
Len Kagamine had a plan.

No, it was not a plan to steal Kaito’s ice cream. No, it wasn’t a plan to get Meiko to stop drinking sake. No, it wasn’t even a plan to steal—err, borrow a few dozen bananas from his next door neighbor.

Despite how shallow he looked, Len had an awesome plan. His plan was so awesome that he didn’t even see the banana peel in his way, causing him to slip and fall.

Yes. His plan was that awesome.
A/n: This is a small scene for a future fic I might do. You might notice that there aren't any names mentioned in this little excerpt. I wanted to see what it would look like without the names. The story however, if I choose to continue it, will contain their names in it.

P.S. This is quite vague.

“You’re quiet today,” He remarked, giving her a quick glance as if to prove his point. “Something happen?”

“No.” She replied defiantly. She knew that he would stop questioning after this.

“Okay, okay.” He smiled and focused back on the road.

They were quiet for a few minutes. He was busy concentrating on their route and she was busy contemplating on a decision. She had dealt with the same kind of decision a handful of times before, but she wasn’t sure whether this would be better for only her or for the both of them.

Finally, her mind stopped thinking and she was completely sure.

“I’m breaking up with you.”

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A/n: A preview for a future fic I might do. Normally, I would be against the NatsumeXHotaru pairing. (No offense, shippers.) But then I was reading paradoxes one day, because it is so awesome how they defy the very laws of our logic, and came across this particular paradox.

And, yes, I am aware that my author's note is longer than the preview itself. :>


“What would happen if an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?”

Hotaru Imai was difficult.

He knew that. Heck, everyone knew that. She was abstruse, cryptic and extremely inscrutable.

No matter. He was Natsume Hyuuga, right?


A/n: Already posted this in Check it out here.

Ruka sighed. Tomorrow. He was definitely going to do it tomorrow. There would never be other opportunities like this one. Well, there would be, but it would be three hundred, sixty-five and one-fourth days away. And he just couldn’t wait that long.

He even researched on Saint Valentine, out of desperation. Apparently, according to Wikipedia, there
weren’t many reliable facts about him and there were a lot of people who had the same name as his.

‘You’re so pathetic, Ruka,’ he told himself.

He didn’t even know how to confess. He had never done it before. Sure, he had some minor crushes before
toward people who didn’t have Alices, but he never really got the guts to confess to them. 

Questions crowded his already bustling head. Should he just come out from nowhere, pouring out all of his
overflowing feelings to her? Or should he give her a rose, then tell her? Or maybe he should do it the other
way around?

“Honestly,” Ruka thought to himself, out loud, “Why is it so hard to confess?”

“Well, that depends on the kind of person you are, the kind of attitude the girl possesses, and your history

Ruka turned around to see the owner of the voice. He found himself face-to-face to Hotaru Imai, the well-
known, cold-hearted blackmailer. She had always found joy in selling Ruka’s embarrassing pictures. But
what is she doing, giving him advice about confessing at eleven o’clock in the evening?

Perhaps she had some ingenious plan involving Ruka getting rejected and her getting rich.

“You can’t—calculate love, Imai,” Ruka suddenly burst out. “A-Anyway, what are you doing here?”

He turned around again, not wanting to see her emotionless face when he was planning his awesome plot of
confessing to the beautiful and charismatic Mikan Sakura. Her stoic expression would just clear him of all his
great ideas. 

“I couldn’t sleep.” Was her plain, completely blunt answer. “Anyway, tomorrow you are going to confess to
my friend, Mikan Sakura, and you have no experience in the subject of confession whatsoever.”

Am I really that easy to read?’ Ruka thought to himself. ‘Or is she just very good at reading other
people’s minds, even when they’re trying so hard to hide them?’

“Uh, yeah.”

Hotaru pulled out a pile of paper, neatly stapled, from her bag, which Ruka just noticed right now, and
handed it to him. Instead of taking the paper, he instead stared questioningly at the small bag Hotaru was
carrying and doubted that those papers could fit in there without getting crumpled.

Hotaru, seeing Ruka’s obvious curiosity pinpointing to the bag, said. “It’s one of my inventions. No more
questions. Back to the point, these papers contain information about your object of affection and would
greatly increase your advantage over…competition.”

He took the pile just as Hotaru started talking again. “Mikan likes chocolates—without nuts—puppies,
Howalon, shiny objects—just make sure that they’re not sharp, because she’s such a ditz—and things that
glow in the dark. Plus, you have to be careful in describing her physical characteristics. She gets really
conscious easily.”

