Here's chapter two everyone. Oh, and did I mention that the full story is already at Same story title, same name.
Nastume's POV

Mikan's birthday is tomorrow and I can't think of anything to give-Not that I would would care if she likes my present or not...Why don't I aske Imai?-NO! bad idea. I'll just ask Ruka to ask Imai...

~15 minutes later~

"No!" Ruka said, "I will NOT ask Hotaru what is best to give Mikan on her birthday!"

I raised my eyebrow and asked, "And why is that?"

"Well.." He said, "I don't want her to think that i still like Mikan."

I said, "If you'd confess, then all our problems would be solved, you know?"

"No." He said, "i will not confess. Why don't you confess to Sakura-san?"

I said, "I do not like Polka."

"Oh yeah? Why do you keep calling her names? Why are you panicking of what to give her on her birthday?"

"i am not-"

"Why are you asking me to ask Hotaru what Sakura-san likes?"

"FIne." I admitted, "I like her-a little bit. Now, shut up before anyone hears you and that cursed person'll die."

He smirked. My attitude must be wearing off on him...or was it Imai's?

I said, "About the gift..."

"You should ask Sakura-san"

"Hell no! I'd never do that! Any more brilliant suggestions?"

"You have to. If you don't want to end up giving her something she doesn't want."

I smirked, "i already know what she wants."

Hotaru's POV

I strolled around the campus. Mikan's birthday is tomorrow and today's a Saturday. Usually, I'd be in my lab
working on an invention, but today, I didn't feel like it. I already made a gift for Mikan. I know she's gonna break it in about 3-4 days, so I gave her a scrapbook. You can't possibly break a scrapbook, right?

I saw Ruka talking to Hyuuga. I decided to eavesdrop.

"Then" Ruka said, "Why are you asking me what she wants if you already know?"

Hyuuga smirked and I knew that he knew I was here.

"I just wanted to help you..."

"What?" Ruka asked, confused.

Hyuuga said, leaving:

"Confess to...Imai."

WHat..? Ruka...confess So...Ruka...likes me? I walked quickly to my room and debated with myself what I'm supposed to do...I like Ruka...I do..but what if it wasn't true? What if Hyuuga was just teasing him? Right. Like that would happen. Still, maybe it wasn't true...There's a part of me, the part that helped me meet Mikan, that contained hope. The other part of me said 'Why would Ruka like you? It can't be true. You blackmail him everyday. WHy would he like you?'. That part was the one who helped me earn the title 'Ice Queen". Still, there was another little part of me that said 'Wait.'

Someone suddenly knocked at my door. I threatened fate that if it was Ruka, I'm never going to confess.
Fortunately, fate listened to me. It was Mikan.

She looked confused, " you think I should confess?"

I invited her in and said, "To whom." I already know who, but I just wanted to hear it from her.

"Hotaru..." She said, "you already know."

"Say it."

Na-Natsume..." she said, blushing.


"Wait!" she said, "Help me!"

I sat down," fine. But you don't really need help."

SHe asked, "What?"

Wow. That girl is naive. But I can't help her.

I said, "I can't help you in this Mikan."

"WHat? Why?"

"I" I said, "haven't even confessed yet. You should go ask Anna."

"But..." Mikan said, "I thought you know everything!" That girl doesn't really know much.

I smiled, "No one knows everything, Mikan."

"Hmph." she said, "Then, let's make a deal!"

"What kind of deal?"

SHe smiled, "Why don't...we both confess tomorrow?"

She added, "And if one of us doesn't confess, then the other one will give her a dare. Just to be sure!"

I smirked, "Nice plan. Oh, and if you don't confess I'll make you kiss Hyuuga."


I stood up and said, "I need to go somewhere."

Now that I'm sure that Mikan will confess, I need to talk to Hyuuga...or Ruka. The latter seems better, I saw
Ruka at the barn. Typical. He was talking to animals. I don't understand how that's possible, but it's not really my problem. I approached him.

"Hotaru." he said, "What are you doing here?"

I said, "You are a messenger."

He asked, "What? What are you talking ab-Oh, no. I will not pass on a message to Nastume."

I took out my BAKA gun and directed it at his face. He sweated...

I repeated, "You are a messenger."

"O-O-Okay..W-Please put that g-gun down..." he said.

I put it down at my side and said, "Tell him to be ready tomorrow."

"What?" He looked at me, confusingly.

I said, walking away, "Just tell him. You're just a messenger."
Hope you enjoyed it! Arigatou gozaimasu for reading!
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All writings, drawings, plots, and quotes mentioned here are owned by Keiko Sakura, except those containing disclaimers.

All animes mentioned in this blog are not owned by Keiko Sakura. All names in stories, save for the anime ones, have been thought of randomly and are not implying anything.