I haven't written for a long time and have no new ideas whatsoever so I'm going to continue a Multi-chaptered story. To read the first chapter, please click here.

"So, Hotaru, I hear Ruka-pyon's got a rival," A grinning brunette told her best friend, nudging the latter's shoulder.

"Okay," Hotaru replied, not bothering to look up from her ongoing invention.

Mikan sighed at her best friend's indifference. Doesn't she realize that maybe Ruka and her might split up!? That the "rival" may destroy their wonderful relationship!?

The two were at the Inventor's room and Mikan was trying really hard to strike up a conversation, but apparently, Hotaru wasn't in the mood to talk, since she's really busy with her new invention.

"Hotaru, do you even care for your and Ruka-pyon's relationship?" Mikan said, running out of words to say.

To her surprise, Hotaru put her screwdriver down and stopped working. Mikan looked curiously at Hotaru, who had her back facing the brunette. She couldn't see her eyes, so she couldn't tell what she was feeling. Whether it was hurt or confusion, she didn't know.


"I do care," came a voice from the raven-haired girl.

Mikan smiled, knowing that her best friend may be blushing at that moment. She grabbed her hand and said, "I believe you. And I'm sure Ruka-pyon knows that too."


"Damien?" Natsume snorted. "What a stupid name. How does he expect to tame the Ice Queen with a stupid name like that."

Ruka frowned. "Bad choice of words, Natsume. According to the internet, apparently, the name "Damien" means "to tame."

Natsume raised an eyebrow. "You researched on his name?"

"I-I was just curious!" Ruka defended, knowing that this conversation would lead to an awkward discussion with Ruka desperately trying to prove his gender and Natsume, thoroughly teasing him.


"If he was never born, everything would have been better," Ruka said.

"Now that's just cruel," Natsume said, smirking. "Cruel, but true."


"Ma dame équitable, a fait vous le sav Paris is considered the capital of the world in terms of quality of life?" Damien asked, clearly proud of his own country.

"Okay," Hotaru replied, not even caring about "France."

He had been talking about France this and France that for the past hour and Hotaru is sick of it. Would it hurt to talk about something else for even just a minute? For a moment, Hotaru thought of Ruka, and how he would always let he pick the topic for their conversation.

Hotaru unconsciously smiled.


Hotaru again covered her real self up with her curtain of indifference. "What."

Damien pouted, attempting to look cute. "Why do you hate me so much?"

Hotaru sighed. 'Ruka Nogi, if you don't come here this moment, I am going to maul you later.'

It was annoying for her, listening to a guy who clearly had nothing more to do than to talk. He also hated it when she wouldn't listen and would get more annoying.

A soft rustling was heard and when Hotaru looked up, she saw the guy she was waiting for. Dressed in a blue sweater and black pants, Ruka Nogi made his way toward his acquaintance and girl friend. Why did she need to pick out such a bushy place to have tea?

"Uh..hi." He greeted, awkwardly.

"Oh, hi, Nogi-san!" Damien greeted a little loudly. "Hotaru-sama and I have been waiting for you for so long! Of course, I entertained her, because she looked positively bored! Do you want to join in..."

The rest of Damien Blaise's words were tuned out of the minds of the couple as Ruka Nogi went to get a chair, never losing his gaze on Hotaru.


"Strasbourg?" Damien asked. "That's the one where Abraham Lincoln died, right?"

"What?" Ruka answered, completely unaware of that fact.

"I'm just kidding," Damien said, inwardly laughing because Ruka doesn't know a thing about his hometown.

"Of course you were..." He muttered.

Hotaru rolled her eyes at the her two "bodyguards" for the evening. They have been acting immature all day and she isn't enjoying it one bit. They just finished "tea," and were heading over to see a movie. Hotaru looked over at the two boys. They were almost polar opposites, except for the fact that they have French Blood.

'I wonder what my life would have been if Ruka had never gone to my life...'

I have been seated with our school valedictorian last year. I have seen how he became the valedictorian. He always took extra time in taking tests. He never let go of a test until he had finished. I wasn't surprised; he was smart and he definitely knew it, But he never got cocky. If he does say he's smart, it's usually just a joke. He was just like all of us students, but he was able to get rid of his "just student" status and astonished our teachers when his name was the one called in the stage.

I was also friends with the salutatorian. We have been childhood friends since birth, so I knew that she was smart. She didn't let our valedictorian's intelligence stop her attempts in trying to overtake him. She was fully motivated and had the brains for the job. I always admired her. She was able to ace a test that was so hard for me. I was never that smart, although. Because she was, well, beaten, she tries harder this year. At times, she uses her recess for lunch and her lunch for studying.

This year, I have been seated near some...unadmirable students. I have seen them stoop down so low to cheat. Their reason? "It was unfair." Yeah, well, they're not the only ones treated unfairly. All the others received the same treatment too, but they were the only ones--in my knowledge--that cheated. I saw how comfortable they were with their plan and I didn't see an inch of guilt in their eyes.

One of my closest friends cheated once too. I couldn't believe it. I never expected her to do such a thing. She was smart, though she would never really admit it. I denied it so much that I learned to teach my mind that it wasn't true. If she was someone else, she would've have done it again. I should've had confronted her about it; I should have told her that it was wrong.

