
byoudou ni zankoku ni asahi wa noboru
ikite'ku dake de seiippai no watashi ni
kore ijou nani o nozomu to iu no

naze ki ni shite shimau no desu ka
hontou wa aisaretai no desu ka
sono te o hanashita no wa dare desu ka
ki ga tsuite'masu ka
jinsei ni taimu kaado ga aru nara
owari no jikan wa itsu na n darou
watashi ga ikita bun no kyuuryou wa
dare ga harau n desu ka

(Thank You)
arigatou tte iitai no
(Thank You)
arigatou tte iitai no
(Thank You)
Ichido dake de mo ii kara
Kokoro no soko kara oonaki shinagara
arigatou tte iitai no

naze kakushite shimau no desu ka
hontou wa kiite hoshii no desu ka
zettai ni warattari shinai kara
hanashite mimasen ka
kuchi o hirakanakereba wakaranai
omotte'ru dake de wa tsutawaran

(Hello How Are You)
anata ni haro hawayu


Image From Pandemic Labs

I Challenge the Following Authors:
Lunar Chan

To Participate in this Challenge~! It's title is Radical Randomness! 

Objective: Make the most  random story ever seen to man and let your readers laugh insanically.
Where to Post? Facebook :D You can also post it in your blog/, but you have to post it in Facebook first.
Judges? Keiko (Me)Azusa-chan, and a bunch of random people.


  • Deadline is on Saturday next week. (Philippine Time)
  • Lemons are not allowed.
  • You must post the story on Facebook.
  • It must be R A N D O M.
  • It should at least be 1000 words.
  • It should be in English. If you include other languages, you must put the translation where we could find them.
  • It must be your original work.
That's all! Have fun! I will be posting the winner's work on Saturday. Of course, I'll give credits. :)

Angel <---Have you seen this site before? Have you been a victim of one of your friends who knows the secret? Well, now, you'll be able to trick your friends with this prank site.

Le Secret Derrière Peter Answers!--Revealed!

The secret is in the first box, the Petition Box. It is where you're supposed to put "Peter, please answer" or something, but haven't you wondered why Peter needs a Petition? It's because he needs to put the answer somewhere--and the Creators decided that a Petition box was more suitable.

Try typing a period "." in the Petition Box. What do you see? Let me guess. It's the letter "P." Now, continue typing with whatever you want to type and what do you see? Try typing a question in the Question Box, click "OK" and the word that shows up is the one you typed in the Petition Box.

EXAMPLE: {Because everything is much more easier with an example}

  • I type ".dog:" in the Petition Box. {Tip: Try to complete up to "Peter please answer", so your victim wouldn't be easily fooled}
  • In the Question Box, I type "What is my favorite animal?"
  • Can you guess what shows up?
Now that you've learned the secret of this site, it's time for you to spread the word or get a victim of your own~
A/n: Hello again. :) I'm here, writing another one of my series that take so long to update. I wanted to try out this style and see if I can keep up with it.

I am me and you are you. We are all each other and no one can be any other person, except for themselves. If you wanted to be me, that cannot be arranged for each of us have our own selves and we cannot change them like we change our clothes. If I wanted to be you, it would also not be possible, for I am me and I can never be you.

That is why I make the habit of not admiring others. Admiration might lead to Idolization, which is obviously far worse than the former. Idolization is the act of imitating your role model, and in that process, you might accidentally or intentionally erase yourself. If you erase yourself just to become another person, what would be left of you?


You will not be that person, because as I have explained earlier, we are each other and can never be someone else. We are able to erase ourselves, but we are not capable of drawing our own selves. We cannot make an entirely different person from nothing.

We are not God.

God created everything from nothing at all. That is the main reason we call him God and the one of the few beliefs that scientists cannot counter, because they cannot build a theory that may explain how the world began with the right sets of evidences and proof.

We are dependent.

Not only on other people, but also in this world we live in. Don't deny it. Everything we see comes from nature; some may be artificial, but where do the components of these artificial things come from? Nature, what else? We are dependent on everything around us, for humans are weak beings. We call ourselves the most high of all the living things, but just like them, we also rely on our surroundings and the organisms that live in it.

We are arrogant.

