I have discovered Seventh Sanctum and am very eager to get started on the prompts given to me. This is just for fun, but who knows? Maybe it will turn into a good one!


  • The story is set during a police investigation. The story takes place in the early evening. The story must have a gladiator at the beginning. The story must involve a bag in it.
  • A character pretends to be someone else. A character is antisocial throughout most of the story. During the story, a character loses something.
[Please Click The Title To Start Reading]

The policeman paced around his office, trying to make sense of what just happened. He was having a major headache and felt like he wanted to puke in a bag. Actually, he just did a few minutes ago.

"A gladiator..." He said. "Why would someone want to kill someone who acts as a gladiator?"

"Maybe their motive was not based on the fact that he was a gladiator," He turned around and saw his daughter standing there, an impatient look in her face.

He was glad she had inherited her mother's brains, but not glad she had also inherited her attitude.

"But other than acting, everything about him is perfectly normal!" The policeman, Charlie, said, getting more frustrated, because nothing was making sense.

"Maybe he's secretly rich under a fake name on a World Famous Bank and he's going to inherit more money when his unknown obnoxiously rich grandmother or something dies."

I could tell she was bluffing. He could also see that she was getting ridiculously impatient. She had been waiting for just thirty minutes and she's already trying to be a pest.

"Jennifer, this is not laughing matters." He warned.

"Who's laughing?" She asked sarcastically. "Look, I have a lot of homework to do, so can we just--go home?"

Then she muttered something about wanting her to grow older, so she can have a driver's license. As if she would even pass the test.


"Don't you just love my new bag?" Chloe asked Jenny, showing her the cute, sparkly bag. It was beautiful, but there was only one problem.

Cute and sparkly wasn't Chloe's style.

"Chloe," Jenny asked, "I thought you didn't like sparkly things because they may blind someone's eyes?"

Chloe huffed.

"Don't try pretending to be someone you're not."


Jenny frantically searched for her necklace. The necklace her mom had gave her when she graduated from elementary.

"Where is it?" She asked no one in particular, then suddenly remembered that they were having a garage sale. She also remembered her dad warning her that anything lying on the floor would be sold.

She dashed outside of the house and went to the garage, almost bumping into a big box filled with junk. She quickly observed which box was supposed to contain the locket and decided that it should be a small one, containing other jewelry.

Before she started digging through the stuff, a cat suddenly jumped over from behind a box and she shrieked, surprised. She suddenly heard snickering behind her.

When she turned around, she saw a guy with an unmistakable smirk plastered across his face. He was about three minutes away from her. Jenny frowned.

"What are you laughing at?" Jenny demanded. Being the daughter of a policeman also has its advantages.

"You." He replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Then he shrugged, shook his head and left.


A/n: Okay, that made no sense at all, but it was fun~ Tee hee!! :))) I'm going to have more fun with this thing.
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All writings, drawings, plots, and quotes mentioned here are owned by Keiko Sakura, except those containing disclaimers.

All animes mentioned in this blog are not owned by Keiko Sakura. All names in stories, save for the anime ones, have been thought of randomly and are not implying anything.