Ruka scanned the sheets of paper and found out that it was, actually, a real list of what Mikan likes and not
a fake list so that he could make a fool of himself in front of her. He found a lot of obvious habits, likes, and
dislikes, but he did discover some weird routines that were unusual for Mikan. Unusual, but important.

And if not for this pile of papers, he would never find out about them.

 “Why?” He couldn’t stop himself from asking.

Hotaru, for the first time in a long time, looked at him directly. He suddenly felt very small, like Hotaru was
some amazing, intelligent, exotic creature and he was a small ant.

Then, before he knew it, she was gone, leaving a flabbergasted Ruka, holding in his hand all that he needed
to win Mikan Sakura’s heart.


Ruka held his breath and started to walk, a box of chocolates in his hands. He was determined to at least
get Mikan to smile at him. He remembered the time when she first introduced herself to the class. She was
smiling so much that Ruka was sure Natsume loathed her already. He reminisced about his Snow White play
and how he almost got to kiss her. Or, rather, how she almost got to kiss him and how Natsume threw an
apple at them, ruining their precious moment. *

Ruka took another step, and finally lifted his head from its position facing the floor to his target.

His eyes widened when he saw his best friend, Natsume Hyuuga, already with her and actually succeeding in
making her laugh.  He suddenly felt angry and betrayed.

‘Natsume knew I love her! How could he?’ Ruka asked himself, suddenly finding himself in the men’s
room. He looked at his reflection and the reality of the situation dawned at him. ‘Of course. Of course
Mikan would choose Natsume over me. He’s an amazing Alice user and can control himself properly.
Of course. Compared to him, I’m just… a side kick.’

Natsume had always been the better one.  He was the one who went on missions to save the ones he loved,
he was the one who tried to push people away in fear of dragging him into the darkness that has engulfed
him and, apparently, he was always the one who got the girl.

Ruka sighed. Now what would he do with the box of chocolates he had? He couldn’t possible eat it all by
himself. And besides, that would look desperate.

But then again, he is desperate.


“This is good chocolate,” Hotaru Imai commented, popping another one in her mouth.

Ruka groaned, frustrated at this person’s lack of emotion. “Imai, you’re supposed to be helping me!”

Hotaru ate another piece of chocolate, then said, “So let me get this straight. When you, Ruka Nogi—
Bunny-boy, obvious coward—“

Ruka groaned again, louder this time.

Hotaru continued, emotion never flickering in her eyes. “—finally gets the guts to confess to the bubbly and
clumsy ditz Mikan Sakura, the great, ever-popular Natsume Hyuuga beats him to it. This could be an
interesting story.”

Ruka frowned. “Imai. Are you going to help me or not? Because if you aren’t, you can leave now.”

Hotaru rolled her eyes. “And leave these delicious chocolates rotting in your animal refuge you call a room? I
don’t think so.”

“If it’s the chocolates you want—“

But Hotaru wasn’t listening to him anymore.  She was deep in thought.

“What you need,” she said, eating another piece of chocolate once again. “Is a gimmick.”

Ruka was extremely flabbergasted by this. “A gimmick?”

“Yes, a gimmick,” Hotaru mocked, imitating his voice. “You know, the thing famous people do when
they’re desperate, like singing on a unicycle or dancing with a monkey.”

Ruka’s jaw almost dropped out. “You’re going to make me dance with a monkey?”

“No, stupid.” Hotaru said, scanning the empty box for any signs of a secret compartment in which some
more chocolates could be wedged in. Finding none, she threw the box on the floor. “But something like


“I feel stupid.” Ruka said, frowning.

He was wearing a pink fluffy, bunny suit. It was so unrealistic that it looked more like an oversized pink
teddy bear than an Oryctolagus Cuniculus. **

He didn’t know how this was supposed to help him get Mikan. She would probably just laugh at him. Oh,
and he was supposed to sing her a song too. 

Hotaru smirked. “You look and are stupid, Nogi, so there isn’t anything new, is there?”

If she wasn’t helping him get the woman of his dreams, Ruka swears he would have growled at her right

Then he saw her. She was laughing, just like the time he last saw her, but now, she wasn’t with Natsume
anymore. She was with Tsubasa. 

Ruka didn’t have a problem with Tsubasa before. He was like a big brother to Mikan and he never really
bothered Ruka before, sometimes even supporting him.

