
I remember when I was introduced to the world of Vocaloid. My cousin suggested it to me and showed me a song in Youtube, but unfortunately, I wasn't able to remember it. It was a great song. I enjoyed it entirely. Then my cousin showed me another video. This, I was able to remember. She showed me "World Is Mine" by Hatsune Miku and I was greatly amazed when she told me that the singer was a program.

It took a lot of explaining after I finally figured out what "voice synthesizer" means, but I was eager to learn. After that encounter, I started seacrhing "Vocaloid" in Youtube and eventually came across Rin and Len. I was captured by their cuteness and immediately started listening to their songs. The first song I listened from them is "Romeo and Cinderella."

Just recently, I was introduced once again to another member of the Vocaloid Family: Gumi. Up to this day, she is still my favorite and I enjoy her more natural-like voice and her songs. One of my favorites is "Coward Mont Blanc."

Last Tuesday, because of a frightening (not too frightening for most, but to me, it is) experience, I realized something. I was even able to make a quote of it:
"When you grow up, you say good bye to petty jealousy and little fights because of competitiveness. But you will be introduced to adult jealousy and big fights because of complications."

They say the world is round.It is, actually, in the shape of an oval, which is a shape I dislike for some unknown reason. Thus the saying, "What goes around comes around." I have always wondered who made that saying. I have always liked it, because of its truthfulness and the way I can relate it to a lot of things.

Most people think that kids are not capable to understand adult problems. That's why they shoo them away when something adult-ish happens. Well, I, on the contrary, think that children understand the problems most. Or at least, the can easily think of a simple solution.

For kids, when you fight, you say "sorry." That is what adults lack: the ability to forgive and be forgiven. They are much too stubborn. Of course, this is only my opinion. There are lots more opinions out there.

Where did the simple generation go? When people were like the children of today, naive and simple-minded. If grown-ups were like that, life would be a lot more peaceful and quiet. If I had a wish, I would wish that people would stop being so stubborn and go back to their simple ways.

It's true that you never truly know a person, until you hear them angry. Anger usually brings out the monster inside a person and, just like laughter, can be very infectious.

Something happened between two of my close relatives (husband and wife, of course). At first, I thought thw wife was being materialistic, because the husband wouldn't give her her iPhone back. But now, I recall the old quote "It's the thought that counts." That quote is not only for positive things, how positive it may sound, but also for negative things. After all there are two square roots of a number: positive and negative.
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All writings, drawings, plots, and quotes mentioned here are owned by Keiko Sakura, except those containing disclaimers.

All animes mentioned in this blog are not owned by Keiko Sakura. All names in stories, save for the anime ones, have been thought of randomly and are not implying anything.