Last chapter!
Ruka's POV
Well, today's finally the day. Sakura's birthday… Come to think of it, Natsume never told me what he'd give her..and I already passed on the message Hotaru said to Natsume. I wonder what it meant…(Oh, Ruka, you don't know anything!) Sometimes I regret not listening to Narumi when he teaches... Who cares, anymore? Mikan's going to hold a party later at 10. I think she's a bit too old for parties, but she is Mikan.

I looked at the clock. It was still 8:30. I sighed. Well, the early bird gets the worm. I took a bath and changed.

It was still only 9:00. If I go there now, there probably won't be many people there yet… I decided to turn on my laptop and saw that Natsume is online. I decided to IM him.

Hey Natsume


You haven't told me what you'll give Sakura yet.

And why should I tell you?

See? You have no reason to know.

Is it Howalon?


A bracelet?

NO. Stop asking.

But I'm curious!

Are you going to confess later?

Don't change the subject!

I'll answer your question if you answer mine.

Um…I'm thinking of it..

You should confess

What? HEY, what about MY question?

Hyuuga Natsume is offline.

Ugh… He tricked me! Stupid Natsume. I'm gonna get him later. Oh. It's finally 9:30. I guess I should go there now. I picked up my cellphone and saw that I had two messages. One from Natsume and…Hotaru..? I read Natsume's first.

Ruka, I am NEVER gonna tell you what I'll give her. You'll just have to find out for yourself.

I sighed. Natsume just loves torturing me. Then I read Hotaru's.

Nogi, if you're late, I won't let you in. Be on time.

Why do a lot of people like to torture me? I went to the venue, thinking of what it will look like. It'll probably be pink. When I neared the place, Hotaru was there with her arms crossed.

"I said be on time. Not be early."

I sweatdropped, "By the way, why are you here?"

She raised an eyebrow, "Why? Am I not allowed here? Is it illegal for me to stand outside? Am I supposed to be somewhere else?"

I said, "N-Not really..Just…Nevermind."

I went inside while Hotaru stayed there. I was surprised when I saw the place. I expected pink tables and a big pink cake and princesses and Howalons. After all, it was Sakura. But instead, I saw different colors like magenta, blue, white, gold, red and…purple. Okay. Hotaru probably organized this. Oh, but there are Howalons too. But not a mountain.

I saw Sakura talking to Sumire, Anna and Nonoko. Natsume arrived a minute later and we sat on one of the tables until Sakura told us that we were supposed to sit on her according-to-her humongous table. So we did. Natsume was surprisingly quiet today. And I noticed he was carrying a bag…He doesn't usually wear a bag when the things inside are not important. So, it must be Sakura's gift.

At exactly 10:00, Hotaru went in. I realized that the seat beside me was empty…That's probably where she's supposed to sit… I blushed. She went to the small platform and held the mic.

"Welcome, everyone, to Mikan's 16th birthday. Today is indeed a very special day for..all of us. Believe it or not, Mikan has grown from being a clumsy, brainless girl to a clumsy, brainless well… woman. So I thank all of you for coming. Here's a speech from Naru."

Everyone clapped their hands as she made her way to our table. Narumi-sensei went up the platform and began his speech, but I was too bored to listen.

Hotaru said to no one in particular, "I'm hungry…"

I laughed nervously

Mikan said, "Hotaru-chaaaan! Thank you for that wonderful speech earlier!"

Hotaru ignored her.

~Time Skip~

At about 6:00pm, only a few people were left. Hotaru approached me.

"I need to talk to you."

Mikan's POV

Oh my gosh! Hotaru already began her plan! I need to confess too…What should I say to Natsume? I need to talk to him? NO! That would be imitating Hotaru! I don't like imitating people even if Hotaru is amazing and also my role model. But…What should I say! I don't know what to do! I've never confessed before! I can't believe this! But if I don't confess, then Hotaru will make me kiss Natsume! Wait—I could confess then…BUT! It's too soon! I'm panicking! And it's my birthday! Panicking on your birthday is not good! It's a bad omen! They say if you panic on your birthday, you'll die at twenty years old! I don't wanna die at twenty years old!

I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!—Wait… No panicking…No panicking… Breathe in! Breath out! Inhale! Exhale!



UWAAHH! I CAN'T DO THIS! I'm blushing so much! I can't talk to him…I wish a blizzard would come. Then I'll have an excuse for NOT confessing! Oh, I'm so smart! But… Hotaru is smarter than me,..She'll probably see through it… Oh, never mind! I need to do this!

I approached Natsume and sighed, "N-Natsume…Can I talk to you? At the Sakura Tree? Now?"