But now, seeing her laugh with him, Ruka felt anger.

“Ouch.” Hotaru muttered beside him, no emotion in her face.

But Ruka paid no attention to her. He was so mad at Tsubasa that he had no time to banter with Hotaru

Once he gets his hands on that Shadow Manipulator, he’s going to—going to…

Then it dawned on him that he couldn’t really do anything. It’s not like she was his to begin with. He had no
right to be jealous. He had no right to beat the older dude into pulp, even if that would feel so good to do
right now. He was just a friend, nothing more.

Ruka closed his eyes and sat down, hating himself, for he can’t do anything. He felt someone sit beside him.

“Are you giving up, Nogi?” Hotaru taunted him. “Are you going to let your inner coward out again?”

Ruka became angrier, but being angry didn’t solve his problem. He didn’t understand the meaning of this
weird pep talk.

“There’s nothing I can do,” He whispered.

He heard a sigh beside him.

“So? You know, I’ve learned something, staying in this Academy for four years. We’re Alices. We don’t
have space and time for giving up. When you trip, stand up, proud that you did.”

Ruka didn’t move for a moment. He pondered on what the Ice Queen was saying. Was this real? Was the
Ice Queen really giving advice? Again?

He heard another sigh then footsteps, slowly fading into the distance. He lifted his head up and watched her
back as she walked away from him, her face hidden from his view.



Ruka smiled weakly. It had been a long time since he’d talked to his best friend. “Hi, Natsume. Look, uh, I
need to talk to you. Are you busy?”

“No,” Natsume replied, and walked inside and left the door open. He sat down on his bed and waited for
Ruka to talk.

Ruka walked through the doorway and sighed. “Natsume, is there—is there something between you and

“Ruka, we’ve talked about this,” Natsume said.

They had agreed that both of them would not fight for Mikan anymore. But they both knew that this deal
wouldn’t hold up for long.

“I-I know, I know. It’s just—I don’t think we can keep this up. We can’t just…you know…”

Natsume looked at him. “So you want to be rivals again?”

“I guess,” Ruka replied, looking at the floor.

“Alright.” Natsume said, standing. “Just remember, I won’t hold back this time.”

Ruka smiled. “I won’t, either.”


“Imai, I know you’re in there.” Ruka said, knocking once again at her door.

He wondered what she was doing inside. She wasn’t possibly making another invention, since he could hear
no noise inside. Perhaps she was asleep? 

His question was answered when the door opened slightly, only enough to reveal Hotaru’s face.

“What do you want?” She said, obviously annoyed.

‘Where did the girl who gave me a pep talk earlier go?’

“Are you mad?” I asked her.

She glared at him. “Nogi, if you don’t get to the point right now—”

“I’m going to tell her. Right now,” Ruka said as confident as he could.

Hotaru was quiet.

Then she spoke up, “And if she rejects you?”

Ruka was expecting this. He had thought about it so much that he was surprised that she hadn’t asked him
more questions.

“I-I’ll accept it. It’s no use trying to change her view of me, anyway. If she won’t like me the way I am right
now, then I’m fine with that.” Ruka breathed in. “I would be more ashamed if I acted like a different

“And you’re telling me this—why?”

Ruka smiled. He knew he had to thank her. She was the one who had shaken him up and try harder after all.
He understood that even though she doesn’t show it, she really does care.

“Because I would like to thank you.” Ruka answered. “I’m very grateful for the things you told me earlier.
How do you understand these kinds of things so well, anyway?”

Hotaru looked at him.

For a second, he thought she was going to reveal to him some dark secret of her past, or an earth-shattering
proclamation. For a moment, he felt like she was just going to start pouring out all her feelings about anything
and everything.

“That’s none of your business.”

But then again, she was Hotaru Imai after all.


“Mikan!” Ruka called out to her, nothing in hand. He had decided he would do this simply and properly. He
would be himself. Simple, unsophisticated, gimmick-less Ruka. Besides, he would never dance with a

“Oh, Ruka-pyon! Hello,” Mikan greeted, smiling at him.

“Mikan, I need to tell you something,” Ruka said, seriously.

He looked into her brown eyes to let her know that he was extremely serious. She looked back with the
same intensity.

Mikan nodded. “Okay. What is it?”

Ruka breathed in.

He was going to do this.

No Natsume to stop him this time.

