Vocaloid fanfic-Rin and Len.
Today is Sakura day. The streets in the kingdom were filled with laughter and happiness. It was indeed a very special event for the people of Albione. Children ran around, chasing each other. Adults browsed among the stalls, thinking of the happy faces of their children once they get home.

Meanwhile, a blonde girl mourned near the castle. She mourned for the loss of someone special to her. The one who was always there for her and would help her in any way she could.

Rin's mother was the most special person in the world for her. They were nothing but servants, yet Sachiko made her daughter feel otherwise. She would always give Rin delicious food and together, when she had time, they would pretend they were royalty like their mistress. Sachiko was the personal maid of the queen. The elegant, selfish queen Kaori treated Sachiko like garbage. Still, Sachiko remained by her side and faithfully followed her orders.

Rin hated that. Rin hated Kaori. She always spoke badly of her. She was never caught though—until last week. She was talking to some of her friends and another servant happened to hear her speak ill of Kaori. She reported this to her royal highness and she ordered Rin to be killed. Sachiko, upon hearing the news, begged Kaori to kill her instead of her beloved daughter. Sachiko believed Rin would be the one who can stop Kaori. She believed Rin would be the one to save the country from the queen's dictatorship. That's why she vowed to never let Rin get hurt…

'But mom, if you're gone, who will protect me?' Rin thought, barely stopping the tears from flowing, 'You said I was special. That I was supposed to be protected. Who'd do that now? I'm just fourteen! I can't live by myself!' She kept saying those things over and over again in her head in vain hope that her mother would come back to life and apologize.

She knew it was impossible, but it was the only thing she had now. Hope. Hope had been her and her mother's friend since birth. Since they were only servants, all they could do was hope. They would hope one day that they would be free from the queen's reach and would be able to do whatever they wish. They would always hope that one day they could explore the places in the world without anyone watching over them. It was the only thing they had actually.

But to Rin, hope disappeared with her mother.

Their father, a dedicated soldier, died when Rin was young. Rin would always pray that he'd be safe, but she never really felt empty. That was because she never met the man. She never got close to him. But now, that the only one who kept her going—the one who had taught her most of the things she knew—was gone. She wanted to die too. She wanted to be with her parents up there. She wanted to be some place where she would be free.

But she knew that wouldn't be what her mother wanted.

Her mother wanted her to live. Sachiko wanted her daughter to experience life. And Rin wasn't going to break her mother's heart by committing suicide. Actually, if she committed suicide, she would end up in hell so it was not really of any use. She knew her parents would be in heaven. She had heard her mother's stories about her father.

He was a kind man, gentle and caring. He had always been loyal to his kingdom. He never betrayed it. He died in a war. Rin still remembered that day.

She didn't really understand why her mother was crying endlessly.

"Mommy, why are you crying?" she patted her mother's shoulder, worried.

Sachiko smiled at her daughter, "Your father went to a very faraway place, Rin-chan..."

"When will he come back?" she asked.

"I don't know. But he said he'll come back soon."

"That's good. I want to see him again."

Rin shook her head. She shouldn't look at the past. She should just go back to work or Kaori will be angry.

"What are you doing here?"

She turned around, surprised. It was a boy—kaori's son. Sure, she had seen him a handful of times before, but this was the only time he had seen him up close. His blonde hair, which was usually tied back, was down and he looked rather…handsome? He was wearing a simple coat with the [royal] family crest on it.

"You're crying," Len said which woke up Rin from her fantasies.

Realization dawned on Rin as she wiped her tears away. The prince saw me crying! What's the queen going to do once she discovered I snuck out to see mother?

"Uh—Um...I…" Rin stuttered, trying to think of an excuse.

"We were out of eggs." Was the best that she could do. Who would blame her? She had lost her mother and is standing before the son of the devil queen.

Surprisingly, the prince chuckled. Rin stared. She hadn't expected the queen's son to not kill her. There was a simple rule among them servants: Obey the royal family or die. She stuck to that rule, so she was stupefied to actually see the prince laughing.

