I am so jealous. hmph~Before, I didn't like tumblr very much, but I'm having thoughts about it...I'm just jealous of my friends' cute themes >A< I want them~!!!!! And I'm also thinking of changing the theme here. Again. xDD
I want to make my own theme, but I don't know how and it will take weeks to learn how to!!! >A<
Keiko out.
I am so jealous. hmph~Before, I didn't like tumblr very much, but I'm having thoughts about it...I'm just jealous of my friends' cute themes >A< I want them~!!!!! And I'm also thinking of changing the theme here. Again. xDD
I want to make my own theme, but I don't know how and it will take weeks to learn how to!!! >A<
Keiko out.
why is mt tumblr acount there?
@Michiko Yamasaki
Because, Mi-chan, I put almost all my thoughts in my blog :)