No Tsubasa to aggravate him today.

No Imai to insult and scoff at him now.


‘No Imai…?’

Ruka then remembered everything. From her many pile of papers containing Mikan’s information to her
taunting pep talk. From her “This is good chocolate,” to her “You look and are stupid, Nogi, so there
isn’t anything new, is there?”

“Hello? Rukaaa-pyoooon…”

Ruka suddenly snapped up and found himself inches from Mikan’s face.


He was supposed to blush at times like this. His mind was supposed to go haywire and his thoughts were to
bounce all over his brain. His hormones were to go crazy and he was to say something extremely stupid.

But he felt nothing.

“Mikan…” Ruka said.

“What happened? You looked weird a few seconds ago,” Mikan said pulling back and pouting, completely
losing her seriousness. 

“Nothing,” Ruka said, more to himself than to Mikan. “It was nothing.”

But he knew that there was something.


A grunt. A shuffling of feet. A few steps.

“It’s me.”

“Nogi, how many times do you have to knock on my door in a day for you to be satisfied?”

Ruka paid no heed to her question. “Please open the door.”

She didn’t make another sound after that and opened the door slightly, only enough for him to see her tired
eyes. She glared at him at first, but then, as if remembering that he had confessed, relaxed and appeared to
be trying to search his face of any signs of melancholy.

She found none.

She opened the door a little bit more and narrowed her eyes at him. “She didn’t reject you.”

He stopped himself from grinning. ‘She’s jumping into conclusions again.’

“No. She didn’t.”

“So, I guess you’re a couple now.” She concluded, as emotionless as ever. “Just don’t break her heart or
I’d have to shoot you with my new and improved BAKA Cannon, which becomes more powerful the more
fear you show. Do you still have the information I gave you?”

Ruka decided to play along. For the moment, anyway.

He replied, “No. I lost it.”

She sighed, as if knowing this was going to happen. “I guess I’ll have to print you another one, then, so as
not to have any problems.”

“That won’t be necessary,” He told her.

He was enjoying this. Perhaps Hotaru Imai had not calculated for this to happen. If he was right and she
didn’t expect Mikan to accept his feelings, why did she encourage him? Was that pep talk just an ingenious
plan to make him more depressed when he got rejected?

Maybe he’d have more time for questions tomorrow, but now, he has to do something first.

“And why is that?” Hotaru questioned, searching his sapphire eyes for an answer. “Don’t tell me you
memorized all those.”

She seemed to think for a moment before continuing, “But then again, you are desperate.”

“Thanks.” He said, rolling his eyes. “But that’s not the reason.”

She seemed to contemplate on this for a moment, trying to search her mind for some other solution to this
complicated multi-step equation.

She appeared to have found none, since she narrowed her eyes at him once again, her amethyst orbs
contrasting against the brown, wooden door of her room and her hair swaying slightly to the cool breeze of

She started talking once more, “If this is a trick, Nogi I swear—“

She couldn’t continue her sentence, though, to her obvious dismay, as his lips pressed on hers. It was not
rough, and was almost gentle. And it was extremely short.

“And, uh,” Ruka mumbled, and it would have been inaudible to her if her senses have not been heightened
by the kiss. “Th—That’s the reason…”

She looked at him and he felt small once again, as he did when she first helped him. Perhaps he should name
that kind of look, since it seems like he would be seeing that more often now. ‘The scary look’ is too simple
and ‘The look that makes you feel like an ant while she is a mysterious exotic hybrid’ is too long.

She muttered, “Do you feel stupid right now?”

His eyes met hers and he was stuck. He knew he wouldn’t be able to avert his eyes for a while. Her eyes
looked so tantalizingly beautiful that he wanted to kiss her again. Despite his desire to press his lips to her
soft ones, he knew she wouldn’t allow him and he respected that.

"Uh, a little bit," Ruka replied, only realizing what he had done and the consequences that would befall him

He then saw her lips curve up into an amused smile. Never in his life would he have thought that he would
make Hotaru Imai smile. But then again, he never thought he would kiss her too, so for a day like this,
Hotaru smiling looked quite mundane.

He had kissed Hotaru Imai and she did not have him assassinated. Life is good.
A/n: And I am back. With a non-fanfiction story. I really liked this one, even though the thoughts are all over the place. I may post another one soon. :)

Look at Me

“Look at me.”

