
Imagine it's a Saturday and, after four grueling school days, you can't wait to rush over your computer and simply write. But then, you suddenly get an attack from The Writer's Block Syndrome and you can't write anything. You want to write, but you can't. You want to finally do something after the weekdays, but you just can't (Hear that, hands?)

Trust me, I have writer's block at least four times in a month and I am not enjoying it. I'm sure you don't enjoy your usual cases of Writer's Block too. So, try these methods:

  • Acquire A Motivating Tool. The power of suggestion is really a powerful thing, isn't it? Wear a thinking hat, or hug your favorite teddy while writing and you'll most likely think of something new. A Motivating Tool may also be one of your friend's advice. You and your friends have different personalities and she/he will probably think of something you have never thought of before!

  • Do Something You Like. My friend told me, when I asked her, that she would usually read books or play her favorite games if she got Writer's Block. Sometimes, chatting with friends can relieve Writer's Block too. You can get fresh, new ideas from the topics you talk about and poof! you're ready! Another friend even told me that she would usually sleep, because she always got her answers when she's sleeping! Whatever you like doing, do it! And you'll have fresh ideas in no time!
  • If you don't like the topic, don't write it. Even if you feel like this going to be The Best writing you have ever done, if you don't like the topic, chances are, your readers won't like it either. Writing is not at its best when the author doesn't enjoy it. If you really, really, really need to write it, then proceed to the next suggestion.

  • Do Some Research. If you don't know a thing about what you're writing about, or if you need  to know more, the solution is easy: do some research. There are thousands of bookstores in the world, and there is a large number of search engines out there. Browse through blogs that are devoted to that certain topic and you'll surely get some ideas. Just don't plagiarize! If those don't work, you could try asking an expert in your topic. I

  • Accept Defeat. Sometimes, you just can't write. No matter what you do, no matter what you read, and no matter who you ask, sometimes, you just can't do it. When that happens you have to do two things. First, tell you itching hands that you can't do it, then you should rest. Maybe your brain is just tired of doing assignments/work all week and it needs rest. Grant its wish. Whatever the reason is, you should rest, so that when you wake up, your brain would be properly conditioned and overflowing with lots of new ideas.

So, there they are! Oh, and a friend taught me a nice technique. I haven't really done it yet, but it sounds really fun! Here it is:

  1. Get a crayon, preferably your favorite color, and a piece of paper.
  2. Using the hand that you don't use in writing, try to write random words that come to your mind in cursive.
  3.  The effects should be a slight pounding in the brain, or at most, a slight headache. 

Those will probably help your brain to get into condition to write again. 

Thank you for reading! Hope they help~!
2 Responses
  1. WAAAAH! Your post really helped me out!!! >.< You're really a very smart friend, KEIKO-CHAN!!!

  2. @atashinosoundlessvoice
    I'm glad it helped, Kairu. And one more thing, if I was smart, shouldn't I be accepted in your high school, right now?

    And you're even number two there.

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All writings, drawings, plots, and quotes mentioned here are owned by Keiko Sakura, except those containing disclaimers.

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