Natsuki's birthday is coming up~! I'm sure I've mentioned her in a few posts already, but I don't think she gets to read them.

I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!!! I know she likes blue, and...uh, quotes and...her dogs (which are soo cute, by the way) and, um...

I don't know anymore!! Should I make a video? Should I give her a t-shirt? Should I give a t-shirt for her dogs? Should I make her a presentation? A card? A list of quotations? A book? AGH!! >>A<< I don't know what to give!!

But whatever I'm going to give, I'm going to put in a poem with it. I like poems. Either that or a quotation...

I have to go think now..
I rarely, rarely, come up with serious stories, so better be good about this one.

The devil let out a dark laugh as he loomed over his work. Everything seemed to be to his liking.

‘My work here is done,’ He said in his gruff voice, ‘I’ll just leave everything to you.’

I emerged from the shadows, glad that he knew I was there.

‘Of course,’ I scolded myself for my shameless thoughts, ‘He is the master after all.’

Yeah, yeah, it was short. Not like Les Merveilles de Neiges's introduction (Longer--but still short--intro)
I've invited my friend, Mi-chan to be an author here. She has started her own blog too. Visit it: Sepia Sketches and support her, though she has only posted two posts..

I'm answering some questions from here (just felt like it):

What do we want from life?
Humans are very selfish. They want everything. They want attention, they want adoration. They want to be the heroine of the Earth. Of course, humans can't do that. So they strive for perfection instead. They are willing to walk the bath of Disguise and turn themselves into the perfect person they want to be.

Humans want love.

Why do we hide ourselves from reality?

Perhaps it's the comfortable embrace of fantasy, that keep us from approaching lonely reality. Perhaps it's the comfortable assurances of fantasy, that roots us to its territory. Or perhaps we are just afraid. Humans get afraid easily. They don't want to get embarassed. They don't like being introduced to spiders.

Cowardice is the main reason.
Why do people create ideals?

Humans are not very creative. They want people to other humans to copy from. They don't want creating things on their own, in fear of being laughed upon.

Fear has hidden creativity under it's dark cloak.
Why are we alive and breathing?

God has put Life upon us and assigned Safety to guide us through the Dangers of Earth.
What is... Fate?
Fate is Destiny's sister. It is more reliable and easier to see. Fate is the one that makes one and one two. Fate is Coincidence's polar opposite, because Fate brings things together strategically, while Coincidence jumbles things up.

The faithful pawns have been cornered.

The brave knights have been tricked.

The authorizing bishops have been trapped.

The majestic rook has been surrounded.


I was so close to the prize. So close, that if only I reached out, I would be able to grasp it. She was almost in my hands, but I had to be such a coward to withdraw my hand... I kept telling myself that there was 'another chance.' If only I knew then what I knew now.

I saw it in her eyes. She likes me--Oh, wait. She liked me. I can't believe I passed up all those wonderful opportunities. Opportunity knocked at my door everyday, and I refused to open it.

Everyone knew I liked her. They supported me, of course. Natsume did, too, but I knew he was just forcing himself to; he loved her, after all. I'm not sure if passing up all those opportunities was good or not. If I hadn't done that, I would be happy; Natsume wouldn't. But right now, I'm the one's whose not happy.

I keep telling myself that I did the right thing; keep telling myself that Natsume deserves her love more. He has, after all, never felt this way toward someone. And he had undergone a lot too.

Natsume was my bestfriend. I helped him undergo every obstacle in his way, even when he tried to push me away. I had to help him; he had helped me a lot of times. So I sticked to him, and he eventually got used to it. I was the only one who stuck with him.

But that all changed when Mikan came. Mikan became the light in his darkness. She lifted up his spirit and made him have a reason to live. I knew that, yet I couldn't let go of my selfish desires. I liked her; I loved her, even. Both of us decided to be rivals, but still friends.

I guess it was obvious. it was obvious that he would get it all. He was the protagonist. I was only his best friend. I knew it, but why does it hurt so much?