I did not mean ‘look at me physically,’ but you did. You averted your gaze from the small puff of white in your hands and stared up at me. You then slowly stood up and, probably sensing the seriousness in my face, let go of the bunny, your eyes never leaving my face.

“What’s wrong? You look frustrated.”

See? You judged my mood by the expressions shown on my face. You did not know that what you were seeing was merely the tall fortified walls that surrounded my obscure feelings. I don’t blame
you. Only one person has ever passed through those fortifications of mine. Still, I wanted you to
pass through. I just couldn’t let you.

“What do you think?”

You must have thought that I was frustrated about a failed invention or a broken robot, since you
smiled knowingly, and I knew right then and there, even when you couldn’t really understand me,
that I was not enough for you. Never enough.

“You need to relax, Karin.”

Oh, look. You used my first name. Your voice was even friendly, even casual, yet we both knew that
we were nothing but friends. Distant friends.

“I’m perfectly relaxed right now.”

Why was I so stubborn? Maybe you would have been kinder to me if I didn’t let pride outrun the
racing emotions inside my fortifications, trying to get out. Why did I let Pride out, but not the others?
I could see from your expression that you weren’t pleased by my answer.

“Really, now?”

You had no fortresses, no limitations to your emotions. You let them out almost every moment and
you’re always able to smile or frown if you wanted. It must be a pain to keep your feelings stable.

“Are you saying that I, myself, don’t know how I feel, Sato?”

I was cold that time. No, wait. I was numb from the pain when I said that. I wanted to make you
suffer, even when you did nothing wrong. I wanted to make you feel the pain I had felt. I had once
wished I had my brother’s Alice, but now, I find myself thinking that it is so ridiculous.

“No. I’m saying that you’re lying.”

You were so blunt. Even now, you can’t help blurting out your very feelings about every single thing
that could offend you or any of your friends. I couldn’t help but admire that from you.

“You’re not looking at me.”

I was so sure of myself. I thought that he was the one responsible for all the hurt I have inflicted
upon myself. It was like using the Pain Alice on myself, yet why did I blame you so much for my fall? I
fell and stumbled on myself and my Pride, yet you still smiled at me. Why did you smile?

“I am.” 

I'm really sorry I haven't posted for a very, very long time. I've had Writer's Block a few weeks ago, but I have already recovered and am currently contemplating on my ongoing stories--and some new ones I haven't posted yet. I have lots of time, so I don't really have an excuse for this hiatus.

I just felt it. Don't get me wrong; I love writing and I love this blog. (even though I don't have much followers, but doesn't matter, so meh)

may continue to write in the future. Just now now. So, bye-bye for now! :)

Just rants. This is in Hotaru Imai's POV. Enjoy? :)

Whenever I see someone accomplish something I haven't accomplished yet, I get into a bad mood. Whenever I see someone who's better than me, I can't stand it. I just can't stand letting other people get to a higher level of life earlier than me.

Maybe that's why I got attached to Mikan Sakura. She never gets high grades, and she is very clumsy. She never surpassed me in anything I could think of. Well, at least, at that time. You see, Mikan Sakura has surpassed me in a hundred ways more than what I have achieved. I was just to focused on studies, inventions, and every other thing I counted as competitive to realize that Mikan has beat me.

For one, Mikan has made a lot of friends, while I stayed within the circle of my mind. She socialized with peers, while I read a Science Book in the corner. Her happiness blinds her so that she would trip over the most microscopic of things. Mikan Sakura has surpassed me in more ways than I could think, actually.

Sure, she isn't smart nor is she elegant, but she has succeeded in getting rid of the selfishness in her heart. She has made friends with Life and has almost succeeded in shunning Sadness away.

She has done all that, yet she still befriends me. Sometimes, I contemplate if her brain was especially made for her. After all, it suits her perfectly. Me? I don't know. My brain was probably made like everyone else's, but I had enhanced it better than them.

Anyway, I don't even know why I'm writing this. I could never compare to Mikan Sakura. That's probably the point of all this rants. That is all.

Asdfghjkl. This is so not what I expected it to be. Writer's Block sucks. Literally. It sucks all the inspiration from my brain and probably sends it to some alien in another Solar System. Off to make another post~

Just a Notice

All writings, drawings, plots, and quotes mentioned here are owned by Keiko Sakura, except those containing disclaimers.

All animes mentioned in this blog are not owned by Keiko Sakura. All names in stories, save for the anime ones, have been thought of randomly and are not implying anything.