"Don't worry," Len said, after a few minutes, "I won't tell."

She was more shocked in this statement than his actions earlier. She couldn't speak.

"Well, would you mind telling me what you are doing here…unless…" Len trailed off considering the possibility that…

"She's my mother," Rin said, pointing to the poorly-made tomb, "She died."

Rin rather not mention the reason of her mother's death, in fear of getting punished for bad-mouthing her highness. Len cocked his head to one side.

"How did she die?" Len asked, almost daring her to.

Rin gulped, "I can't tell."


'This guy is really getting on my nerves' Rin thought.

"Because I have a right to tell you or not, "Rin hoped he wouldn't punish her for her rudeness.

Instead, Len grinned knowingly, "It was mother, right?"

Rin was, for the third time, surprised. Is this really the son of the queen? She has expected him to be rude and easily irritated, like his mother. Unfortunately, he wasn't, so Rin obviously doubted him.

"I know everything, "Len said, almost inaudibly, "Mother has killed a lot of people. She doesn't really have time for me anymore. Every time one would badmouth her, that person would be either branded alive or killed instantly."

Rin said, "You…You don't mind that your mother is like that?"

"I do," Len said instantly, "I really do, but no matter what she does, she's still the one who brought me to this world."

Len added softly, "Even if I don't agree to her actions."

Unfortunately, Rin heard.

"You must really love your mother."

Len looked up. Rin had a tinge of sadness I her eyes yet she was smiling. She didn't want other people to hate their mother, because she really loved hers. She believed that every mother wanted their children to be happy, even if it hurts them and other people.

"Yeah…" len said, "By the way, my name's Len."

"I know," Rin replied, "You are the prince. I'm Rin."

"You have a cute name." Len smiled at her.

Rin felt the heat rush to her cheeks; she hadn't ever been complimented by any other human being than her mother. And to add, it was a boy and the prince that complimented her. This was indeed a very special day.

"Th-thanks." She muttered.

"You know, I know your mother. She was always by mother's side. I saw her get beaten up every time she angered her." Len said.

Rin gulped, knowing what he would say next. She didn't want to answer the upcoming question.

"But she doesn't seem like someone who would badmouth another person, though. Care to explain, Rin?"


"Just Len please."

"I can't." She quickly replied, knowing that she would be in quite a predicament once the queen heard her address the prince as 'Len.'

"Fine." Len gave up, half-curious and half-knowing what happened.

"I…I was the one who spoke ill of her majesty…" Rin confessed, "I killed my own mother… But Len-sama, is it really wrong to say the truth?"

Rin looked at Len hoping he wouldn't do any physical damage to her. She had discovered that len was a nice guy, but she never put down her guard.

"I guess not." Len said, rubbing his temples.

"You should go back. Your mother must be really worried about you."

"I guess I should," Len said, "But I assure you, my mother would care less where I went. She'd rather count her money."

Rin didn't laugh. She learned her lesson. She would never disrespect the queen ever again. She didn't want to get killed herself.

"I hope I get to see you again, Rin." The prince said, as he left.

For some unknown reason (to Rin), she forgot all her pain and felt more confident. It was as if her mother was just there.

After that incident, Len would always accompany Rin in visiting her mother's grave and would even chat with her for a while when he had nothing to do. Rin put away her doubts about Len and started to feel the hole on her heart being filled once again. She had this unexplainable attraction towards Len and his unexpected personality.

Len also felt something for Rin. He felt the absence of parental love being replaced by his friendship with Rin. She was not like other girls. She would always try to hide her true feelings, while she was being destroyed inside.

Both of them enjoyed each other's company very much.

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All writings, drawings, plots, and quotes mentioned here are owned by Keiko Sakura, except those containing disclaimers.

All animes mentioned in this blog are not owned by Keiko Sakura. All names in stories, save for the anime ones, have been thought of randomly and are not implying anything.