I know. I have been plenty lazy lately and I honestly don't know what to talk about, but this suddenly poofed into my mind! Since our anime for the month of September is Special A--one of the animes I watched when I was still a newbie in the anime world--I decided to talk about it. :)

Special A, although not an anime with very good art, succeeds in making us laugh all the time. It's about a girl--Hanazono Hikari--who has a rival --Takishima Kei-- and forever vows to always try in beating him (though she never really does).

Her determination and want to succeed make her a person to be admired by many and she has, actually, a lot of fans. The first few episodes are a little simple, showing humor and some undiscovered facts about the seven people in the Special A--Tohdoh Akira, Tsuji Ryuu, Takishima Kei, Hanazono Hikari, the Yamamoto twins, and Tadashi Karino.

The two rivals met when they were six years old. Their fathers, who were ultra-fans of Pro-wrestling, introduced them to each other. Hikari, who thought she was the best in wrestling, challenged Kei to a fight and was surprisingly beaten by him. After that incident, she swore to beat him at everything she does.

Completely oblivious Hikari never noticed that Kei was in love with her and Kei never had an intention of letting her know.

Kairu said that the art was not very good, especially in close-up scenes of Akira and Tadashi
Yukiko stated that she tried to watch the anime, but didn't really like it.
I, on the other hand, like it and although the art isn't that good, the scenes were nice. And I liked all of their childish personalities. :)

Don't forget to like my page in facebook: Abstract Memories in Facebook
I had low grades and I don't know if I can post as often as before. So, I made this while watching Annoying Orange (Haha, ang layo)

Dear You,

I know I have been in the wrong. I know I was stupid. Correction: I am stupid.

I want to laugh at myself right now, for being so childish, being so oblivious to your feelings.

I know you're mad. I can see it in your eyes when you look at me. Believe me, I have had plenty experiences where I have seen people's emotions in their eyes. I have seen people look disappointedly at me. I have seen them stare at me with sad eyes. Sure, I became sad when I saw that I have let them down, but it felt different when I saw you.

Once upon a time, we were friends. Remember that time? I don't think you do. The trivial things, the small things, the simple things...Maybe they don't mean a thing to you, but they do to me. I mean, they did to me.

I loved you. I really did. Despite the fact that you were just like other guys, my heart seemed to have a small attraction toward you. It all seems stupid now; my love, I mean.

Look at you. You have changed a lot. I have, too. My former enemy is now my friend and he even says that I've gotten kinder. I'm proud of my achievements. I'm proud that I was able to life myself up again from the quick sand of regret that I have been sinking in for such a long time.

But the sinking feeling is still there, you know? It's true that if you experience something sad, you will never be able to forget it. I used to be so naive. So childish and oblivious. I isolated myself from the rest of the class when I wanted to befriend them so badly.

I don't regret isolating myself, because I met you that way (I think). I was quiet. My teacher wanted me to talk more, so she sent me beside you. Were you noisy? You were, I noticed.

I don't know. I don't know anymore. What should I do when you talk to me again? What would I do? But then again, maybe you won't even talk to me.

I was so mean to you. But if I apologize, will you even forgive me let alone, see my apology? I guess not. I don't even know what to feel right now. Should I feel happy that I have moved on?

Thinking about it, there was really nothing to move on about. You didn't hurt me. I hurt myself, because I kept telling myself that you were the one at fault.

I regret doing those mean things to you. Do you hate me? If you do, your feelings are justified, unlike mine. I felt hurt, but you didn't even do anything. I laugh at myself even until today.

Remember the first few days of Grade Five? We were still friends then. You kept throwing paper ball at me. I did the smart thing and when I had enough papers, I combined them all and threw the big ball at you. We were so childish then.

We're in High School now, so I think it's time to forget about the past. I'm going to do just that.

I'm going to forget about you.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I just don't know what to do anymore. I just want to get rid of this sinking feeling inside and...I don't know. I just want to forget.

I don't hate you. Well, I did condition my heart to hate you for the last two years. Because, like I said, I urged my brain to believe that you were the one at fault.

Ha-ha. It all seems so silly right now. If I laugh right now, I think I would burst to tears. That's how my brain works. When I try to look alright, I end up crying in the end.

I'm such a crybaby. Mo mother told me to "grow up" today. But that's a different matter.

What I want to say is, thank you. Thank you for not talking to me. Now I can truly move on  forget about what happened. Thank you very much and I'm sorry for being so mean and oblivious.

Truly Yours,

I remember when I was introduced to the world of Vocaloid. My cousin suggested it to me and showed me a song in Youtube, but unfortunately, I wasn't able to remember it. It was a great song. I enjoyed it entirely. Then my cousin showed me another video. This, I was able to remember. She showed me "World Is Mine" by Hatsune Miku and I was greatly amazed when she told me that the singer was a program.

It took a lot of explaining after I finally figured out what "voice synthesizer" means, but I was eager to learn. After that encounter, I started seacrhing "Vocaloid" in Youtube and eventually came across Rin and Len. I was captured by their cuteness and immediately started listening to their songs. The first song I listened from them is "Romeo and Cinderella."

Just recently, I was introduced once again to another member of the Vocaloid Family: Gumi. Up to this day, she is still my favorite and I enjoy her more natural-like voice and her songs. One of my favorites is "Coward Mont Blanc."

Just a Notice

All writings, drawings, plots, and quotes mentioned here are owned by Keiko Sakura, except those containing disclaimers.

All animes mentioned in this blog are not owned by Keiko Sakura. All names in stories, save for the anime ones, have been thought of randomly and are not implying anything.