A/n: I wrote this at school while math xD I was just bored and our sir is just talking to the blackboard.
PS: The picture has absolutely no relevance to the story :D

The way adults think amaze me. I haven't really paid much attention to it before, but now that I have, it greatly arouses the curious cat within me. To start, I had a short talk with my motherl last night. It went something like this (the 'something' because I have a very short memory and I'm not certain if this is really what happened) :

Mom: *pacing back and forth* Your uncle's still not here.
Me: Why?
Mom: He's needed at the office.
Me: Why don't you call him?
Mom: No Signal.
Me: Have you tried?
There was silence for a while.
Mom: ...No.

Then she went to her cell phone and called him.

I guess the 'seeing is believing' theory doesn't work on adults anymore. But I don't entirely believe the theory myself. After all, we don't see dinosaurs moving about or atoms or planets going round and round, but you know they do exist and they do do those things.

And, sometimes, as mentioned in Antoine de Saint-Exupery's The Little Prince (I simply adore that book), adults only think of figures.

For instance, if a child were to say, "I saw a maroon-walled house with a marvelous shade and a wonderfully coated roof. Its windows were all high-quality metal and it was all-in-all outstanding!" the adult would not be able to conjure up an image in his mind. But if a child were to say, "I saw a house that costed P5 000 000," then the adult would exclaim, "What a beautiful house that is!"

In my point of view (a point of view is always very essential in giving an opinion, because it is an opinion, which is what I am doing right now), a well-educated child is better than a figurative adult. It's frustrating, actually, to realize that such beings exist in the same planet as I.

Not that I meant to offend adults. I don't mean to offend anyone. I am just simply expressing my opinion--Carrying on...

I pity them a little bit; their lives would be much less duller if they would stop thinking of figures for half of a second, and realize the things that require much more attention.

Like getting a dog.

Adults are also known for putting down the high hopes of children. If a child were to proclaim, "I want to be a fairy~," then the adult would shush her and tell her to study Mathematics and History instead of pursuing her dreams.

What is the use, I ask you, of being a child if not to have fun? If children were not to have fun in their life, then they would just be the same as those figurative adults.
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