LOL~ I've been accepting too many tasks, because I'll be having so much time~! Oh well. XDD

So Yeah~ Right now, I'll just be posting some useless drabbles and some glimpses on my life. :)

If you're interested, click on the title.

Kairu's updating her blog more often now.  Michiko's blog has improved. And I~ am feeling motivated to write~ Sooner or later I will be updating Forbidden. For now, here's a short drabble I made up during Math ;)

Tap Tap Tap Tap...Tap

Melissa leaned back on her chair, relieved to having finished her long article. It was so hard for her, being a journalist of one of the most leading newspapers in her city. People keep wanting for more and their standards increase after every article published. In short, it means "more work."

She fixed her sleeves, which had been rolled up unconsciously during she worked and decided to take a nap, before editing some more articles. She was positively drowsy and the barking of her neighbor's dog is not helping. At all.

As she was just drifting off to the land of Nod...

The phone rang.

"Great," Melissa muttered, "Just wonderful."

She stormed over to the telephone, taking dull, heavy steps. She was sleepy; could you blame her?

"Hello, Melissa Cruz speaking."

"Hello, Mel. We need you. Right now," her editor emphasized on the phone.

Melissa groaned," Do you realize what time it is? I have been working for--"

"Now." Her editor, Bianca sressed.

Sensing the urgency in her voice, Melissa decided to stop the one-sided debate, forget her long-awaited sleep and hurry over to her office.

As she walked to her car, she didn't realize that this night was the last night she would be able to do these things....

To Be Continued

LOL. I have big dreams for this one--not just the happy feeling you get when you just start a story, but a really good feeling about this plot. I'm thinking about something involving the FBI or the CSI or something. I want it to be a detective thriller and suspense. It's a lot of expectancies for this one, but that's how authors improve. 

Like my dad used to say, "If you keep practicing the same thing over and over again, then you will accomplish only one thing and forget about everything else."

Okay. I don't get the relativity between my subject and dad's quote either, but I like that quote. Dad rarely says quotes and when he does, be prepared for something deep.

Okay~ So that's the end for today! See you next time~

~Keiko-chan :)
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All writings, drawings, plots, and quotes mentioned here are owned by Keiko Sakura, except those containing disclaimers.

All animes mentioned in this blog are not owned by Keiko Sakura. All names in stories, save for the anime ones, have been thought of randomly and are not implying anything.