When are we going to admit it? We are arrogant, selfish beings. We copy other people, just for the sake of being someone. We try to question God with our petty little reasons and cause an outburst within the peace of society. We try to act all strong and mighty, but inside, we are actually depending on everything and we owe our successes to the people, environment and the things around us.

This is my story. If you want to say that this is trash, go ahead. We have "Freedom of Speech" anyway, so go ahead, say whatever you want. But I will tell you this: I am me and I can choose whatever characteristic I want to have and you can never do anything about it.

Face the facts. I was, am, and will always be me, and you are eternally stuck to yourself, so why don't we just stop moping around and face the facts? After all, you can never be me. ;)

A/n: OhmyGosh. Did I write that? It feels so...offensive. >< I can't believe I was able to write something like that. I guess I was carried away. =.="  Well~ Until next time~! Bye Bye!
LOL~ I've been accepting too many tasks, because I'll be having so much time~! Oh well. XDD

So Yeah~ Right now, I'll just be posting some useless drabbles and some glimpses on my life. :)

If you're interested, click on the title.

Interview with Michiko Yamasaki and Jolene Valenzuela. I will be asking them the same questions and I will be posting everything they say here. This conversation happened on Facebook.

What is your favorite quote?
Michiko: "It is always sad to part with those whom you love but your companions will help you bear that sadness."
Jolene: "Great things start from small beginnings."
Have you ever felt alone? Will you share with us how you felt?
Michiko: "YES. I felt lonely and d bored­ ­"
Jolene: I was kinda annoyed, because no one was around to listen to what I want to say."
What do you think of the novel "The Little Prince"?
Michiko:"The story of the little prince teaches us many lessons(?) (even though I am not finish reading it yet) and every character symbolizes something ­ ­"
Jolene: "I haven't read it yet. But I know what the book looked like."
If you were to die tomorrow, who would you spend your day with? (family, friends, crush, enemy)
Michiko:'Family.....Because I love them more than my friends'
Jolene: "Friends."
Which of your enemies do you most like?
Michiko: "I don't have any enemies­ ­"
Jolene: "Well, I don't have an enemy that I like, actually. But the KIND of enemy that I like is the one who apologizes sincerely"
warning random

Answering Random Questions From Random Sites. 

I will be answering questions from different sites.

Click the title if you want to read.

Here's Chapter Six. :) It's been a long time.

Rin’s POV
“What? You’re going away?”

A wave of emotions splashed away the hope inside of me. I looked at Len. I already lost one important person; I didn’t need to lose another one. Len was a very special person to me. He had lifted me up when I was in my lowest—I couldn’t bear seeing him walk away.

“Yes,” He looked down, so I couldn’t see his face. “My mother…My mother wanted to come visit Miku’s country…and it’s pretty far—“

“When will you come back?” I asked, not minding the roll of emotions that are probably already showing on my face.

Len raised his head and looked at me. There was a spark of emotion in his eyes, but I couldn’t read it; it 
passed by so fast.

“I don’t know.” He answered, looking back down. His hands were balled into fists as if he was stopping any 
kind of emotion to show.

I wanted to cry. I wanted to cry in his arms and feel his breaths. Like what happens in mangas. But I guess 
my life isn’t a manga, and it will never be. This is reality and reality was never easy for me. I guess Life must 
be laughing at me right now, laughing at my weakness.

I hate being weak. Being weak makes you lose the people special to you. I want to be strong. I want to 
protect everyone I love and never lose them.

But unfortunately, I was born weak and I guess I won’t be able to change that fact.

“Will… Will I ever see you again…?” I asked, nearly crying.

He bit his lip as if he knew this was coming, but was still surprised. He didn’t talk for a while. He closed his 
eyes and opened it a second later.

“I don’t know,” He said, as if he had been hiding in Fantasy all along and just met Reality.

I don’t know what he’s thinking. He wouldn’t look at me. I guess it hurts for him too, but not as much as it 
hurts me. After all, I am just a friend to him. But to me, he’s not just a friend, but, the one my heart chose.

“I-I’m sorry.” He said, his gaze still fixated on the ground.

It wasn’t his fault. It never was. Len never did anything wrong. He shouldn’t be apologizing right now. I 
wanted to tell him that, but my voice won’t come out. I don’t know if it’s because of the sadness or 
something else.