When Puppies[above] Rule The World [below]

A little picture for my fic 'When Puppies Rule The World.' I edited it at... eh... some time back and I don't remember what website, but I do know what font it is! It was 'Crime Scene' something! So yeah, that's it. Just wanted to post this.

Mikan Sakura is bored.
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Natsume Hyuuga doesn't care.
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Hotaru Imai I'm hungry.
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Stardust Wink 14 - Page 20

Stardust wink is about a girl named Anna and her two childhood friends, Sou and Hinata, in a big love triangle. Honestly, I vote for Sou. He's the black-haired guy at the above picture. I like the style of drawing and I try to imitate it sometimes, but as always, I fail. Anna, at first, gets confessed to by Sou, but then things get complicated. Some time later, Anna realizes she's in love with Hinata, but I honestly think she will eventually come to like Sou. 

Oh, and one last thing, there's this guy who looks like Sou (Beni's brother) who Anna thought she liked at first. And sometimes I confuse the two of them. Anyway, it's very interesting. Read it! Read it! :D

Useless drabble I wrote (again) in school. It's about a French girl who undergoes something unfrogettable and she tries to convey it to us by writing in her best English. And also, it's unfinished and I'm not sure if I want to continue it.

C'est-- normal day in Scrasbourg, France. I was reading a book. Then a grande femme went inside my room, while I was in the... climax. I didn't like that, so I ignored her. She began speaking nonsense in Italian. Je peux parler italien, but I couldn't understand her. I didn't even know that what she said would change my life.

So I said, "Excuse-moi, est-ce que je te connais?"

The femme stopped her babbling and slowly smiled. "Ah, you speak French!"

I rolled my eyes at her. I'm in France; of course I knew French!

She flipped her blonde hair and neared me. I scooted back, because I didn't like her. You don't let people you don't like get near you.

"J'aime vos cheuex." She said, trying to get a French accent--and failing.

I stuck my tongue out at her. "Mother said not to talk to strangers."

If she was really stupid, I already knew what she was going to say.

"But you're talking to me now!" She exclaimed, laughing at my intended mistake.

Yes, she was stupid. I picked up my book and stood up and walked out of the room. She was bothering me.

That's all. It sucks, I know! I don't have any good ideas recently... :(
A drabble piece I wrote in school. I have no intention of continuing it, though. And it's setting is in America.

The king has been caught the game was lost.

Dianne walked in the hallway, completely calm. I guess she was already used to this. I was, after all, a newbie in her world.

I trotted toward her, books in hand, and determination in eyes, and mentally prepared myself to tell her the completion of the mission.

I knew it was wrong. I heartily knew it all the while. Yet, Dianne wanted it. And Dianne gets everything she wants. She was a ruler.

Dianne directed her gaze at me and my candle of determination melted. My books fell from my hand and my papers flew everywhere. Believe me, it was very humiliating.

What's more, my crush walked by with his group. I was so embarrassed to even look. My eyes went blurry and I knew the tears were being traitors again. I slowly bent down and picked up my books and papers. I heard them laugh at me.

It felt horrible, mind you. I figured I was as red as a tomato, if not redder.

"Are you okay?"

I looked up and saw amethyst orbs that seemed to shine. That day I met my best friend, Lily. She smiled her warm smile at me and the humiliation seemed to evaporate.

"I...I'm fine."

Not a second after, she picked up my books one by one while I stood there, stupidly in a trance. I must've looked idiotic--like I always was-- but this time, I didn't care.

So yeah, that's it. Boring, ne? Oh and BTW, this is not my self-experience. Just thought of it. :)

Just a Notice

All writings, drawings, plots, and quotes mentioned here are owned by Keiko Sakura, except those containing disclaimers.

All animes mentioned in this blog are not owned by Keiko Sakura. All names in stories, save for the anime ones, have been thought of randomly and are not implying anything.