I have found some neat websites lately.
Awesome, isn't it? Well, that's not the only thing you can do at Fodey. There, you can make fake newspapers, talking sunflowers and tons more awesome things!
- One of them is fodey. In Fodey, I have made this:
Awesome, isn't it? Well, that's not the only thing you can do at Fodey. There, you can make fake newspapers, talking sunflowers and tons more awesome things!
- Then, there's also Where the Map Ends where you can find tons of stuff to help you in writing. It explains things really good and even includes a free software where you can make your own world!
- Here's an interesting one for people who don't want their names all over the Internet: The Writer's Den. Here, you can make a fake writer profile with a working fake e-mail! There's also tons of other stuff, like writing tips, location generators, exercises and character names.
- This one may look for kids, but is actually pretty fun to do. In Story Starters, you can "Spin the Wheel" for random writing ideas. You can do them for fun or take it seriously.
- Are you one for fantasies? Go to Proppian Fairy Generator right away if you are!
- In The Story Generator, you can randomly generate character and plots. This can be a lot of help when you're stuck with an idea, but don't know how to proceed.
- Also, one of my favorites is Seventh Sanctum where there are lots and lots of generators. There are prompt generators, name generators, writing generators and lots more I haven't tried out yet!
So what are you waiting for? Click one of the sites above and have fun!