I’m so confused right now. I don’t even know what I’m feeling. I don’t even know what I should be feeling.

All I knew was that I started running. I didn’t know where, I didn’t know why, but I just did. I wanted to be 
out of Len’s sight before I start bawling my eyes out.

I’m sorry, Len. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to say goodbye. I’m sorry I’m such a coward that I can’t tell you my 
feelings. I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to make you happy this time.

Len’s POV

She ran away. I guess I kind of deserved that. After all, I left her with such a simple reason. I don’t know if 
she even believes me. Maybe she’s abandoned all the trust she had put on me.

I don’t blame her if she hates me now. Her feelings are justified, while mine are not.

It’s not fair for her. I guess I hurt her a lot, judging from the face she wore before she left. She looked 
absolutely depressed. I had to contain myself from immediately hugging her and telling her comforting things, 
like she did to me for the last few weeks.

I’m such a weakling. I don’t know why, though. My mother definitely isn’t one and I guess my father isn’t 
one too, for mother would never marry a weakling.

I’m such a terrible person. I bring sadness to everyone around me. Everyone special to me always ends up 
either dead or miserable.

I didn’t want that to happen to Rin, because, after all, she was the only one who had ever let me feel that 
way. But it did happen. Maybe it’s my destiny. Maybe I was just meant to hurt everyone around me, even 
when I don’t mean it.

I don’t know what to do. I want to make her feel happy. I want to see her smile and happy again. I can’t 
stand seeing her this sad.

I found myself in front of my mother’s room before I knew it. Maybe my legs had their own brains and could 
sense my feelings, so they started walking here without me knowing it.

What the heck, Len. What are you thinking? Are you going crazy? I guess I already am.

I knocked on the mahogany door of my mother’s room and heard some soft footsteps. I guess she was 

“Name.” Came her voice from the inside of the room.

“It’s me, mother. It’s Len.” I answered, wondering what I should say.

She opened the door and let me in. She looks like she’s in a cranky mood. Maybe this isn’t the time to tell 
her my decision. Maybe I-I should wait until a few days later…

Stop being a coward, Len.

Wh-What? Who said that?

It’s me, duh! Your conscience.

What? I have a conscience?

Everyone does dumbo. Now let’s get straight to the point.


Tell your mother that you don’t love Miku and to cancel the engagement and you and Rin can run 
away together and everyone lives happily ever after. And I won’t hear your miserable thoughts 

What? I think I’m starting to lose my mind completely. I am talking to an imaginary voice in my head.

You are not going crazy. Get it? Now go and tell your mother—

“What do you want to talk about?”

I fidgeted nervously, contemplating if I should tell her or not. Or maybe I can make an excuse to pee or 
something, so I can think things over. And besides, I really need to pee right now.

“I don’t have all day, Len.” My mother insisted, rather impatiently. “I have a lot of things to do.”

“Uh, y-yes. You do.” I answered. “So I shouldn’t be disturbing you right now. Tell you what. I’m just going 
to leave right now—“

Mother raised an annoyed eyebrow at me. I gulped and prepared myself for the worst.


“It’s so unfair. It’s very, very, very, very, unfair! I can’t believe this is happening. It’s the worst thing that has 
happened to me!”

Hatsune Miku continued on complaining to her only friend, Mr. FluffyBear. She had been grounded for a 
whole month and doesn’t appear to be very happy about it.

She stomped her left foot and said, “And what did I do to deserve this kind of treatment? I rode a horse. I 
just rode a horse, Mr. FluffyBear! How could they do this to me!? It’s cruel, I tell you! Cruel!”

She sat on her bed and continued in her rants. Apparently, she rode a horse to the next town and back 
again. She had been gone for four hours and her parents were terribly worried. Thus, she was grounded.

“I wish Rin was here…” Miku said. “She would know how to cheer me up…”

Miku stood up, not wanting to be swallowed by her sadness. She peeked through her bedroom door and 
when she was certain that no one was there, she quickly tip-toed toward the kitchen, where her ticket out of 
the castle waits. Yeah, she’d be grounded again when her parents find out, but it would be simply boring 
just sitting in her room. And besides, Mr. FluffyBear is probably tired of hearing her complaints.

‘I’m going to go someplace far away.’ She decided. ‘Somewhere my parents can never find me and 
where I can stay forever and ever!’