Hotaru's POV

Ruka and I walked outside the party venue. I'm feeling very uncomfortable right now. Ruka keeps looking at me, curious and waiting to what I have to say. I didn't realy plan this through. This isn't like me at all. I stopped walking. Ruka did, too.

I started, "Ruka...You don' Mikan anymore, right?"

Ruka shook his head, "No. I've gotten over her two years ago.."

" you like someone else?"

He smiled and looked at the sky, "Yes. I do. She's really amazing...She's the one who made me realize that life isn't always fair. And she also taught me a lot of things. I really like I love her."

I looked at him. He looked really serious about... about 'her'. Somehow I don't feel like confessing anymore. I suddenly felt scared...But.. I have to do it.. Not only because 1)this was my idea 2) WHo knows what Mikan'll make me do?... I want to confess, because I want to know if Ruka has the same feelings for me. Sure, yesterday I heard Hyuuga telling Ruka to confess to me, but I don't believe it's true.

I'm Ruka's blackmailer. I am merciless, heartless...Those are the reasons why Ruka liking me isn't possible...

But I'm going to confess no matter what.



I looked down. I don't want to see his face once I say it.

"Ruka, I-I... I love you!"

I closed my eyes. I was scared... I was scared of what he would say... I was scared of the rejection..But it never came. Instead, Ruka lifted my chi up and kissed me.

"I love you too, Hotaru.."

Meanwhile (Mikan's POV)

"U-Um.."Stop stuttering!, "S-So you..?"

I mentally slapped myself. STUPID! Why am I embarassing myself in front of my one and only true love?

Natsume raised an eyebrow.

"S-Sorry!" I said,"That's not what I meant..."

WAH! I need to confess! Or else Hotaru'll make me kiss him-Wait. That's not such a ba idea-NOOOO! I should NOT be thinking of that! What should I do! I'm not thinking straight! I can't think straight! I eat Howalon! Howalon makes me happy. I be if I ate Howalon right ow, I'd be filled with courage!


I glared at Natsume. He's such an annoying pervert!

I crossed my arms, "You could at least be nice to me, because it's my birthday!"

"Happy Birthday then." He said, simply.

Wait. Did I hear that right? He said Happy Birthday? To me?

I said, "umm...Thanks...What were you going to say earlier?"

He hesitated at first, but decided to talk, "Here."

He handed me...a present. A present? A present! Oh my gosh, Natsume gave me a present! THE GREAT NATSUME HYUUGA WHO I'D BEEN IN LOVE FOR FOUR YEARS HAD GIVEN ME A PRESENT! AND I AM GAPING LIKE AN IDIOT IN FRONT OF HIM! I SHOULD STOP USING ALL CAPS BECAUE IT IS BAD NETIQUETTE!BUT I'M TOO HAPPY!-Wait. What if it contains a bomb or something? OH MY GOSH! I'm too young to die!

"I need to go now. Bye." he said as he left.

I stared at his retreating figure, and while processing all the information(Mikan is VERY slow), I opened the present. It had a letter inside.

Hey Mikan..

Happy Birthday. I just couldn't tell you this in person, so I decided that I'll just write it down...I'm
such a coward, aren't I? The truth is...

I love you

It looked like it was written in a rush. I bet he wrote this five minutes before he went here...I felt the tears trickle from my face as I ran after him. I didn't care about the other things inside the box, because he was really far away.I ran as fast as I could and when I reached him, I hugged hi as hard as I could.

I said, "N-Natsume! You ruined it!'


"I.. made a perfectly good plan to confess! And you just ruined it! I was all ready! But you just had to confess first, didn't you!" I said, crying.

He turned around an hugged me back, "You're such a baka.I bet you didn't look further in the box."


"You didn't, did you?"


"Nevermind the real gift."

He put something around my neck...a necklace! Oh my gosh, it' made of gold! And it has a little fire pendant...So cute! But...

"Natsume!" I said, "This must be really expensive! I don't need it..."

"I'm a special star, remember? Besides, it's worth it." he said, smiling.

Natsume looks so handsome when he's smiling...

"Th-Thank you so much, Natsume!" I smiled at him, "I'll treasure it forever and ever!"

This is definitely the best birthday ever.

Thank you for reading!! Dedicated to YOU the person reading this. If there is someone reading this.
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All writings, drawings, plots, and quotes mentioned here are owned by Keiko Sakura, except those containing disclaimers.

All animes mentioned in this blog are not owned by Keiko Sakura. All names in stories, save for the anime ones, have been thought of randomly and are not implying anything.