A/n: Hello again. :) I'm here, writing another one of my series that take so long to update. I wanted to try out this style and see if I can keep up with it.

I am me and you are you. We are all each other and no one can be any other person, except for themselves. If you wanted to be me, that cannot be arranged for each of us have our own selves and we cannot change them like we change our clothes. If I wanted to be you, it would also not be possible, for I am me and I can never be you.

That is why I make the habit of not admiring others. Admiration might lead to Idolization, which is obviously far worse than the former. Idolization is the act of imitating your role model, and in that process, you might accidentally or intentionally erase yourself. If you erase yourself just to become another person, what would be left of you?


You will not be that person, because as I have explained earlier, we are each other and can never be someone else. We are able to erase ourselves, but we are not capable of drawing our own selves. We cannot make an entirely different person from nothing.

We are not God.

God created everything from nothing at all. That is the main reason we call him God and the one of the few beliefs that scientists cannot counter, because they cannot build a theory that may explain how the world began with the right sets of evidences and proof.

We are dependent.

Not only on other people, but also in this world we live in. Don't deny it. Everything we see comes from nature; some may be artificial, but where do the components of these artificial things come from? Nature, what else? We are dependent on everything around us, for humans are weak beings. We call ourselves the most high of all the living things, but just like them, we also rely on our surroundings and the organisms that live in it.

We are arrogant.

When are we going to admit it? We are arrogant, selfish beings. We copy other people, just for the sake of being someone. We try to question God with our petty little reasons and cause an outburst within the peace of society. We try to act all strong and mighty, but inside, we are actually depending on everything and we owe our successes to the people, environment and the things around us.

This is my story. If you want to say that this is trash, go ahead. We have "Freedom of Speech" anyway, so go ahead, say whatever you want. But I will tell you this: I am me and I can choose whatever characteristic I want to have and you can never do anything about it.

Face the facts. I was, am, and will always be me, and you are eternally stuck to yourself, so why don't we just stop moping around and face the facts? After all, you can never be me. ;)

A/n: OhmyGosh. Did I write that? It feels so...offensive. >< I can't believe I was able to write something like that. I guess I was carried away. =.="  Well~ Until next time~! Bye Bye!
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