Miku smiled at her thought and finally succeeded getting out of the castle, without anyone noticing her.

I bet I’d meet a prince there too. Someone who would give all his time for me, would never leave my 
side and would love me forever and ever!’   


Chapter Two: The Engagement

It was a partly cloudy afternoon, but the sky showed no signs of rain, so Rin decided to visit her mother’s grave. Len had something to do, but promised to meet up with her later. It was the very first time Rin went there alone, but she could manage. She’d managed to get this far without breaking down and it was all thanks to the prince.

Rin’s POV

“Len-sama really is a nice person. He never gets mad at me when I make mistakes,” I said, facing my mother’s grave. “Even though he’s busy, he always finds time to talk to me.  Mother, I don’t really understand this feeling, but whenever Len-sama’s with me, I feel safe.”

There was suddenly a soft breeze and I know that wherever mother is, she’ll still continue supporting me.  
smiled. I don’t feel the endless pain I felt days ago.

I always thought that when my mother dies, I would never be healed, but I guess I thought wrong. My life 
was so simple when my mother was still here. I would just occasionally help with cleaning and stuff. Now, 
my life is much more complicated, but with Len-sama with me, I’m going to be fine…I hope.

“I need to go now,” I said, standing up, “Len-sama says he has something urgent to tell me.”

I left with a smile on my face.

Normal POV

“Rin…” Len said, looking down.

“What? Hurry up.” Rin said, getting impatient, “I have several chores to do. I also have to—“

“I’m going to be engaged soon.”

Rin looked up at Len. There was this sad look in his eyes that made Rin think he didn’t like the girl. But still, 
Rin had to support him in whatever he does. She wants him to be happy. She knows he can choose for 
himself and he has the ability to reject the offer if he didn’t want to do it.

And so, Rin smiled at him and said, “That’s great! Who’s the lucky girl??”

Len was disappointed. He didn’t want to marry the girl, but he didn’t have any valid reason to reject the 
engagement. But still, he doesn’t want to show Rin that he’s sad. He wants Rin to be happy, so he needs to 
smile too.

“Her name’s Miku, the princess of the neighboring kingdom.”

“I know her!” Rin said, “I saw her picture somewhere. I heard she’s really nice, too.”

“Yeah, she is.” Len said with less enthusiasm in his voice, “We’re childhood friends.”

“That’s great!” Rin exclaimed, “I can’t believe you’re getting married to a princess! Well, it’s not really 
surprising because you are a prince, but if it’s me, I wouldn’t have believed it. Congratulations, Len-sama!”

“Woah. Woah,” Len said, “I think you’re taking things too fast. I’m not even married yet.”

“Sorry,” Rin said, “I just can’t believe it.”

“Yeah, me too.” Len looked down suddenly

For a while, there was an awkward silence between the two of them. Both of them were afraid to talk due 
to different reasons. Rin didn’t want the hurt to increase. The moment Len said ‘I’ and ‘engaged’, she 
suddenly felt an unexplainable hurt in her heart. Len couldn’t find anything left to say. He was afraid to face 
the truth. He didn’t want to face the truth.

As the days went by, Len and Rin grew more distant. Len had stopped visiting Sachiko’s grave with her. Rin 
would often hurry on to do different chores when he approached. They didn’t understand why, but they both 
needed some time alone.

One day, while Rin was buying some things the castle needs, she bumped into a blue-haired guy.

“Sorry.” Kaito said as he helped the blonde girl up, “I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going.”

“It’s…Okay...” Rin said, as she collected the fruits she dropped due to the fall. Kaito helped her.

“I’m Kaito, by the way.”
“I’m Rin.” Rin said, awkwardly.

“Hmm…” Kaito said, rubbing his chin, “I know practically everyone here, but I’ve never seen you before.”

“Oh, well. There must be a really logical explanation to that,” Rin said, obviously hurrying.

“And what may that logical explanation be, Rin-chan?” Kaito asked. Rin flinched at the honorific. Only her 
mother calls her that.

“Just Rin. Please,” Rin immediately said.


“Why do you need to know?”

“Because I’ve got nothing else to do—Hey, you come from the castle, don’t you? “Kaito suddenly asked.

“Yes, why do you need to know?” Rin asked, rudely.

“Just curious,” Kaito said and winked at her.

“Don’t you dare stalk me,” Rin warned. According to Kaito, she’s so cute!

“Why would I do such a thing?” Kaito asked in a teasing matter.

Rin growled at him before proceeding back to the castle.

‘Interesting’ Kaito thought.

As Rin walked back to the castle, she suddenly felt like someone was following her. After a few more 
minutes, she knew there was somebody there.

“Who are you and why are you following me?” she demanded. Of course, if it was any other girl, they would 
have run away by now, but Rin was Rin, and that’s how she responds when somebody follows her.

Suddenly hands covered her eyes and mouth and she felt dizzy…

I think I forgot to put this here before, so here it is! I was sick when I made this, so it may not be very good.

I first heard about this book from my classmate. I borrowed it for a little while--since I was bored and had nothing else to do--and was immediately hooked up on it. Unfortunately, my classmate's book is pretty old and some parts are already ripped out. So I went hunting for it and found it in one of my favorite bookstores. I began reading right away, even after my mother scolded me for reading this instead of my Science Textbook.

Click Title To Read More

This is dedicated to my wonderful friends. Hope you enjoy. (Fuuko-chan, Lunar-chan, Jolene, Angel, Elijah, and Koizumi-chan) <---In no particular order. 

"Hi. Okay, I am not going to start ranting about how you're a b*tch copying someone else's work, so you better read this.

I read your profile. I read -TOOT-'s profile. I can see a large difference between the two. I wonder why. I see you enjoy cursing, but the only place I can see you curse is in your Author's comments and your profile. 

I'm not going to judge you. I am going to let my evidence and your conscience decide.

I have never been a fan of plagiarism, but I am not accusing you of it. Yet. Because I have not seen your side. I'm  not a person who goes on, accusing people she doesn't know of acts, just because she is being accused of other people. So, here's what I have to say:

Plagiarism. It's a very complex word. I had just only learned the meaning of that word last March, four months after I joined this site. It has been described as "one of the worst" and "shows how uncool, heartless, and uncreative you are as a writer." It is also "being a copy-cat" and "being unoriginal."

I am not implying that you did that, but if you did, I am sure Guilt will be busy eating you little by little, until you are nothing anymore. But if you didn't do that, then you must have a clear conscience and needn't worry about Guilt. Once again, I am not implying anything.

NOTE: This is not only based on my opinions, but I have also asked the opinions of some other people who I am not going to mention, because you might charge at them for helping me. So if you have some complaints about my review, direct it to me, not to anyone else."
I have omitted any names from the above and replaced them with "-TOOT-." It is for the benefit of the persons and because I respect their privacy.

I sent that to someone who is being accused of plagiarizing.  As I said in that review, I was not accusing her of plagiarizing, but in case she did, I gave her a great big deal to think about. Of course, there was also the "Guilt" technique, but I don't think it will work much if she is skillful in plagiarizing. {She would be used to those kind of things and wouldn't mind about guilt anymore.}

Plagiarizing--for me--is a crime against authors. In the world of authors, it would be the same as stealing money from a bank and using that money to buy things for your benefit. Now, that is just plain wrong. I have never been fond of stealing; I have experienced the feeling of having something stolen from you and let me tell you: it does not feel good. Stealing is a very sinful act and is even included in the Ten Commandments in the Bible. Of course, not everyone's Christian, but everyone knows that Plagiarism is immature, uncreative, unoriginal, unproffessional and completely wrong to do.

I am against plagiarism. I am an author, myself and I can imagine my works being copied off and being passed off as their own--I would probably act immature, sending hate mails to that person, reporting him, reporting him again, and send hate mails over and over. The point is, no one likes their writings--the writings they spent a lot of time on--to be stolen by some random person. And the fact that they try to pass them off as their own work and back it up with some ridiculous statement is just plain pathetic.

Plagiarism is the same as saying "This was -insert person's name here-'s work, but now it's mine. Deal with it." Do you think that's right? I don't. Plagiarism is something someone should be ashamed of, not proud of. I don't know where Plagiarists find the courage to defend their copied works and even accuse the accuser. To people who do that, that is a very old trick and usually doesn't work anymore, so please refrain from doing that.

If you think your work is plagiarized, visit this site. It may cost a little, but it's worth it.

I haven't written for a long time and have no new ideas whatsoever so I'm going to continue a Multi-chaptered story. To read the first chapter, please click here.

"So, Hotaru, I hear Ruka-pyon's got a rival," A grinning brunette told her best friend, nudging the latter's shoulder.

"Okay," Hotaru replied, not bothering to look up from her ongoing invention.

Mikan sighed at her best friend's indifference. Doesn't she realize that maybe Ruka and her might split up!? That the "rival" may destroy their wonderful relationship!?

The two were at the Inventor's room and Mikan was trying really hard to strike up a conversation, but apparently, Hotaru wasn't in the mood to talk, since she's really busy with her new invention.

"Hotaru, do you even care for your and Ruka-pyon's relationship?" Mikan said, running out of words to say.

To her surprise, Hotaru put her screwdriver down and stopped working. Mikan looked curiously at Hotaru, who had her back facing the brunette. She couldn't see her eyes, so she couldn't tell what she was feeling. Whether it was hurt or confusion, she didn't know.


"I do care," came a voice from the raven-haired girl.

Mikan smiled, knowing that her best friend may be blushing at that moment. She grabbed her hand and said, "I believe you. And I'm sure Ruka-pyon knows that too."


"Damien?" Natsume snorted. "What a stupid name. How does he expect to tame the Ice Queen with a stupid name like that."

Ruka frowned. "Bad choice of words, Natsume. According to the internet, apparently, the name "Damien" means "to tame."

Natsume raised an eyebrow. "You researched on his name?"

"I-I was just curious!" Ruka defended, knowing that this conversation would lead to an awkward discussion with Ruka desperately trying to prove his gender and Natsume, thoroughly teasing him.


"If he was never born, everything would have been better," Ruka said.

"Now that's just cruel," Natsume said, smirking. "Cruel, but true."


"Ma dame équitable, a fait vous le sav Paris is considered the capital of the world in terms of quality of life?" Damien asked, clearly proud of his own country.

"Okay," Hotaru replied, not even caring about "France."

He had been talking about France this and France that for the past hour and Hotaru is sick of it. Would it hurt to talk about something else for even just a minute? For a moment, Hotaru thought of Ruka, and how he would always let he pick the topic for their conversation.

Hotaru unconsciously smiled.


Hotaru again covered her real self up with her curtain of indifference. "What."

Damien pouted, attempting to look cute. "Why do you hate me so much?"

Hotaru sighed. 'Ruka Nogi, if you don't come here this moment, I am going to maul you later.'

It was annoying for her, listening to a guy who clearly had nothing more to do than to talk. He also hated it when she wouldn't listen and would get more annoying.

A soft rustling was heard and when Hotaru looked up, she saw the guy she was waiting for. Dressed in a blue sweater and black pants, Ruka Nogi made his way toward his acquaintance and girl friend. Why did she need to pick out such a bushy place to have tea?

"Uh..hi." He greeted, awkwardly.

"Oh, hi, Nogi-san!" Damien greeted a little loudly. "Hotaru-sama and I have been waiting for you for so long! Of course, I entertained her, because she looked positively bored! Do you want to join in..."

The rest of Damien Blaise's words were tuned out of the minds of the couple as Ruka Nogi went to get a chair, never losing his gaze on Hotaru.


"Strasbourg?" Damien asked. "That's the one where Abraham Lincoln died, right?"

"What?" Ruka answered, completely unaware of that fact.

"I'm just kidding," Damien said, inwardly laughing because Ruka doesn't know a thing about his hometown.

"Of course you were..." He muttered.

Hotaru rolled her eyes at the her two "bodyguards" for the evening. They have been acting immature all day and she isn't enjoying it one bit. They just finished "tea," and were heading over to see a movie. Hotaru looked over at the two boys. They were almost polar opposites, except for the fact that they have French Blood.

'I wonder what my life would have been if Ruka had never gone to my life...'

Just a Notice

All writings, drawings, plots, and quotes mentioned here are owned by Keiko Sakura, except those containing disclaimers.

All animes mentioned in this blog are not owned by Keiko Sakura. All names in stories, save for the anime ones, have been thought of randomly and are not implying anything.